Also known as BB:7075. Or maybe even peHRG 214. More on those later.
The cure for AIDS for this month/week/whatever was "discovered" (i.e., made up out of the blue) by asshole and general practitioner Dr. Gary R. Davis of Tulsa, Oklahoma. (But maybe it wasn't. More on that later.)
Back in December 1992, Dr. Davis apparently shouted a command to the heavens, "If you're God, then act like God!" That night, he had a dream. (Cue mysterious music.) In this dream, he was naked in a barn with a goat. (Cut it with the music!) What kind of goat is never mentioned. That's unfortunate. What's more unfortunate is why was he dreaming about being naked with a goat in a barn. That's just kinda creepy.
Regardless, he stuck a dream-needle into the dream-goat in the dream-barn and drew some of the dream-goat's dream-blood. When he awoke, he realized that he knew all sorts of stuff about HIV he didn't before. Like, for example, what he told his family, "Did you know that a goat cannot contract HIV?"
(No fucking shit, Sherlock! It's called HUMAN Immunodeficiency Virus for a reason.)
Then, much later, and as reported by one Forres McGraw (who claims to be a reporter for the Greenwich Village Gazette), precious 7-year-old Precious Thomas had AIDS, was being seen by doctors at the National Institutes of Health and had a Viral Load of 118,119 (which seems a bit too precise, by the way). But, after using Dr. Davis' bullshit Goat Serum (I guess retrieved by squeezing a part of the goat that might get you arrested and charged by the Humane Society), precious Precious' precious viral load went preciously to "ZERO [sic]". (Never mind that viral load tests aren't fucking accurate to anything less than 50 (or maybe 25, I'm not sure); that's why it's called "undetectable".)
Here's the story. In 1995, Dr. Davis "developed" his treatment, one year later, he applied to the FDA to perform a clinical trial with his Goat Juice. While apparently initially approved, that approval was revoked.
Meanwhile, back in Bethesda, MD, Rocky Thomas, Precious' precious unfortunately-named mother, was apparently comforting Precious who was "in the hospital". Whatever that means. Heck, if you step inside the doors of a hospital, you are "in the hospital". Regardless, Ms. Thomas "vowed" to do whatever it took to help her daughter. Admirable; but in this case stupid.
Mrs. Thomas apparently recalled a news story on Dr. Davis' "treatment" and flew off to Tulsa to meet with him. According to the story, Dr. Davis was "barred" by the FDA from administering his "treatment". So, he apparently cancelled all his remaining appointments for the day and spent "much of his afternoon" with the Thomases.
So, standing by her vow, Rocky broke the law and stole a vial of the Goat Serum and administered it to her daughter. Afterwhich, precious Precious was "cured" of her awful HIV infection.
This story has so many problems it's amazing. But let me touch on a few.
First, an undetectable viral load is NOT cured! Sheesh! I would think even a GP (General Practitioner) would know this!
Second, this Rocky Thomas twit could have done some horrible things to the daughter she claimed to love so much by using an unproven and utterly untested "serum" on her! If this Rocky Thomas exists, I would love to see her prosecuted for child endangerment!
Not only that, Rocky Thomas admittedly broke the law by stealing the serum! This possibly fictional woman is a danger!! (One wonders if this "Mrs. Thomas" is the one who stole the goat serum from a "holding facility" in North Carolina as referenced on an FDA Web page warning persons not to use the Goat Serum at all....)
And the author of the "article", Mr. McGraw, attempts to twist the denial of the clinical trial by the FDA into some sort of racially-based discrimination! He states, "Why is the brilliant work of an African American General Practitioner being suppressed?" What an asshole!! Not everything "bad" that happens to an African American is because of his or her skin color! Fuck you, Mr. McGraw!
And, I found absolutely no references to Mr. McGraw's articles nor to this Precious Thomas on the web site for the Greenwich Village Gazette. (To be fair, I'm not sure how far back the Greenwich Village Gazette keeps articles. And, Mr. McGraw could have been summarily canned, booted, fired, kicked to the curb or otherwise dismissed from his duties after writing his article.)
Finally, there is a lot of information on the internet about this Goat Serum. It's called BB:7075 by Dr. Davis. And, a quick search on "BB:7075 HIV" yields an interesting page at the Ghana AIDS Commission's web site. And that page is really where this bullshit Goat Juice really crashes and burns.
Most notably:
"The Commission further stated that no pre-clinical studies have been conducted on BB: 7075 with respect to HIV 1 Virus." (Remember precious Precious from earlier? If she was infected in the US, chances are that she has HIV 1 and the fucking Goat Juice has NEVER BEEN TESTED ON HER STRAIN OF THE VIRUS!!
And, I leave you with this lengthy-ish bombshell from near the end of the Ghana AIDS Commission's web site:
Contrary to the above [claims that Dr. Davis discovered or invented BB:7075], further search about BB:7075 on the internet and particularly on the [United States Food and Drug Administration] website, seems to suggest that Dr Davis is not the inventor of peHRG 214 [the name possibly given to the serum in a US clinical trial] as there is no documentation on the product except those placed on the internet by Dr. Davis himself. Drug development should generate substantial date. To date, Dr. Davis has not been able to provide any scientific date on his product."
What an asshole this Dr. Davis is!
(The references for the dream above came from Eightball Magazine and The Quiet Hour. Never let it be said that I don't publish my sources...)
See commentary on Sick AIDS no More for an explanation why the above comment which was written by "Poz" was deleted.
You and the FDA are idiots!It's better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you're stupid than opening it up and proving it -and you proved it. At least people are trying to cure aids and all you do is swear and critize all claims. What's your solution, Shylock, besides ranting your stupidities?
If you have any ball, you should publish this comment. But I figure you won't, you goat shit!
If you have
You and the FDA are idiots! It’s better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you're stupid than opening it up and proving it -and you proved it. At least people are trying to cure aids and all you do is swear and criticize all claims. What's your solution, Shylock, besides ranting your stupidities? Go back to school you ignoramus and take a hard look at that corrupt institution named FDA and how they are the one’s killing the people who are desperate need the help. If you were dying you would also take the goat shit too!
If you have any ball, you should publish this comment. But I figure you won't, you goat shit!
