Friday, October 26, 2007

Being Told "You do not have HIV"

This is from back in 2002 and comes to me from . Sorta. It's actually from a question posed to one of the doctors on the web site. And I really like the doc's answer. You should follow the link and read it for yourself.

The long and short of this cure is this: You get put into a trance-like state and are told, over and over and over and over again, every day for a year at one to two hours per day, "You do not have HIV". And then, at the end of the year, 90% of "participants" test HIV negative.

Now, that's just silly. It's absurd. Yes, a lot of things can be done by the mind alone. Curing HIV infection or AIDS is simply not one of them.


Anonymous said...
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BryanB said...

See commentary on Sick AIDS no More for an explanation why the above comment which was written by "Poz" was deleted.