Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Admin Note: Time for Bed....
I believe it may be time to put this blog to bed.
For nearly the past four years, I have been finding and writing about a myriad of fake cures for HIV and AIDS. But a couple of situations have arisen that leads me to believe the time for this blog to go to bed is here.
Lately, the usual source for these bullshit cures, the HIV/AIDS chat room on Yahoo!, has been infested with spam-bots pretending to be horny young women looking to get laid. What this has done is driven away most of the usual members of the chat room (many of whom I like). As such, the room is hardly ever populated enough to (1) make me want to stay in and chat and (2) entice these assholes with "cures" to come in with any regularity.
Also, the "cures" these greedy bastards come up with are merely variations on a theme these days. Usually, it's Herbal or aryuvedic "Medicine" from the Middle East--Usually India--or some ridiculous belief that God (in any of its forms) will "cure" someone if they just have "faith". As such, it feels like I'm just rehashing old shit when and if I write about them.
As a result of the above situations the semi-regular updates haven't been coming nearly once a week as the blog title implies. And I believe it's bed time for this blog.
The blog will stay available--there has been far too many people helped by various posts, notably the Mark Anastasi posts (who, by the way, still hasn't sued me for "defamation of character".)
There may still be further updates as I come across something new, but it's not even going to be close to once a week.
Thanks for reading!
For nearly the past four years, I have been finding and writing about a myriad of fake cures for HIV and AIDS. But a couple of situations have arisen that leads me to believe the time for this blog to go to bed is here.
Lately, the usual source for these bullshit cures, the HIV/AIDS chat room on Yahoo!, has been infested with spam-bots pretending to be horny young women looking to get laid. What this has done is driven away most of the usual members of the chat room (many of whom I like). As such, the room is hardly ever populated enough to (1) make me want to stay in and chat and (2) entice these assholes with "cures" to come in with any regularity.
Also, the "cures" these greedy bastards come up with are merely variations on a theme these days. Usually, it's Herbal or aryuvedic "Medicine" from the Middle East--Usually India--or some ridiculous belief that God (in any of its forms) will "cure" someone if they just have "faith". As such, it feels like I'm just rehashing old shit when and if I write about them.
As a result of the above situations the semi-regular updates haven't been coming nearly once a week as the blog title implies. And I believe it's bed time for this blog.
The blog will stay available--there has been far too many people helped by various posts, notably the Mark Anastasi posts (who, by the way, still hasn't sued me for "defamation of character".)
There may still be further updates as I come across something new, but it's not even going to be close to once a week.
Thanks for reading!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Drinking Ethiopian Holy Water
I know it's been a while since the last update. I got involved with other things such as the election and such. Besides, a lot of the same old bullshit is being passed off as new.
Regardless, butter_scotch_23_2009 popped into the usual chat room recently and displayed a complete lack of critical thinking skills because she wanted to help "you people". ("You people"!? How fucking rude and condescending!) She said that there's some holy water in Ethiopia that has cured all types of illnesses including blindness and HIV. Her proof? An Ethiopian magazine written in Ethiopian and a copy of a "certified" paper printed in said magazine. Oh, yeah, the paper was also embossed by the government.
So, she had a "new Ethiopian friend" get some and bring it to her. And she's going to drink it and believes that this water from an unknown source is going to cure her of HIV.
Let's take the points one at a time, shall we?
Look, I understand the desire to want to believe there's a cure; I really, really do. But rather than believing any yahoo who comes by and says that, say, swallowing a goldfish that has spawned and lived in the pure spring waters from a mountaintop spring in Switzerland is going to cure any thing I would rather believe that an independently proven cure. Besides, as I told Butter here, a real cure doesn't require the person taking it to "believe" or "have faith" that it'll work; a real cure just works.
Regardless, butter_scotch_23_2009 popped into the usual chat room recently and displayed a complete lack of critical thinking skills because she wanted to help "you people". ("You people"!? How fucking rude and condescending!) She said that there's some holy water in Ethiopia that has cured all types of illnesses including blindness and HIV. Her proof? An Ethiopian magazine written in Ethiopian and a copy of a "certified" paper printed in said magazine. Oh, yeah, the paper was also embossed by the government.
So, she had a "new Ethiopian friend" get some and bring it to her. And she's going to drink it and believes that this water from an unknown source is going to cure her of HIV.
Let's take the points one at a time, shall we?
