Ok, maybe "ubiquitous" was a bit much (but what do you expect from a blog that takes too long to write on a crappy Dial-up internet connection??).
Yahoo! User "fathermc2006" (I assume it's not M.C. Hammer trying to get some money...) has this, uh, thing called "Mala" which he says (in a private message or IM to me) "Cures HIV/AIDS."
But that isn't what he started out with. He started out trying to get me to buy anti-HIV medications such as, I suppose because he never listed them (I should have just made up a name like "Hivivatia"), Sustiva, Epivir, Zerit, Abacavir, Combivir, etc. from him in Africa. Why? It's only my suspicion (which is usually right) because he would take the money and then never send a damn thing. And why do I believe this is what he'd do? Well, read on...
So, When I asked him which medications he had, he said he has "native drugs for HIV/AIDS". And, after some poking and prodding and some beration, he said he had a "native drug" called Mala. All one has to do to get the drug is to pay this M.C. Hammer rip-off an "application fee". We'll get to that later....
And, what is this "Mala"? It's a plant called "Here in Africa". Really! I asked him "What plant [is Mala from]?" and he replied "Here in Africa." I'll hafta check with the local botany department at the university but I don't think there's a plant called "Here in Africa"...
Oh, and of course he has proof. Sorta. He says he's a doctor but didn't go to medical school. But Mala was tested by "some medical doctors" whose results were published "here in Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Togo etcs. [sic]".
And, when I asked him "How do you measure HIV being 'Cured'?" he said, "You have to pay for application fee before I wil [sic] answer any qestion [sic] from you." So, I have to give this asshole some money before he'll even answer questions!? What the FUCK!?
I asked him how many people had been "cured". "2 million". Yep! Two Million people cured of AIDS from the "Here in Africa" plant. And it's never been on CNN!? I asked for a name of ONE of these millions. He said I had to pay the application fee. He couldn't even make up a fake name and testimonial!!??? He's not working very hard.
And how much is this "application fee"? It's $1,000. Yep. For just $1,000 I could get this fucker to answer questions. I asked him where I would find the "application" and he said he'd send it to me after receiving my $1,000. What the FUCK!?!? (again!)
This lazy-ass bullshitter is sitting' there in an internet cafe in Nigeria expecting people with HIV and AIDS to just send him $1,000 for a fucking application! This is one fucking lazy scammer! He doesn't even have the creativity to make up fake people and testimonials!!
And, for the record, here is his "contact information" he sent to me so I could send him that fucking "application fee":
fathermc2006: HERE IS MY
TELEPHONE NUMBER 234:08033219623
fathermc2006: MY NAME IS DR. JUDE NNEBO.
What a fucking dipshit!
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