If you have
Ah, yes. Another "Anonymous Attack and Run". sigh
Well, here'goes...
First off, my name isn't "Shylock"; my name is Bryan. I notice you don't follow your own advice, Mr. I'm-So-Ball-Free-I-Won't-Give-My-Name
and open your mouth and "remove all doubt". (The quote by Samuel Clemmens (Mark Twain) is really "It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Ok, in truth, I found several different versions but this one seems more Clemmens-y than the others to me.)
Regardless, I'm interested to know how this user (who, by the way, gets his or her internet access from the New Brunswick Department of Education) thinks I "proved" that I'm "stupid" by criticizing a "doctor" who needed to have a dream with a goat in it to realize that goats don't get HUMAN Immunodeficiency Virus.
I'm also curious about the "corrupt institution named the FDA" which this guy in Canada isn't even subject to. I'd like to read up on actual reasons and facts regarding this alleged corruption; not just innuendo and accusations.
And don't even try to lecture me about how the FDA is somehow killing people. I know several people very, very well who were pulled back from the brink of death by the very FDA-Approved medications you, Mr. Chicken-shit, are apparently saying are actually killing people.
And, no, if I were dying (and what makes you think I'm not) I would not try this "goat serum". It's that desperate attitude that these assholes like Dr. Davis exploit in their attempts to either gain money or fame or something. And, frankly, I don't fall for it. I want something proven and effective. This "goat juice" is neither. (Did you even read the entire post?)
And finally, this Oh-So-Courageous person called this "Goat Serum" shit. Well, we agree on one thing.....
I forgot one thing earlier today. Mr. Insult-and-Run said, "At least people are trying to cure AIDS" and I forgot to address that comment.
Yes, people *are* indeed trying to cure HIV infection. But it isn't Dr. Davis and his naked-with-a-goat dream. People that this blog ridicules are not the ones to trust. They are out for either fame, fortune, glory or some other self-serving outcome. They may claim to "only want to help" but I call "shenanigans".
No, the people who are actually trying to really cure HIV infection are scientists and researchers and doctors who actually study HIV and how it works. They actually read and get their test results published in peer-reviewed scientific journals.
And, above all, they do NOT announce their cures in internet chat rooms, newspaper articles, or self-published books.
Dear little man you should study the history of medical science if you desire to have intelligent debate about whether something works or does not work as an effective treatment against HIV/AIDS. While you use profanity laced retorts to elevate yourself in your eyes, you are not far from asking to right questions. It is true that goats to do not get HIV. Now before you go off on another profane tirade, the important question to ask is why. For you to understand this you should understand the basics of the immune system.
Let me ask you smart guy, have you ever heard of the Iditerod? If you do your homework you will find that the Iditerod is an annual commemoration of something called The Great Serum Race of 1925. If you really dig you will learn that the Serum Race was a race to deliver Anti-Diphtherial serum to Nome, Alaska to avert a lethal epidemic. Keep digging & you will find that the serum was actually horse serum. Why would they use horse serum to treat humans dying from diphtheria? HMMM. Because horses don't get diphtheria. There are many examples of successful therapeutic vaccines in the history of medical science. So forget Dr. Davis or call him what you want, but history is hard to refute, unless of course you are going to rewrite it.
I know your type. Little weasels like you talk a big game on the internet are on a phone line but crawl into a hole in the wall or under a table when the shit hits the fan. I have a theory that explains the attitude of guys like you, you just did not get your ass whipped enough when you were a kid to learn any respect for the opinions of others. Probably too protected by Mommy & Daddy. For guys like you it is much safer for you to pound your chest from afar. Carry on little man.
Anyway you should take the time to know something about the shit you want to oppose or the people you malign before you begin your exercise.
I think it's funny when people do these sorts of "Drive By Insults" and anonymous rants like the guy/gal/whatever above me here did. Especially when they pound their anonymous chests from afar and accuse me (and attempt to denigrate me) for doing the exact thing they're doing.
Regardless, here are my comments on this "I'm-Too-Scared-To-Give-You-My-Name" resident of Houston, TX absurd commentary.
I wonder why this entity feels a need to start off with an attempted insult (Dear little man). While I know it's pure speculation I'd wager that the comment's author has some sort of personal interest in promoting fake cures for HIV, AIDS or other unsubstantiated "cures". (Kevin Trudeau, is that you??? Or, since this person searched Google for " 'Forres McGraw' Fraud" I wonder if it's Forres McGraw himself....) Whatever the reason, it would appear that my original post struck a personal note with this guy. Good.
Going on, this person seems to imply that simply because the diphtheria antitoxin was developed from a horse serum the cure for HIV and AIDS can be found from goats since they don't get HUMAN immunodeficiency virus. That's a completely false assumption and an huge illogical leap of, well, logic. Diphtheria is caused by a bacteria; HIV infection is caused by a retrovirus. Surely, Mr./Ms./Whatever here knows the difference but for some reason decided to ignore that distinction. Being immune to a bacteria (horses and diphtheria) and being immune to a virus (goats and HIV) are different animals. (No pun intended.) Mosquitoes don't get malaria but humans do; should we jump right to the conclusion that mosquitoes hold the secret for eradicating malaria?
Using goat serum since they don't get HIV may be a fine place to start looking for a cure. But just because it's a starting point doesn't mean it's the finish line. (The same goes for mosquitoes and malaria.)
Yes, medical history is important. But you simply can NOT say that something works to cure something without the proof and data to show that it does in fact cure the targeted infection. Only once a peer-reviewed study of this "Goat Serum" is published and shows that it does cure HIV infection can you say that this "Goat Serum" cures HIV infection. Until then, it's just snake oil.
Further, the antitoxin for diphtheria has already been proven to cure the targeted infection. This dangerous goat serum has not. (Did you miss the part in my original post about the FDA warning people to not take the goat serum?)
You can think I'd crawl into a hole in the wall or under a table should you confront me on this or similar matters but I can assure you that it would not happen.
It's strange that this person descends into (attempted) personal insults and attacks such as "little man" and "little weasels like you" and "you just did not get your ass whipped enough". These sorts of tactics are often employed by people who don't have a solid foundation for their argument. And I believe this is the case here. In fact, taking out the condescension and insults, this comment boils down to the illogical "Goat serum must work for HIV because a horse serum works on diphtheria."
