Tuesday, September 18, 2007


(Yes, I really do mean a bunch of question marks.)

jackie_avery08 claims to have been cured of HIV infection by a doctor with the highly credible email address of drwilliamsyemi@yahoo.co.uk in Nigeria.

What is the cure? Nobody knows. And neither Jackie nor "Dr." William Syemi are talking about it. Other than to say there's a cure. (Why do Nigerian "doctors" think they can just say something and expect people to believe it? Don't they know that it's up to the person making the claim to prove it? I suppose not...) Why aren't they talking about it? Because the Nigerian Government will take the cure from them. So they have to announce the cure as anonymous internet chat room users on Yahoo.

I asked Jackie to prove that there was a cure. He (she?) wanted to know how to do that so I gave the usual lines of "peer-reviewed medical journal," "independantly verified," etc., etc., etc... The response: "I will never do that because the doctor wants us to keep everything in coded [sic]"

And the conversation just sort of degenerated from there. It was ugly. "May the blood of those you infect be on your hands," "Then you wil die!" stuff like that.

Never fear, though. Jackie will be back either under that screen name or some other hawking the usual bullshit line. "I have a cure! Believe me! I do!"