Monday, March 13, 2006

Retro X-40

Oh so many months ago, one "weakie2000" sauntered into the chat room on Yahoo!, plopped down his little soap box, grabbed his cane and started expousing the wonders of this "Retro X-40". What is this crap, you ask? Well, as best I can tell, it's a bunch of herbs. Weakling2000 directed me to but I'll be dammed if I can find any thing having to do with Retro X-40. But, here's what Squeakie2000 had to say about it.

  • Note I did not say cure yet. The Free speech law does not apple to the word cure except by Dr's who are allowed to Kill you with drugs.
  • It is all done by self responsibility! Learn for yourself at your local Health food store.
  • Then one may have to deal with various, Flukes: blood, liver, lung, intinstinal, and more. Then figure what the next layer is.
No, I have no idea what Weaker was tryin' to say with that second quote...

Regardless, Weakie2000 finished with, "There are many types of microscopic parasites, various Flukes and other worms bacteria, and virus'"

To which, I replied, "Weakie: Do these parasites cause HIV and AIDS infection?"

And, weakie's reply was among the stupidest I've seen on the chat room: "If your mind is closed it doesn't matter."

Look, herbs (and many, many other plants not classified as herbs) do contain compounds which can have an effect on the body. That's why rhubarb leaves are poisonious and why you shouldn't consume certain flower seeds. But these compounds are either too weak to do anything substantial to a virus such as HIV or simply don't do anything at all. It can be chalked up to the placebo effect. There is still no cure for HIV nor AIDS. Though, if the cure can be found in herbs and other plants, more power to the researchers! (But at least get the results published in a medical journal, for Pete's sake!!!)

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