Finally, he mentions "respect of other's opinions". While it sounds nice and warm-fuzzy-y to say that everybody's opinions are equal, they aren't. The opinion of a meteorologist about the chances of a category four hurricane hitting the Bahamas in any particular summer does not--and should not--carry the same weight as a mid-western goat farmer's on the same subject. I do respect other's opinions; but I do require those opinions to be based in some form of unbiased reality.
(I don't know what this coward considers "really digging" on the internet for information. It didn't take many clicks at all to find what this person was saying about the Iditarod; Ok, it took a simple Google search and one click each on two different websites. If that's "really digging" this guy must have a really difficult time finding the word "Aardvark" in the dictionary.)
YOU ARE A PIECE OF S*#T!!!!!! YOU would honestly sit there and talk about a man trying to help people.
I personally knew Dr. Gary Davis and he was only about trying to rid the world of HIV/AIDS. Little d*ck know it alls like you don't do anything but criticize things that you know nothing about just to get people to look at your sites. If there was any scam associated with Dr. Davis's serum he had nothing to do with it.
Bottom line.....that man is now dead because he claimed he had found a cure for AIDS. There were numerous attempts on his life....if he was trying to scam people why would goverment officials try to set his apartment on fire, or blow up the car supposed to be taking him to the airport. I talked to Gary while he was in Ghana and he was always paranoid about someone trying to kill him. Not because he was scamiing people, but because he had a genuine idea that could have worked if the FDA (FAG DUMB ASSES) would have granted him approval.
Anyone who cares about what Dr. Gary Davis did accomplish and wants to see current and future updates on the goat serum please visit my blog.
Well, thank you, "godson". I love you, too.
Of course I would sit here and "talk about a man trying to help people" if that man wasn't actually helping. Read around my blog here; you'll see a large number of people who aren't actually helping anybody. And, frankly, Dr. Davis was one of them. (At least as far as this "goat serum cure" goes. I'd like to say that I'm sure Dr. Davis was a fine General Practitioner; but, since he didn't know that goats don't get HIV before dreaming about it, I can't. My criticism of Dr. Davis is solely based on his bullshit "Goat Serum Cure".)
I don't care who you knew personally; that lends you absolutely no credibility. I've never claimed to "know it all" but there are some things that I do know about; HIV and AIDS are on that list. And, no, I don't "know it all" about them, either. But I do know that there is no known cure for HIV nor AIDS. A simple fact you seem to have trouble grasping.
Do you have concrete proof that the "government" was trying to set Dr. Davis' apartment on fire or blowing up his car? Which agency? Which office? Under whose direction? And, not least of all, why? WHY would the "government" want to silence him in such a way? There are much more efficient and effective ways for the US government to get someone to shut up. Can you provide the direct, incontrovertible links between Dr. Davis' claims and his death? You should be able to show, beyond a reasonable doubt, the cause and effect. I'd wager you can't; I'd wager you only have supposition and innuendo.
What it looks like to me is that YOU are trying to ride on Dr. Davis' coattails. What exactly are your credentials to be pursuing this "goat serum cure"? Do you have a medical degree? Do you have experience in microbiology? Virology? Hematology? Do you or do you not have independently verified proof that this Goat Serum cures HIV infection or AIDS? (Here's a tip: One person with an undetectable viral load is not proof.)
Finally, I do not think for a moment that you have the best interests of people with HIV and AIDS at heart. How could you when you attempted to insult the FDA by calling them "Fag Dumb Asses"?
Godson (or perhaps your name is actually Forres McGraw), go crawl back into the dream barn with the dream goat and continue your Google searches for "fake goat serum aids".
(By the way, Godson, you should know that HIV is not a disease. Neither is AIDS. HIV is a virus and AIDS is a syndrome. If *YOU* even want to even begin to be taken remotely seriously you'll have to start brushing up on the difference. Also, you came very, very close to having your post summarily deleted because of the URL you posted. Your comment stays only because you didn't link to your blog from mine.)
Lately, I've been concern about the cure for aids because our president released a ban for foreigners to enter the United States, that have aids, with this Healthcare Reform bill trying to pass, it seems like something sinster is in the making. I believe they have a cure for aids, but why don't they cure our citizens with it first and now they want all these foreigners to come over here and get cured. I also believe Dr. Davis cure must've been solid, because the government wouldn't have harrassed him the way they did. They didn't want to give Dr. Davis credit for his discovery. I don't know what happened to Dr. Davis but I wouldnt be surprised if the government drove him to his death. The FDA are insecure in everything they do, they don't want to legalize drugs because they would rather see people suffer behind stupid charges. The poor and uneducated people don't have a chance with our corrupt government, because they plan to stamp them out. I believe Dr. Davis cure for aids would've been more on the herbal side and the side effects wouldn't have been as bad as most of the FDA approved medication. The FDA and the government are behind a lot of corruption I believe.
"Something sinister is in the making"??? Like what?
And President Obama did nothing more than bring the US in line with the rest of the industrialized world in lifting the ban of travel into the US for people with HIV. The ban was misguided, archaic and based on fear and ignorance about HIV transmission. (By the way, just because someone has HIV doesn't mean they have AIDS so your statement about the ban being lifted for people with AIDS is somewhat incorrect.)
You believe "they" have the cure for HIV and AIDS but what possible reason (other than the much quoted "MONEY FOR BIG PHARMA!!!" bullshit) is there for not using it? Why do you distrust your government so much?
Dr. Davis was shut down because his "cure" is bullshit. He didn't "discover" anything. The FDA may be on the slow side for approving medications but their goal is to protect you from things that can harm you. I don't necessarily agree with everything the FDA does (banning Ephedra for one) but nothing they do has convinced me that they're "sinister" or "corrupt" or "insecure".
"The Government"... Why do you think The Government is such a well-oiled and organized machine that it can carry out vast conspiracies like what you're talking about? You may put that much faith in The Government's ability to work but I don't.
The Government™ only "harassed" Dr. Davis because he said he had a cure for HIV and AIDS. No such cure exists. One person (Precious Thomas) doing better is not a cure. Medicine is more art than science. I don't know why Precious improved after her mother endangered her life by injecting her with a stolen and unproven and experimental serum but it wasn't necessarily the injection that did it. Just because "A" happens after "B" doesn't mean that "A" causes "B".
