Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Sick AIDS No More

Back in January, henryobing2002 from Nigeria wandered aimlessly into the HIV/AIDS chat room and said that he has the "remady" for AIDS. Ok, so he really called it a "remady 4 aids". O'Henry here said that he has treated 35 people who have each paid him $3000 (I assume US dollars) "with some gift"

Sick AIDS No More apparently takes "ur [sic] faith to work". But what does it do? How does it work? What the hell is in it? Who the fuck knows. O'Henry sure didn't other than saying it's some "prepared herbs". But he did mention something about "traditional herbalists" and the information being supressed by the government. (Ooo! That Evil Government again!) Oh, and that he cured a medical doctor of AIDS back in August or September, 2006. (This fictional medical doctor paid him $5,000 and a car.)

He did also say that we can pay him what we want but nothing less than $3,000.

I asked him how long he'd been studying the cure for AIDS, "Sick AIDS No More" and he said that he'd inheirited it from his dead grandfather, Aghalakah. So this asshole didn't even *discover* this fake cure; his dead bullshit grandfather did and he got it 9 years ago. And in that nine years, "Sick AIDS No More" has only cured 35 people. Seems pretty ineffective to me...

Regardless, I asked him all the usual questions (Peer-reviewed journal; how do you know they had AIDS?; you know the drill) and he, as usual, didn't have the "right" answers.

However, he did offer to cure "my people" of AIDS. And, although he said he was in Nigeria at first, he then suddenly moved to Singapore. And then, a few minutes later, was in London. And then he was back in Singapore.

And we started negotiations on how to get 15 of "my people" to him to be cured. I said that he would have to pay for the whole trip himself. First Class airfare to Singapore from various international locations. And put us up in private hospital rooms. (He'd first tried to get all 15 of us to stay in his fucking house without adequate medical care in the event of an emergency!) For the two weeks this "cure" would take that would end up costing this asshole almost half a million dollars. I asked him to PayPal me $250,000 as a show of good faith and so we could purchase our tickets to Singapore. And that's where negotiations broke down. He kept saying that I needed to have a visa to visit Singapore before he would send the money. However, the fucking bullshiter never, EVER said what it was on or about the visa would be proof of an impending visit.

After the negotiations broke down, he just kept telling the chat room that he had a cure. All this stinking, overgrown fetus had was a way he thought he could bilk money out of sick people. Fucking asshole!


Anonymous said...
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BryanB said...

The above post which has been deleted was deleted because it was little more than an advertisement for a Java-based AIDS chat room. On the two URLs the guy provided, there were far too many "Ads by Goooogle" for me to feel comfortable leaving the link in. Not only that, but this guy also provided a link to a site which I presume he runs which sells a Home-Based HIV testing kit.

While I agree with HIV testing and with chatting about HIV and AIDS on the internet, I'm not going to let this blog turn into a commercial forum for other interests. Comments which are little more than spam for another site will continue to be summarily deleted.

Anonymous said...
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BryanB said...

See above... Ditto... But add about 365 days. If POZ here can ever actually comment on the content of a post the commentary will likely stay. Obviously, this character doesn't read the posts and just wants to spamvertise his own java-based chat rooms.

Anonymous said...

You deleted the chatroom becasue everyone there claims that there is no cure for HIV, you cannot handle someone with different opionions!

Anonymous said...

Fuk you goof, I read them, they all fucking bullshit so I don't reply them to be nice to you!

Anonymous said...

You deleted the chatroom becasue everyone there claims that there is no cure for HIV, you cannot handle someone with different opionions!

BryanB said...

This guy "Poz" here seems to have some problems with reading comprehension. The subtitle of this blog is "The Ridiculous Claims of Internet Users Who Claim to be Able to Cure HIV and/or AIDS". He should be a little more careful on what he's saying so he doesn't look like an idiot. Heck, I mean, in the sidebar I have written is bold letters "There is no known cure for AIDS." How can this guy think that I'm somehow promoting the things that I'm ridiculing?

Anyway, I'm deleting the other links to his chat rooms which he has spammed in comments on other posts. This blog will NOT be turned into a spam site for other sites.

Oh, and "Poz", try proofreading. It'll help.

Anonymous said...

Reading this just have me a headache