He claims to have started having these dreams during his Army basic training. In one particular dream, he says that "Secret Police" from the future were trying to kill him because of the dreams he was about to have. As far as I can tell, this guy actually thinks these things are real. But, come on Mr. Ladd. We all have dreams--sometimes even really bizarre ones--that doesn't mean that they're true.
(He also blames the US Government for some DNS and DOS attacks on his web server. I guess he thinks he's trying to be silenced.)

I'm not really sure what to make of this... this.... thing. He mentions a "formula" but I can't identify anything in his bad drawing that resembles any type of formula.
It looks to me like it's just a sand-filled reverse osmosis water filter for blood. Who in their right mind is going to filter their blood through sand? How is the sand supposed to remove HIV from the blood stream? This makes absolutely no sense.
He also seems to not know that HIV is found in more places in the body than just the blood stream. It tends to "hide out" in places such as lymph nodes and other body tissues. So filtering blood through anything ain't gonna to squat! Hell! It's already been tried; remember that thing a number of years ago that involved removing the blood from a person, heating it to kill the virus and then cooling and returning the blood to the body? Well, that didn't work either.
But, he did get one thing right; the liver does regenerate.
(The drawing for the AIDS Filter 800 came from Brian's web site.)
See commentary on Sick AIDS no More for an explanation why the above comment which was written by "Poz" was deleted.
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