Finally, herbal "medicine" is just as dangerous as non-herbal. Just because you're ingesting a plant doesn't mean it'll be completely safe for you.
Oleander Salad anyone?
United States Patent# 5,676,977
Look at this\/
Yay! Another drive-by commentator! And it's the one with the giant flow chart on how to cure AIDS! Cool!
(Or maybe it's the flowchart of how HIV was invented. I forget.)
Anonymous, I'm afraid you're sadly misinformed. (And please, stop shouting.)
First of all, you may believe that the US government is smart enough and organized enough to keep a secret (such as that they actually created HIV) but I do not. They can barely pass a budget much less keep such a bombshell secret. What makes you so certain that the US Government (1) had the means to create HIV and (2) has been able to keep it so quiet for so long?
(And, by the way, Robert Gallo's name on those two documents in the video you directed us to is little more than coincidence. It seems natural that someone interested in immune function could both be looking for biological agents and, along with others in the same field, discover HIV.)
Secondly, the US Patent Office does not create the devices and technologies and methods that they have registered. That's just absurd. They merely act as a storehouse for the records of who developed said unique devices, methods, and technologies.
Also, the US Patent office in no way verifies that the patents in their registry actually do anything as claimed. The patented tetrasilver tetroxide "cure" you mention is bullshit. ( . Perhaps I need to go back and elaborate on that post...) All tetrasilver tetroxide does is lighten your wallet and turn your skin blue.
You are obviously a political hack who works for Big Pharma/AMA/Quackwatch...I know your type well....I am sure the pay is better than what you could get doing an honest job....everyone sees right through you...."Little Man" is a good name for you...enjoy your lies....
Another anonymous drive-by baseless insult.
I assure you, Mr. Nameless Coward, that I do not work for any of those organizations you mention or for anybody or anything in any way related whatsoever with any government agency, "Big Pharma" or Quackwatch. (And, as far as I can ever tell, Quackwatch is run by a single person with a qualified medical degree; what's your excuse?)
"Everyone" sees through me, eh? Have you done a scientific survey to determine even a reasonable basis for that gross assumption on your part? Ah. Thought not.
What -- exactly -- is it that you'd consider an "honest job"?
Finally, I'd ask you, Mr. Nameless Coward, what exactly are you seeing in this posting as a Lie?
shut up, if you can contribute to the community,do it.And you are a hypocritical turd for calling people cowards.There are a zillion people with the Bryan B name, so stop ranting about cowards.The name is so common every other peddler has it.
Its evident from your article that your knowledge on HIV is Zilt.You must be an american eh? it shows and shines unmistakably well.
Oh, brother.
This particular blog post seems to bring out the crazies pretty well. But, here it goes with the most recent one...
And it's from another anonymous coward who chose to remain anonymous and not reveal even his (or her) first name while calling me out for only using my first name and last initial. And *I'M* the hypocrite?
I believe I *have* contributed to the community. If you'd read through some of the comments on other postings on this blog, you might see that some people have appreciated knowing that the particular "cure" they've heard about is just plain bullshit.
So, if there are "a zillion" others with "Bryan B", find them for me. And don't tell me to "Google it". "Google it" is not a source. I want to see where you are finding these "zillions" of other Bryan B's so I can accurately assess them.
Of course, I doubt you'll understand that wanting to see your source is an accurate way to critique something and just accuse me of trying to dodge the issue. I'm not. I'm actually trying to address the issue head-on.
You seem to accuse me of being a "Peddler"... What, exactly, is it that I am peddling? There is *nothing* for sale on this blog. Not a damn thing. (There *are* however, Google Ads which *may* be selling something; but they are their own entity and in no way connected to this blog.) How can I be peddling something without actually peddling anything?
My knowledge of HIV is "zilt"? I'll use context to assume you mean "zilch". I assure you, Anonymous Coward, that I know quite a bit about HIV. I am not a doctor but even I knew that HIV doesn't affect goats before having to have a dream about it like Dr. Davis had to.
You somehow try to accuse me of being an American as some sort of way to, what? Call me stupid? Well, it doesn't take much to figure out for yourself that I *am* an American without making assumptions. It's right in my Blogger profile information. Further, Dr. Davis was (I presume)an American, too, having lived in the Mid-west. I don't understand your implied dichotomy there.
Finally, I'm not sure what, exactly, you mean by "Do you research". Are you asking a question, "Do you research?". Or are you making a demand, "Do your research!" Either way, you might need to brush up on your communication skills since it's unclear what you mean.
So, Anonymous Coward, what exactly is your interest in this bullshit Goat Serum?
Well seems you seem to know everything mr can I call you just b? Mr. B and I know this isn't the same tpocic but I noticed you talking about the government so I shall ask you this what's your opinion on 9/11? And my names Gary I have nothing to hide you can search my on facebook twitter Myspace whatever you feel li,e you need to find me on
Sorry bout the misspelling my iPad acts out a bit
Thank you for your comment, Mr. Cain. I assure you, I do not pretend to know everything nor do I ever claim that I do. However, I appreciate your confidence in me that I do know everything.
Assuming you mean the terrorist attacks in the United States of September 11, 2001, you're right that topic is outside the scope of this posting and the entire blog. So I don't quite know what it is you're after here.
However, I'll use some context cues and assume you are of the opinion that the US Government caused, implemented, or was otherwise complacent in carrying out the attacks on its own citizens. As my response, I'll point you to an earlier comment of mine on this blog posting. I said:
"Why do you think The Government is such a well-oiled and organized machine that it can carry out vast conspiracies like what you're talking about? You may put that much faith in The Government's ability to work but I don't."
And, I'll conclude the (off-)topic with this question to you: "If there *is* a huge conspiracy to hide 'the truth' about 9/11, why are so many people still alive to talk about it?"
By the way, I searched for you on Facebook, and you are apparently hiding in amongst a bunch of *other* Gary Cain's throughout the world. So saying to, in effect, "Google me" because you have "nothing to hide" is a bit pointless because there are many Gary Cain's in the world.