- Certified
The certification means absolutely nothing without knowing who did the certifying and what exactly has been certified. I could certify that highly efficient solar photo-voltaic panels can be made from shredded bank statements steeped in dog-shit tea for three days but that doesn't mean it's actually true. - Embossed
Any idiot can buy an embossing device from most any craft store or buy one from any number of websites. Just because it looks official doesn't mean it is. Butter's reason why the embossing device couldn't have been bought from the internet: Ethiopia has no internet service; they live in huts.
Besides, you don't think the Ethiopian government has a desire to increase the number of people visiting its country, do you? Butter's response: Ethiopia doesn't have a government; they have a ruler. Uh, sweety; a ruler IS government. Pay no attention to Ethiopia's government being a Federal Parliamentary Republic and ignore their current president, Girma Wolde-Giorgis. - Drinking water from an unknown source
This is where Butter is taking her life into her own hands. She says that a friend of a friend of an uncle of a dog of a monkey of her sister's boyfriend's long-lost cousin (or something like that) has brought (or is bringing) some of this alleged holy water from Ethiopia to Butter for Butter to drink. Yet, there is no guarantee that this water that she's given wasn't gathered from a garden hose next door; taken from the airport bathroom, or actually did come from this mythical magical holy water source in Ethiopia. And, if it really does come from Ethiopia, (would it pass customs??) where are the assurances that it's even safe to drink. (Oh, yeah, the water comes with "instructions". INSTRUCTIONS!? You gotta be fuckin' kiddin' me. (1) Open jar (2) Pour contents into mouth (3) Swallow (4) discard jar. Whatta fuckin' joke.)
Look, I understand the desire to want to believe there's a cure; I really, really do. But rather than believing any yahoo who comes by and says that, say, swallowing a goldfish that has spawned and lived in the pure spring waters from a mountaintop spring in Switzerland is going to cure any thing I would rather believe that an independently proven cure. Besides, as I told Butter here, a real cure doesn't require the person taking it to "believe" or "have faith" that it'll work; a real cure just works.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Improving One's Inner Strength
Some time ago, Punni555, who should be a General, slithered into the usual chat room and started spouting off at the keyboard about a cure for HIV. Why should he be a General? Well, it ain't for any great military prowess. He doesn't have a fantastic new strategy for winning wars. But what he can do is get even the tiniest viruses to "retreat". Really. He says that through the mysterious improving of one's inner strength that he can "retreat HIV". Whatever that means.
When I asked him about his HIV cure, he blathered on and on about some heart blockage [sic] thing "they" had "released". He never explained what that was all about; only saying that they'll "release soon" for HIV. Oh, and that it was free. As if that makes it much better.
He provided a website, http://www.3dhealthcare.org/, which still doesn't work right. And it's been 5 months since he slithered into the chat room. And the HTML for that main page is absolutely atrocious. But it was by wading through the TABLE before the HEAD tag that I found at least what I believe is supposed to be the main page for the bullshit website.
Yes, that is Three Dimensional Healthcare. I wonder if they hand out little polarized glasses. Or those silly red-and-blue head-ache inducers from decades past...
They sort of get a pass for their poor English; it's not their native language. (And I know they speak and write English a hell of a lot better than I speak Hindu.) But that's all they get a pass on.
As best I can tell, this bullshit cure that has been "released" for heart blockage [sic] is, well, thinking about it really, really hard. Meditation. They never explain exactly how it works for either the heart blockage [sic] nor for HIV. Indeed, the HIV page doesn't even seem to be finished. (I do wonder if they have the rights to use those images they've used....)
Anyway, Punani here blurted out that HIV has "50 cal energy". I asked him how many HIV particles it takes to get to 50 calories; he never replied.
He also said that by thinking really, really hard about your white blood cells, they would somehow strengthen and kill HIV. He said, "just increse [sic] the white cells energy ... this is possible with ur [sic] mind".
Shortly after a bizarre discussion on white blood cells being above 1000 energy and then dropping he decided he had to go. He tried to push me off to some "doctors" in Canada (which is where I told him I live; I lied) and I asked him all the usual questions: Peer-reviewed study; who verified the cure; how many have been cured. None of which ever got a response other than "try u r self [sic]" 0r the painfully over-used variants of "ASL?"...
He also eventually figured out how to operate his mouse or other pointing device and found my profile on Yahoo which lists my actual location (it not in Canada; indeed, I lied). I congratulated him on learning a new computer skill and mentioned that he should also have checked out the links there. One of which links to this very blog. Oh, that would have saved him so much trouble....
Regardless, I thought really, really hard about this Punani fucker and eventually he left. I guess that's how this cure is supposed to work for HIV. It seems that's what he claims will cure "heart blockage".
