Thursday, July 19, 2007


H1B is a cure consisting of five pills which were discovered in Nigeria. Oh, Nigeria! You fickle mistress of AIDS and HIV Cures! When will you crack down on these nutcases!?

A Yahoo!Chat user, wilbanksanthony, invented H1B (which works to kill HIV through the widely known and internationally accepted chemical process called "H1B Process". What do you mean you've never heard of it?) and says that after five days of taking these five pills not only will you be cured of HIV infection (and AIDS) but cancer and diabetes, too! It's a miracle! No wonder nobody's ever heard of this shit. Oh, and it does the ever popular "boosting" of the immune system. Whatever the hell that means.

(It's been argued that "boosting" one's immune system which is already being attacked by HIV can cause more damage than good since HIV uses the immune system to replicate itself. So, if H1B did anything other than take money from your pocket at put it into wilbanksanthony's it might actually leave you worse off than before. But I digress. But only a little bit.)

The charge for H1B is $2,500 because he is "in Nigeria" and all we have to do is go to Nigeria to find out for ourselves.

On the plus side, the results of this asshole's "cure" have been published in the unavailable-online "Imo State University Medical School Journal". Now, there is an Imo State University but whether or not they have issues of their medical school's Journal is in question. In fact, wilriverbanks here never was able to provide a URL to the possibly nonexistant Journal. In response to whether or not he could provide me a URL, he replied, "I do not have a URL because its very costly getting here in Nigeria". Clearly, he doesn't know what I meant.

Further, he said he was in an Internet Cafe. Did I forget to mention that he claims to be "Medical biochemist"? Ooops! So, this asshole is a Medical Biochemist, doesn't have enough money to buy a computer, has discovered the cure for AIDS, (H1B which works by the H1B process) and claims that building a website is "very costly" in Nigeria.

Now, get this. He actually did eventually tell me what the five pills of H1B are. That's surprising in and of itself considering there are other users in the chat room who claim that they can't disclose their cure because the Nigerian government will steal it. The five pills of H1B are, "Cocaine, natural herbs, Calcium, water, elipikinih". Ta da! That's it!

The first four, I kinda know what they are. (Cocaine!?!? This asshole is selling cocaine!!?!) But that last one is a bit of a mystery. He explained that "Elipikinih is a drug that was discovered in Nigeria that boost [sic] the Immune [sic] instantly and kills virsus [sic]" And nobody's ever heard of this wonder drug that kills all viruses!?

He addressed that concept, too. He claims that all Nigerian reporters are "corrupt" and would steal his bullshit H1B and claim they invented it. Who cares, asshole! It doesn't DO anything except make you HIGH!

He went on and on and even claimed to have cured five people of HIV infection (but couldn't provide any verifiable information such as names, and independant researchers who verified these people being cured). But I'll leave you with this little tid-bit. He said he's only out to help the world and not himself. Kind of a worthy and noble goal. But then why the HELL is this fucking asshole selling this Water-and-Cocaine McCormick Spice Blend for $2,500!? Is he only trying to help the part of the world that has money!?

What an asshole.....