(The topic of 9/11 is beyond the scope of this blog; I will provide no further commentary on this blog on the subject.) try this and u will find me
yea, I saw the cnn news video. This gurl was dying, and after this goat serum thing she got better. It may have not killed the hiv ompletely, but it killed off a good portion of it. To the point shes now 18 years of age. My problem is, why are people trying to discredit this.. I think the FDA just wants to make money off these poor dying people, and instead of granting a cure or something that possibly instantly defeats a good portion of the virus, they hand in some crazy pill cocktail that poisons the person anyways. Mean while a longterm treatment gets them paid. You fda people will be judged one day & karma always comes back tenfold
There is no doubt for me that Precious (the "gurl") was very ill. (Whether or not she was "dying" isn't quite so clear. You can be very ill and not be dying.) Yes, she got "better" after being given and unknown dosage of a potentially dangerous and untested (possibly illegal, as well) substance. However, it's a fairly common logical fallacy to believe that she got better *because* of the serum. (Just because A happens after B does *not* mean that B caused A.) It's a lot how superstitions are born. Therefore, it's incorrect to assume that the goat serum had anything to do whatsoever with Precious' HIV viral load.
People (me included) are trying to discredit this "serum" because it is presented as a cure where there is no proof that it does anything. The only information that it is a cure is only that which "Dr. Davis" presented himself prior to his death. His claims have not been independently verified. As the saying goes, remarkable claims require remarkable proof. And so far, that remarkable proof has not surfaced. (I put "Dr. Davis" in quotes because I find it frankly, asinine that he did not know that goats don't get HIV until he realized it in a dream. In my opinion, any doctor worth his or her degree would know that from the outset.)
You seem to have a flawed idea of what the FDA does and how it's funded. The FDA, as far as I know, does not make money off of any of us, much less "these poor dying people". They get their money from fees for drug approvals and from other government sources; we consumers do *not* give money directly to the FDA and the FDA does *not* get money from *any* "longterm treatment".
By the way, I am not one of the "FDA people". It's incorrect to lump me in with them. Besides, I disagree with some of their decisions so I don't *want* to be lumped in with them.
And, Brandon, don't threaten me with "karma". That just stupid. What about the "karma" for all these assholes and idiots and fraudsters like "Dr. Davis" who are giving false hope to desperate people in the hopes of making money off of them? Isn't that exactly your complaint against the FDA (regardless of your flawed knowledge of how they're funded)? Isn't it immensely more damaging to one's "karma" to outright lie to the sick and the dying? C'mon....
i have a few remarks to state. if anyone was desperate and ran across this serum which he did 19 trials on people and all of them improved with none of the people having any side affects (other than improved stamina and can go back to work) they would take it. people do the same method with goats as they do with getting antivemon by injecting horses with snake venom. animals and humans dna sequence isnt out of the ballpark. so it is plausable for this method to work. another note is the AIDs virus was discovered by Dr. Robert Gallo which worked on creating biological warfare during the same time and was working on a virus that worked identical to the AIDs virus using monkeys as test subjects. Final thing everyone is based to his or her opinion. Our methods are only racking up cashflow for the companies making eh drugs with harsh side affects. Insanity is defined by Albert Einstein of constantly doing the same thing and expecting a different result. there needs to be change
Dear Anonymous Coward Number Ten Billion,
First, thank you for not going all bat-shit crazy in your posting.
Secondly, your post is bat-shit crazy.
It's incorrect to assume that "if anyone was desperate" they would take this "serum". (Is it even available to any body at this point?) I know people who *have* been "desperate" and wouldn't touch this goat juice crap with a ten-foot pole.
As I say in a comment above your comment, "Just because A happens after B does *not* mean that B caused A." I don't know why Precious apparently improved after being given this unproven, unaccepted, possibly dangerous, stolen serum but to assume that it was because of the "serum" is just asinine.
You mention Dr. Gallo and make the insinuation that he must have created HIV. (By the way, it's not the "AIDs virus" and it's not "AIDS". It's HIV--the virus that causes AIDS--and AIDS--in all caps. I don't really want to take the time and space to explain the difference because I've done it so much in other places. But, I will if I have to.)
Indeed, everybody in, in fact, entitled to their own opinions. However, everybody is NOT entitled to their own facts. You also bring up the tired "Big Pharma is Making Money On Sick People!!!!" argument. The people selling stuff like this "Goat Serum" are doing the exact same thing you complain about. Why are the "little guys" so much better than "Big Pharma"?
You seem to also be under the impression that there hasn't been different results during the previous 25+ years that we've known about HIV and AIDS. HIV infection has gone from being a death sentence to being a manageable illness. If that's not "different results" I don't know what is.
There indeed does need to be change. The change needs to be people like "Dr. Davis" stop claiming they have cures for incurable illnesses without the proper proof.
Regardless, this goat serum "supposed" antidote should be paid more attention to by researcher, doctors, and scientists alike.
Since there's not approved research and evidence, then why isn't the government paying scientists to at least look into it. Are they trying to hide a cheap cure due to making more money on viral suppressor treatment from giant drug corps and their tax dollars??
If you ask me, this is like Republicans and their local state-level corrupt tactics. Too much money to be lost if there's a cheap/affordable cure versus the drugs taken for suppression at the current moment.
Since you're not so anonymous Bryan, give me your past name, street address and phone number -- I'll reach out to you via other methods of communication to further discuss this matter.
I really know your type, you type on a keyboard and try to past phrases by others with your written punctuation being correct -- you written English fool. You think you're smart because you can type properly and reference shit...
Leave me your phone number on this post since you're so popular and open about your identity via your little bitty web page -- you're a suck... probably a corrupt ass Republican.
I hope u die a fucking racist, too bad your white greedy society never tested it, go buy a hummer u stupid fucking redneck, and that goat was your mother
Dear Hypocritical Anonymous Coward:
I'm glad I've been able to help you feel better about yourself by commenting on my blog post. It gives me great joy to know that you've been able to elevate yourself in your own mind by trying to tear down another person. That's just awesome!
But, there's no chance in hell I'm going to post any of the private information you pretty much demanded I post. Especially since you didn't even leave your own first name. That's not to mention your own "past name" (Do you mean last name?), address and phone number. (And, honestly, if you had, I would have deleted your post; this blog is just not the place for that.)
