Friday, March 14, 2008

Herbs Smeared on Your Body by the President of The Gambia on Thursday

This comes to us from the President of The Gambia. It's a tiny, insignificant country on the Atlantic coast of Africa.

See? There it is. So cute and tiny and insignificant and surrounded on three sides by Senegal. So I suppose it's only reasonable that President Jammeh, President of The Gambia, should take time away from his busy, busy schedule to study, develop, test, and administer a cure for HIV and AIDS. But, you should know, it's only available on Thursdays (on Friday or Saturday, he cures asthma). And only to 10 people. Really. He says,
The mandate I have is that HIV/Aids cases can be treated on Thursdays. That is the good news and the bad news is that I cannot treat more than ten patients every Thursday. There is nothing I can do about it and if I go beyond that I will have to pay the price. (

I don't really know what to say about this. I mean, come on! An herbal cure for AIDS that is only available to 10 people and only on Thursday? And the same thing that cures 100 people of asthma?

Anyway, let's dig a little deeper... He has a whole string of seemingly arbitrary "requirements" for people receiving this "treatment". One of which is to not chew chewing gum. And to not take any "western" medicines other than the ones he's using on you. Yes, that's right, this "cure" involves the use of "western" medicines. (I assume those are anti-HIV medications such as Sustiva, Zerit, Epivir, Atripla, etc.)

He even goes so far as to publish a page with the supposed Viral Loads of those people he's treated. But, if you look at those numbers, they're incredibly bad! Viral loads in the 19-million and upwards of 63-MILLION copies!! And, in others, the viral loads are merely undetectable. That is probably about the farthest from a cure I've seen!!

And, he also lists the CD4 counts of those same patients. And, they're not much better! CD4 counts as low as 23 is NOT A CURE!!!

I sure hope that this asshole's "patients" get better treatment from someone who actually knows what the hell they're doing. This ass isn't doing anything to help his "patients".

By the way, you can also Search the Archives on his site for even more astounding bullshit.