When I asked him about his HIV cure, he blathered on and on about some heart blockage [sic] thing "they" had "released". He never explained what that was all about; only saying that they'll "release soon" for HIV. Oh, and that it was free. As if that makes it much better.
He provided a website, http://www.3dhealthcare.org/, which still doesn't work right. And it's been 5 months since he slithered into the chat room. And the HTML for that main page is absolutely atrocious. But it was by wading through the TABLE before the HEAD tag that I found at least what I believe is supposed to be the main page for the bullshit website.
Yes, that is Three Dimensional Healthcare. I wonder if they hand out little polarized glasses. Or those silly red-and-blue head-ache inducers from decades past...
They sort of get a pass for their poor English; it's not their native language. (And I know they speak and write English a hell of a lot better than I speak Hindu.) But that's all they get a pass on.
As best I can tell, this bullshit cure that has been "released" for heart blockage [sic] is, well, thinking about it really, really hard. Meditation. They never explain exactly how it works for either the heart blockage [sic] nor for HIV. Indeed, the HIV page doesn't even seem to be finished. (I do wonder if they have the rights to use those images they've used....)
Anyway, Punani here blurted out that HIV has "50 cal energy". I asked him how many HIV particles it takes to get to 50 calories; he never replied.
He also said that by thinking really, really hard about your white blood cells, they would somehow strengthen and kill HIV. He said, "just increse [sic] the white cells energy ... this is possible with ur [sic] mind".
Shortly after a bizarre discussion on white blood cells being above 1000 energy and then dropping he decided he had to go. He tried to push me off to some "doctors" in Canada (which is where I told him I live; I lied) and I asked him all the usual questions: Peer-reviewed study; who verified the cure; how many have been cured. None of which ever got a response other than "try u r self [sic]" 0r the painfully over-used variants of "ASL?"...
He also eventually figured out how to operate his mouse or other pointing device and found my profile on Yahoo which lists my actual location (it not in Canada; indeed, I lied). I congratulated him on learning a new computer skill and mentioned that he should also have checked out the links there. One of which links to this very blog. Oh, that would have saved him so much trouble....
Regardless, I thought really, really hard about this Punani fucker and eventually he left. I guess that's how this cure is supposed to work for HIV. It seems that's what he claims will cure "heart blockage".
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Some Food Grains
But which food grains?? Aye! There's the rub! (Flour?)
kana_machi_vo_vo, a Yahoo!Chat user managed to weed through the fogginess of his (or her?) brain and venture into the usual HIV/AIDS chat room in Yahoo! Messenger. First thing it said was, "Hi everybody hiv/aids can be cured. it is true" which you know is going to pique my interest. It promised it was telling the truth and then said, "it will cost you US dollar 5000 when the patient is cured." Very well, I know where to take it from there.
So I did. (But not before I had a ton of disconnection issues. It eventually all worked out....)
In between all those disconnections, KanaMacho here kept promising that it was telling the truth! It even swore on the Almighty. Though, Almighty what, it never said. Judging by the $5,000US price tag, I'd say the almighty dollar.
Why is KanaTwit trolling for patients in the chat room? Well, as it said, all patients in its country are "brainwashed". (An entire country that brainwashes its citizens??)
What the hell is this cure that costs $5,000US? "Food Grains". Which ones, KanaIdiota never would say. Some sort of major secret, I suppose. But what it did say about these Food Grains was that they have "no side effect" and the "Food Grains" that cure HIV were put together out of passages of the holy books. Which holy books, you ask? Nearly all of the major ones. The Bible, Quran, and Vedh. (I'm not familiar with any holy book named "Vedh". And a quick Google search also was unfamiliar with any holy book named "Vedh". Of course, I'm not terribly surprised.)
KanaMacho went so far as to tell someone to come to Bangladesh and "stay in your preffered secured place. i shall treat you without any money till you get cured. i swear". Which, of course, begs the question how long does this bullshit cure take? Kana says, "within 120 days you will be cured." FOUR MONTHS!? You want me to pay for a friggin' hotel room for up to FOUR MONTHS while you do nothing but give me "food grains"???
How many people has Kana cured? It's a 100% success rate, by the way. Kana's cured a whopping five people. FIVE!?! That's it! Kana isn't trying very hard....
In fact, that's where this Kana person kinda loses any credibility at all. Kana said that even though he can't get any patients in his own country (all brainwashed, remember?) he was able to get 5 people from another country to take this cure. All five people were unwilling to "stand" with Kana as he "declared" this cure because HIV is highly stigmatized in his country. I replied, "But they have been cured; they don't have HIV any more so what's the problem?" You'd think that someone who'd been among the first five EVER cured of HIV infection would want to make sure that as many people knew about it as possible. But maybe that's just me. But, perhaps, these people aren't actually cured of anything and don't want to deceive people. In thinking the best of people, I'd hafta go with that option.