But, of course, you already knew I wasn't going to give that information out, didn't you? So why bother demanding it? Oh, I know. So you can look at my fore-gone denial as some sort of victory. Very well, go ahead. Do your anonymous cowardly happy dance. I'll wait...
Ok. All pooped out? Good. Let me get to the rest of your comment...
What makes you think that the Government™ hasn't spent money "looking into it"? I direct you to the Original post wherein I mention that the FDA has issued a warning to people about the goat juice. Most certainly, the scientists at the FDA didn't volunteer their time and services to issue the warning. Further, you seem to operate under the assumption that the Government hasn't "looked into" this bullshit "cure" but then, in the very next sentence seem to believe that they have "looked into" it and have determined that it's real and are somehow hiding it. You can't have it both ways, bubba.
(...Continued from above...)
As far as I know the Government™ does not make money on "viral suppressor treatment". Sure, there may be taxes involved but that's another issue. But direct money on drugs, hardly.
I'm not even sure how to respond to you attacking my writing skills and trying to use that as some sort of, I don't know, denigration of my character and the information I provide. I believe what you're doing is called an "ad hominem" attack. It's a logical fallacy. You might be able to debate better if you know what that is.
Though it's unclear, I think you might be also accusing me of plagiarism. That's a mighty harsh thing to accuse someone of. So, I'll ask for your proof. Which phrases have I used without proper reference? Also, please point me to their original source. If I have accidentally plagiarized something, I'll take immediate steps to correct the error. I assure you of that.
It's nice that you think I'm "so popular". I'm not But, this particular blog post has seemed to really hit a nerve with a lot of cowardly anonymous people. You included. (And, technically, this isn't my web page; it's my blog. You might need to figure out the difference.)
Finally, your admonition to never vote Republican and that Republicans should all be put in prison is beyond shocking. Why would you want to deny the freedom of speech guaranteed by the Constitution to an entire group simply because you (presumably) disagree with (most of) them? I don't use the phrase often but.... That's just plain, reprehensibly Un-American.
And, by the way, I am not a Republican.
So, let's remove the personal attacks and unconstitutional admonitions and boil this comment down to its essence: "The Government™ should spend money looking into this goat serum." And that's already been done so I'm not sure what the point here is.
(I've come to notice something with this comment. It seems that many people who think I'm doing something bad by calling this Goat Juice bullshit (and it is) automatically lump me into some group they don't like. I've been lumped in with Big Pharma™, the mythical Giant Government Conspiracy™, the FDA, and now Republicans. I'm not -- and never have been -- affiliated with any such group.)
I'm not sure if I should respond to this at all. But I'm going to....
In order for me to die a "fucking racist", I'd have to become a racist first and then become a fucking racist. Neither is going to happen, so I'm afraid your wishes and desires are going to be unmet. Sorry.
And then you go on about "white greedy society"--NOW, who's the racist here? I suppose it takes a fucking racist to want others to become a fucking racist.
(Should I correct the grammar??? Naw... I'll just let the comma splices and shockingly poor language skills sit there like a rotting fish.)
And that's all.
Except for this. Since you descended into childish attempts at insults, I'll reply with, "Nuh, uh! It was your mother and your mother had no mother, you motherless goat!"
Mr Bryan B,
Dr. Davis was a great man..I worked with him directly in France and Africa as his personal Lab Assistant on his HIV/ SIDA/ AIDS treatment...There are a lot of thing I could tell you to help you but I do not think that will change your mind..What I would like to do is get in a lab and re-create the treatment..This way you and your team of scientist can approach it as a scientist... All I need is a quality Veterinarian= to take care of the Goats , Micro Biologist= to follow the my instruction and manufacturing steps and Virologist to order the different strains (HIV 1) & (HIV 2) viruses to work with me for 8 months to 12 months and I am very confident I could re-create the Treatment...I call it B.A.C.E. Biological Activated Cytokin Extract.... It is designed to neutralize the AIDS virus before it gets into the Humans T Cell. I would go further to say that the quality of life will be improved, the viral load will go to undetectable and the T Cell count will return to normal levels..... Note: I would not use the words CURE for there has not been a patient that received this treatment and has been under observation for 10 years...That is one of many details you must do before you say CURE...This is a new treatment...Dr Davis died in April 2006...I have tried unsuccessfully to get to The Bill Gates foundation, Oprah, University of Tuskegee, University of Alabama ( Dr Pauline Jolly) The Mugguci Medical Center in Accrua, Ghana ( Dr. Agazie )... This treatment has a very strong spiritual side to it..It came to Dr. Davis in a dream....If God gave it to him it belongs to God...I am only a person that the scientist trusted ..I have not done a good job because people are still suffering from this virus...Maybe if you revisit the internet you may be able to find someone with the financial capabilities to put me to the test...Fox news recently did a follow up on there Dr. Davis story... There is a video about my time with Dr Davis in France and Africa .. check out scroll down until you see the Adventures of ... It will come to pass on Gods time... I am ready but I do not have the Finances to do it..
God is good...All the time....
Dear Almost Anonymous Coward:
("Almost" because you only give your initials.)
For the first time, someone brings some sense into the discussion. (But only a little bit.) Yes, a proper recreation of the potential treatment is *exactly* what should be done if the "treatment" is to be taken seriously. Peer-reviewed, falsifiable and all that stuff, you know....
If the treatment is indeed viable money shouldn't be a problem; universities and the (allegedly) very, very evil "Big Pharma" should be scrambling to get their hands on it and provide the money and research. (Maybe they already have and found it to be a huge friggin' joke... I don't know.)
If indeed this treatment works of course the quality of life would improve; that goes without saying. And, you're correct that this wouldn't be a cure; undetectable viral loads are not an indication of being cured. I'm not sure your 10-year figure is accurate, either. What is the generally-medically-acceptable period of time before a patient can be said to be "cured"? I don't know. (Or, is it just considered a remission?)
And then you lose most all of your credibility when you start talking about "spiritual" and "God" crap. Medicines either work or they don't; there is no "spiritual" aspect to penicillin. There is no "God" portion of whether or not Abacavir works to reduce HIV viral loads. They either do or they do not.
I'm afraid Dr. Davis loses *all credibility* as an HIV researcher and even as a General Practitioner if it took him a fucking dream to realize that goats don't get HIV. That should be common knowledge in the medical profession.
