Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Immuno QR

I've always known that the best way to get advanced medical knowledge (such as a cure for AIDS) to the vast world-wide population is through shouting in a comment made to a blog. That whole scientific review process just takes too long and they require all sorts of annoying things like facts, research, and reproducability. As a case in point, some user named "WW" commented on a blog entry about Magic Johnson. And he used all caps which not only makes it difficult to read, it also means he was SHOUTING AT THE TOP OF HIS LUNGS! Oh, and he didn't use any punctuation, either; which is a clear sign of the obvious truth and scientific research he's done on this "Immuno QR" crap. Here--unedited--is what he said:


I had NO idea that the FDA gets its money and funding from actually selling medications!

For those that can't really make heads nor tails of WW's, uh, information here's what he typed with appropriate punctuation and not in all caps: "There is a cure for AIDS and HIV--Immuno QR--and it is on the market on the internet for 240 bucks. Look it up. It was discovered over 10 years ago but the damn FDA won't approve of it because they make way too much money on over-the-counter bullshit ass medicine."

Ok, so I've Googled for "Immuno QR". And here's what I was able to discover about it.

The first site that came up for it says, "The said drug called "Immuno QR" has not gone through any scientific trial and the claim of any success should have been published in any of the scientific journals in India or abroad " Interesting. So I move on.

The second site (which sells Immuno QR) says, "That is why immuno-QR is effective in many otherwise incurable disease. It is very effective in the treatment of killer viral diseases Immuno-QR is also found to cure Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma and S.L.E. as well as Rheumatoid Arthritis." But no mention of HIV. Kinda contradictory, don't ya think?

And the serach results go on and on. Needless to say, Immuno QR doesn't cure anything except the empty wallets of the assholes who sell it to desperate people. (Maybe even to desperate housewives; but I'm not sure.)


Hiv News said...
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nat nat said...

i find its very effectful ,even its not mention anything about HIV,other deadly deaseases it really helpful...u should use it before u complain i guss...

BryanB said...

Nat nat, what do you mean by "very effectful"? Broken English aside, I think you're trying to say that it works. However, there has been *NO SCIENTIFIC PROOF* that it does anything. Quite frankly, your anecdotal stories mean absolutely nothing.

For (admittedly somewhat biased) insight behind Immuno QR, take this page I found on a quick Google search for "Immuno QR" Petition to ban a fraudulant HIV/AIDS drug.

It's a long read but here are some points:
* "[People who took Immuno QR hoping for a cure] found that the medicine Immuno-QR did not work."
* "A number of persons who were held out as the persons who had been cured after taking Immuno-QR have since died."
* "It has also come to our notice that in order to create a substantial market for his medicine Mr. Majeed has developed tie-ups on commission basis with unscrupulous laboratories and doctors who falsely diagnose persons who come with some minor ailments as suffering from HIV/AIDS and direct them to take Immuno-QR. After one or two courses of the medicine i.e. after making the victims spend about Rs. 20,000.00/- as the medicine, the same laboratories give them a certificate of having been cured of HIV/AIDS."

Look, I can understand wanting to be cured of "deadly deaseases" but until there is real scientific proof that such cures exist, I'll complain all I want about these "cures".

Please, Nat nat, save your money. Immuno QR is doing nothing but giving a person, Sri. T.A. Majeed, money. He's apparently violating court orders and is contributing to the spread of HIV and AIDS by continuing to claim that Immuno QR will cure them.

Anonymous said...

Bryanb or C as you prefer , must be a healthy gentleman with good kowledge of medicine ... both ayurveda and allopathy that we practice in India. If there is something beyond the kowledge of himself it is difficult for such persons to accept or even agree with ot test the truth. there has been such people all along history .. like the ones who believed that the earth is flat and god created earth and humans in 3/4 days. i raise my middle finger to them as Galileo , Archemedis and the brave men of those days did for humanity. You people using your latin and roman numerals were taught about zero by us .. the Indians . so please start from the numeral zero as you people are now... and come towards our system of medicine and philosophy. The world is changing... dont be a pagen any more ... welcome to civilisation and a new world. accept or perish like your civilisation.. which you never had and a culture which you still dream off. We will find ways to cure our people and live further as you people kill and plunder and perish by your own mistakes.

BryanB said...

I'm honestly not exactly sure what the Anonymous Coward above is trying to say. But, I think he's accusing me of hanging on to superstition and old beliefs, is telling me to fuck off and that a bunch of herbs is the new way to treat illnesses and diseases. And he tops it off with some sort of threat that if we don't believe the same thing he does, we'll all perish as pagans. I think so, anyway.

Attempted personal insults aside, it's ironic that he (apparently) accuses me of hanging onto ridiculous old beliefs while touting his own ridiculous old beliefs as the (I guess) New Truth.

