Sunday, November 12, 2006


Yes, after a very busy September here on the blog, I ran into a brick wall through all of October. So shoot me. I'm not getting paid for this. (Now, if you want to pay me for this, you're more than welcome to!!)

Anyway, on to Faith....

It seems the HIV/AIDS:1 chat room on Yahoo! goes through spurts of various people trying to get the chatters there to buy some "cure". The most recent spat was a bunch of people spewing that through faith alone, one can cure HIV and AIDS. One of 'em even starting singing pathetically supposedly uplifting christian music on the microphone into the room. Well, I suppose it would be most accurate to call it "vocalizing". He couldn't sing. Not even carry a tune in a bucket. It was amusing and horrible both at the same time.

I don't have Yahoo! handles for ya this time (mainly 'cause my mind is like a seive) so you'll just have to take my word for this one. I asked one (or maybe more, I don't really know) what he or she would say to the billions who have HIV or AIDS that weren't cured through "faith" or prayer. And to the reply (which I forget), I asked, "So, if the person wasn't cured, it was the person's fault for not having enough faith, right? It had nothing to do with HIV and AIDS not being curable??" I remember one of them logged off the chat room right after being asked that.

And, I know I asked a couple of these folks how they knew the person with "faith" had been cured. One of 'em replied that he'd seen the "HIV Papers" of the person. When asked what he meant by "HIV Papers", he logged off.

Still others said that with prayer, one can be cured from HIV or AIDS. I pointed out the results of a study done in England near the beginning of 2006 that indicated that prayer had no positive effect on the recovery of people in the hospital. And, in some cases (where the patient knew he or she was being prayed for), the patient actually got worse rather than better. So, prayer does nothing. Zilch. Nada. And, can even hurt people.

I also pointed out that since God will do anything he wants to anyway, their prayers wouldn't force God to do anything.

Finally, some even said that God can do anything. But, according to Judges 1:19, God couldn't "drive out the inhabitants of the valley, because they had chariots of iron.". And, in Hebrews 6:18 "It was impossible for God to lie." So, God can't do anything. These people generally don't like this part of the discussion....

It's pathetic. These people think they're helping folks but they really aren't. They're really just being arrogant religious nut cases. "If you had the faith that I do, you'd be cured". That isn't uplifting nor is it helpful. Face it. There is no known cure for HIV nor for AIDS. I wish these poeple would get this simple little fact through their brains....

("Let the negative commentary commence!!!")


Anonymous said...

The title of your article refers to the faith people have in God to heal them. They have little chance for success if they don't have faith in themselves. There are many natural non toxic ways to fight HIV infection. Be careful of having too much faith in the drug companies. All their AIDS drugs are toxic. They cause many blood abnormalities and liver problems.

BryanB said...

Surprisingly, I'm leaving this comment. Mainly because, for 3/4 of the comment and in the broadest possible sense, I agree with what Mr. (or Ms.) I'm-Too-Afraid-To-Give-My-Name says.

Faith in themselves: Yes, if one completely gives up hope of surviving natrually one's health will decline.

Natural ways to fight HIV: Yes, there are natural ways to help counteract HIV infection. Building lean muscle tissue is one of them. Eating well, getting plenty of rest, etc. are others. Though, I do know that this person was referring to "natural remedies"; probably the same natural remedies blown to bits on this blog.

Where the person here goes wrong is when he/she starts talking about how the "AIDS drugs" are toxic. Yes, many Anti-HIV medications have some bad side-effects; most drugs do--EVEN the "natural" ones.

Anti-HIV medications have saved countless lives. Anti-HIV meds are the only proven and accepted way to fight HIV infection. I know, very intimately, at least one person who probably wouldn't be alive today if it weren't for these anti-HIV medications. So don't go talking to me how anit-HIV medications are "toxic".