Finally, do not beat yourself up by thinking you "have not done a good job" in bringing this alleged "cure/treatment" to light. It either works or it doesn't; so far, it doesn't work. And there's nothing you can do to change that.
Speaking of money and such again... Perhaps, the organizations and people you contact would be more receptive to you if you'd leave out the part of this goat juice being inspired by God, belonging to God, or even having any kind of spiritual side to it at all. There is no spiritual side to medicine; that may be where you're going wrong.
Although I still think your treatment is bullshit, thank you for writing in a calm, reasonable manner.
Just asking Bryan because I do not know..are you a Medical Doctor? Or an A.I.D.S patient?
Do you have a loved one who has this deadly virus? Personally, I do not but when you think of all of these unfortunate people. Wouldn't you want to help? People are losing their mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, uncles and grandparents. Show some compassion, this could be you someday.
Was this doctor asking for money from anyone for his serum? (I know it is illegal to ask and morally… just wrong)
My question is; Why stop this,(the day before) as you stated, "bullshit goat serum"? If the funding was there then why not disprove him? Publish the results then people will stop asking if they are ineffective, or inconclusive etc.
They (A.I.D.S patients) are looking for hope. I would, if I had any deadly disease. Wouldn’t you? They want to live.
I know Ten years is a long time but by know they would be five years later and five more to go. (if proved effective)
They have had clinical trials.. etc that were longer and were still ineffective on thousands of different drugs.
It may/may not have been a cure but could have lead to one. So sad he never got the chance, he died so suddenly (I read).
Maybe you can enlighten everyone as to what they are working on now (2012)?Again, just another question.
I wish all the people in FDA and people like Bryan have AIDS. Then they'll know how it feels when i say NO and DISAPPROVE any cure that comes along.
Let them continue to take the poisonous drug cocktail which will eventually kill them slowly through the horrible side effects!
Only this way you will know!
just by the way, did Robert Gallo really really discover an HI virus in 1984 (was it). Did he isolate a virus. Note his so called discovery was announced at a press conference, without any scientific evidence. Papers proving his so called discovery were published about 2 weeks later at which time HIV as cause of AIDS had been accepted worldwide. That has been the natural history of HIV. First the gossip gets accepted and the science is is engineered to fit.
Hi, GlendaE! (And thanks for not remaining anonymous.)
I am not a doctor of any sort; I have never, ever claimed to be. As for my medical history, that's frankly nobody else's business. I wouldn't tell you whether or not I had a cold during January 2011 much less whether or not I have HIV.
Glenda, yes, people do want to help and that is indeed admirable. But there are methods and procedures to follow before someone can say they have a cure for HIV or AIDS or any disease for that matter. Glenda, I *am* showing compassion to people with HIV and AIDS. I'm helping them make informed decisions on what
Of COURSE people want to live. Of course people with terminal illnesses (and AIDS is becoming less terminal and more chronic) want hope. But, all "hope" is not created equal. There's the type of hope that is real ("Norvir will help you live longer because there is scientific proof that it does.") and the type of hope that is false. ("If you have faith, this magic water from the toilet in the Church of the Holy Severed Finger of St. Johnny")
Don't think that there is no harm in this bullshit just because Dr. Davis wasn't asking for money. The collapse of false hope can be more devastating than never having hope at all.
There is a link in the original post that might be of use to you. I quote from it in the original post and paraphrase here: The only information about Goat Juice was put out by Dr. Davis; not one other doctor has bothered to even consider putting out information on studies of its efficacy. Ergo, Goat Serum is Bullshit.
Jimmy, you are just an immature little tool. What the HELL would make you wish a disease on anyone? What has the FDA done to you personally? What have *I* done to you personally? Why are you so damned threatened by someone (me) calling bullshit on the bullshit?
I'm not sure what "poisonous drug cocktail [sic]" you mean but I assume you mean any one of the FDA-Approved drug combinations that are currently being used to successfully treat and manage HIV infection. If that's what you mean, millions of lives have already been saved by them so I don't know what the fuck you mean. Maybe you should just get your fucking head out of your skanky ass and educate yourself on what a "cure" actually is.
Fucking dolt....
Ah... Tegare's one of those stupid "HIV doesn't exist and doesn't cause AIDS" assholes.
Tegare, if HIV doesn't cause AIDS, what does?
I suspect you'll bring up a bunch of anecdotal crap to support your ill-informed opinion. Stuff like, "It's the so-called anti-HIV meds that cause AIDS!" (Bullshit: I know people who were diagnosed with AIDS *before* having taken any HIV medication.) You'll probably mention something about "IV Drug use!" or "Being unhealthy!". Again, I call bullshit; I know people who were diagnosed with AIDS who never used illegal drugs and kept themselves in reasonably good health by exercising and eating right. Or, you'll mention something about "Environmental toxins!" Again, that's bullshit: *WHICH* "toxins"? Why does one person exposed to the same toxins "get" AIDS and another person does not? ('Get' is in quotes because nobody "gets" AIDS, they "get" HIV which may progress to AIDS.)
Anything else you'd care to bring up? Particularly anything about this bullshit Goat Juice?
The "goat juice" that you refer to goes by the clinical name Aimspro. It is manufactured by Daval International and has been used to treat various diseases including HIV, MS and MND. It has completed both phase I and II clinical trials. It may not be a primary med for HIV but it has had various health benefits for numerous people and to down it with out any knowledge of the drug in its current perspective might be somewhat short sighted.
Please refer to the link below for further information.
I have posted this for anyone who might like to know more.
You can also look at There is further information around Aimspro, "goat serum" there.
Can't even leave your name, can you? Well, I'll just call you Anonymous Asshole then.
Anonymous Asshole, your "Phase II" study only evaluated "the safety and tolerability of AIMSPRO". It only succeeded because it didn't kill anybody and didn't make anybody terribly ill; the study (at least the parts I read) said NOTHING about whether or not it was effective against anything. While it may or may not be proper to call it a "Phase II" study (who announces clinical trial results in a press release???) it's a gross misrepresentation to say that it's effective just because it's gone through an alleged "Phase II" study.