Look here, Anonymous Coward, ayurveda and allopathy "medicine" is bullshit. I've said it multiple times through this blog but I'll say it again: Yes, there may be some compounds in herbs that can cure some illnesses but that doesn't mean that munching on leaves and drinking teas will, in fact, cure you of anything. Ayurveda and allopathy are nothing but superstitions.

There is no independent, peer-reviewed, scientific study which shows that ayurveda and allopathy "medicines" do anything to cure diseases and illnesses. Find one that's published in a journal such as JAMA or Nature and then we can talk.

(And what all this has to do with the concept of Zero is beyond me.)

Anonymous said...

@ Bryan B

Who funds the scientists to do their research??

Where does the money come from??

Who are these Peers you bow down and worship???

Are they the same peers who change their minds every few seconds by advertising contradictory information in news papers telling the public that wine is good for you or its bad again oh its good for you.

Have you had an illness and have you tried an alternative medicine?? Have you tried Ayurveda??

because if you have not you have no experience with it.

REAL scientific eveidence fro where?? the Big Pharmaceutical corporations that are well know to pollute the planet and buy out the courts.

BryanB said...

Dear Anonymous Shithead:

I don't have facts and figures on where every scientist gets their funding for their research. But, there are scientists doing research in Universities and for your so-called "Big Pharmaceutical corporations". And, does it matter where the money comes from? There have been such a tiny number of actually fraudulent studies published (notably, the "Vaccination causes Autism" bullshit) that the source of a scientist's money really shouldn't matter much. If you think the source of money *does* taint the results regularly and significantly, give me hard, concrete examples. Not a bunch of bullshit and anecdotal stories.

Who are the peers I "bow down and worship"? First off, I don't "bow down and worship" anybody so get that ridiculous idea out of your anonymous head. These peers are other scientists in the same field who try to replicate another scientist's research. If they can not replicate the results, then the original study is not valid; if the results *are* replicated, then the original study is considered valid and scientific fact.

And the thing with science is, it's not afraid to be wrong. You complain about wine being said to be good for you, then bad, then good again. With new information comes new conclusions. And if you take all your scientific knowledge out of a newspaper, then you have absolutely no business trying to peddle anything to anybody to cure or treat anything; not even hiccups.

Since you're too dense to understand about the scientific method of research I'll boil it down for you. (I'll be leaving out a LOT of lab work for brevity.)

First, a person has an idea ("Swallowing a bunch of leaves from a plant may help HIV!") and that idea is called a "hypothesis". That person takes that hypothesis and tests it. ("Hmmm... These leaves seem to help but these others don't.")

After you refine your hypothesis, you form a "Theory." ("10 mg of spring leaves from the Aryu Tree in India seem to fight HIV in women 24-36.") That original scientist then finds other scientists (I believe through sending a research paper to a scientific journal) who then try to recreate the results of the original study. If those other scientists find that "10mg of leaves" does, in fact, regularly and reliably "fight HIV" in women 24-36 years old then they make the "Conclusion" that it is an effective treatment.

However, your bullshit Ayurveda "Medicine" stops *BEFORE* the Theory step and jumps right to "Conclusion". ("These leaves help with HIV!") But you *must* continue before you make that "Conclusion" and you assholes don't.

Why must I try Ayurveda before I speak about it? Either it works or it doesn't. There is *no* scientific evidence that it does anything, Anonymous Shithead! Find me *ANY* Peer-reviewed study published in *ANY* scientific journal that says it *does* and I'll change my tune.

Anonymous said...

Come on, no need for name calling. I totally agree, if this medication can cure HIV, why not put it to a test, right?

I was prescribed this for a bacteria infection on my skin. Too early to say if it works. But I was told it boost immune system. Well fingers crossed.

It is clear you lack knowledge about Aurweda. If you want to find out about Aurweda, please do visit Sri Lanka. They have Aurweda hospitals, medical schools and government registered doctors. Now if you are wondering how it is possible, well come find out. Bring someone who needs a bypass surgery, chronic pains, issues with bones...

BryanB said...

Dear Anonymous Skin Infection:

There's plenty cause for name calling for people who claim something will offer hope to someone where, in fact, there is none. In the past 9 years since I wrote this post, there has still been no fucking scientific proof that bullshit Aruveda practices can cure HIV. None. Zero. Nada.

(Well, at least that I've seen, anyway. If you can find me some peer-reviewed, published study saying that Aruveda can cure HIV infection (or even your skin infection), please send it along.)

Aruveda "medicine" is not medicine. It's bullshit. It doesn't matter that there are hospitals, and government-registered doctors, and schools teaching its practice. Where is the actual scientific proof that it does *anything*?

If you're willing to fly me to Sri Lanka and provide accommodations in a chain hotel for the duration of my stay, I'll come check Aruveda out there. But, please, make sure your skin infection is gone by then.