Besides, your bullshit Aimspro seems to treat everything, from scleroderma, bladder dysfunction, Multiple sclerosis, eye problems, Krabbe disease, *and* HIV. No product does all that your bullshit Aimspro claims so stop saying it does.
Now, kindly shove off.
I will be sure to keep you up to date with further developments. You might even find it useful if it's successful in treating bladder dysfunction, given how much you piss your pants over every comment posted.
Yours sincerely,
Anonymous Asshole
Well, it appears the "gentleman" from Aimspro has returned. And seems shocked that I might decide to comment on what people say about the bullshit Goat Juice.
What the hell would you expect me to do, Fucktwit? Let every yahoo, moron, and charlatan post whatever the fuck he or she wants and turn this blog into nothing more than a vast repository of commercials for shit that doesn't work?
Ain't gonna happen.
I've done nothing more than address the bullshit that people bring up.
And, you don't have to keep me updated with "further developments". Hell, you didn't even address any of the comments I made earlier. Regardless, the only "update" I'll "need" is a note that an article supporting your bullshit claims has been published in a peer-reviewed medical journal like JAMA or Nature or some such.
You'll forgive me if I don't hold my breath while I wait.
I don't understand why you had to be so snide in your writing of this article. I was trying to search for an article on Dr. Davis and this is what came up so I read it. I get that you are entitled to your own interpretation and opinions on the matter but it would have been much nicer to read if it would have been written with less derogatory language. You can write a biased article without offending those who read it. I am not trying to belittle you in any way. Also, most likely this post will come up as anonymous, which I have gathered from other posts you dislike and find cowardice so my name is Morgan (yes that is my name, I did not make it up.)
The author of this is a stupid fucker. Have you ever heard the name Robert Gallo??? He happens to be partially responsible for the creation of this diabolic disease. Have you taken more than 8 hours out of your miserable life to study what you are speaking on? Are you equipped with common sense? Anything man made can be cured. There is absolutely a cure for this disease along with many others. Our corrupt government has the intelligence and will eliminate anyone who stands in their way or threatens their agenda. Jump off a bridge
Hi, Morgan.
Thank you for your comment. (Really.) The derogatory language is on purpose. I appreciate your criticism that this post in particular would have been "much nicer to read" People are dying from HIV and AIDS and the people who come up with "cures" are really deserving of the ridicule and derision I heap at them. (Really, a General Practitioner didn't know already that goats don't get *Human* Immunodeficiency Virus?) I don't yet know anybody personally who has believed these bullshit "cures" and have died but I'm sure there is at least one or two out of the millions of people on the Earth.
I don't know on which "side" of this Goat Juice issue you fall but I appreciate your level-headed comment.
Anonymous, you should have stopped after "The author of this is a stupid fucker." Because I couldn't agree with you more! You bought into the ridiculous and absurd idea that Robert Gallo helped "create" HIV. Bullshit. Have YOU taken more than 8 hours of your life to try to actually understand what you're talking about? Have you gone to school to learn to become a molecular biologist to study HIV on your own or are you relying on stupid fuckers making stupid fucking assumptions about complex things of which they have no fucking understanding? Oh, wait. You read it on The Internet™....
And, where do you get the ridiculously illogical "Anything mad made can be cured"? Where's your stupid fucking example?
I assume you've also bought into the stupid fucking idea that The Government™ killed "Doctor" Davis. If that's even true, why would The Government™ be well-oiled enough to pull that off but can't seem to track you down and "eliminate" you since you seem to be threatening "their agenda"? (And what *is* that agenda, anyway.)
So, yes. You should have stopped immediately after saying "The author of this is a stupid fucker" because you are. (At least in this regard; you could be a brilliant septic tank salesman for all I know.)
The comment by "HorsedickserumimTX" was deleted because it was nothing more than vile and crude statements about the size of his penis (among other things) and added nothing to the conversation.
Thanks B-ry for looking out for everyone's. Dont want anyone to be offended by unnecessary expletives.
I'm sorry, Anonymous Coward. Forgive me if assholes and shit heads trying to scam sick and desperate people out of money kinda pisses me off. Sometimes, expletives are necessary. And, your grammar is atrocious.
The comment above being deleted had nothing to do with expletives, you shit wad. It had everything to do with the commentary not adding anything to the conversation. Kinda like your poorly constructed, badly executed sarcasm does.
B-ry, protector of the English language too. He's just an all round swell guy.
Thank's B-ry, from everyone.
"Kinda" - or Kind of?
I think you're being "kinda" hypocritical commenting on grammar.
It must be good to be so full of shit and so blissfully unaware.
Well, Anonymous Coward, you obviously can't tell the difference between poor grammar and stylistic choices in informal writing.
Do you wish to add anything to the actual topic at hand? Like, for example, exactly why you think I'm "so full of shit"?
You are an idiot, then you open
that trash mouth and confirm it!
OMG! You are *so* right, Bernard! How could I have been so wrong!!! Your extremely well-reasoned response has changed my life! I have seen the gross error of my ways and will now start promoting this bullshit Goat Juice to cure AIDS and whatever the fuck else anybody fuckin' decides it should cure! Praise be to you, Bernard!!!! You are my newest hero!!!
Wow everyone hates you BryanB
Hehe... No, not everybody. Though, you wouldn't know it by reading through these comments... :)
Am touched... Mr careful when you flare out in public about a serious topic like this...however I've one comment to make too..its true there are many efforts that have been frustrated by the so called FDA's regulations in the medical research that would lead to a better universal health care..that includes the discoveries of the Aids treatments... The reasons can not be far from the obvious
The two deleted comments from "Research is Relative" were deleted because they were identical to the one comment that has stayed.
To me, it's obvious that the FDA wants to protect The Public from products that don't do what they say they'll do. And to protect The Public from any harm that assholes like The Goat Doctor.
If you think this Goat Juice will cure HIV infection, you'd better get right on proving that it does. Go ahead. I'll wait. I've waited nearly 9 years from the time this post was made and yet the only thing I *ever* hear about it is idiots commenting on this blog post making vague threats. Kinda like you did.
You’re a looser
....says the doofus commenting on a 15-year-old blog post.
(Also, it's "You're a loser." Notice the one O in the word "loser"....)
But, thanks for the confirmation that people are still searching for this bullshit and continuing to find this post! You've been most helpful, Anonymous loser!!
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