How did Kanafuck get his five patients? Though lying and deciet. Really. He admits it. He said he contacted some hospitals because he was writing on the lives of those who are HIV positive in Bangladesh. Thing is, he wasn't writing anything at all. He LIED and now he expects people to believe him when he says some "food grains" can cure HIV infection with no side effects. (What about those who might be alergic to, say, wheat gluten? Of course, assuming that wheat is one of the food grains this asshole thinks can cure HIV infection.)
I also asked about testing and the usual verification of results. But, Kana was too scared to submit this "medicine" for testing because, according to him, someone would steal the medicine and claim they invented it themselves. SHENNANEGANS!
I summed up this asshole's cure by stating, "So, you lied to get in contact with people with HIV or AIDS. You didn't test this medicine before giving it to people. And you can't provide any proof that you have a cure for anything. Why do you expect me to believe you?"
About the only thing Kana said that was probably actually true was, "I am a non-medical person". Well, that much is obvious.
kana_machi_vo_vo, a Yahoo!Chat user managed to weed through the fogginess of his (or her?) brain and venture into the usual HIV/AIDS chat room in Yahoo! Messenger. First thing it said was, "Hi everybody hiv/aids can be cured. it is true" which you know is going to pique my interest. It promised it was telling the truth and then said, "it will cost you US dollar 5000 when the patient is cured." Very well, I know where to take it from there.
So I did. (But not before I had a ton of disconnection issues. It eventually all worked out....)
In between all those disconnections, KanaMacho here kept promising that it was telling the truth! It even swore on the Almighty. Though, Almighty what, it never said. Judging by the $5,000US price tag, I'd say the almighty dollar.
Why is KanaTwit trolling for patients in the chat room? Well, as it said, all patients in its country are "brainwashed". (An entire country that brainwashes its citizens??)
What the hell is this cure that costs $5,000US? "Food Grains". Which ones, KanaIdiota never would say. Some sort of major secret, I suppose. But what it did say about these Food Grains was that they have "no side effect" and the "Food Grains" that cure HIV were put together out of passages of the holy books. Which holy books, you ask? Nearly all of the major ones. The Bible, Quran, and Vedh. (I'm not familiar with any holy book named "Vedh". And a quick Google search also was unfamiliar with any holy book named "Vedh". Of course, I'm not terribly surprised.)
KanaMacho went so far as to tell someone to come to Bangladesh and "stay in your preffered secured place. i shall treat you without any money till you get cured. i swear". Which, of course, begs the question how long does this bullshit cure take? Kana says, "within 120 days you will be cured." FOUR MONTHS!? You want me to pay for a friggin' hotel room for up to FOUR MONTHS while you do nothing but give me "food grains"???
How many people has Kana cured? It's a 100% success rate, by the way. Kana's cured a whopping five people. FIVE!?! That's it! Kana isn't trying very hard....
In fact, that's where this Kana person kinda loses any credibility at all. Kana said that even though he can't get any patients in his own country (all brainwashed, remember?) he was able to get 5 people from another country to take this cure. All five people were unwilling to "stand" with Kana as he "declared" this cure because HIV is highly stigmatized in his country. I replied, "But they have been cured; they don't have HIV any more so what's the problem?" You'd think that someone who'd been among the first five EVER cured of HIV infection would want to make sure that as many people knew about it as possible. But maybe that's just me. But, perhaps, these people aren't actually cured of anything and don't want to deceive people. In thinking the best of people, I'd hafta go with that option.
How did Kanafuck get his five patients? Though lying and deciet. Really. He admits it. He said he contacted some hospitals because he was writing on the lives of those who are HIV positive in Bangladesh. Thing is, he wasn't writing anything at all. He LIED and now he expects people to believe him when he says some "food grains" can cure HIV infection with no side effects. (What about those who might be alergic to, say, wheat gluten? Of course, assuming that wheat is one of the food grains this asshole thinks can cure HIV infection.)
I also asked about testing and the usual verification of results. But, Kana was too scared to submit this "medicine" for testing because, according to him, someone would steal the medicine and claim they invented it themselves. SHENNANEGANS!
I summed up this asshole's cure by stating, "So, you lied to get in contact with people with HIV or AIDS. You didn't test this medicine before giving it to people. And you can't provide any proof that you have a cure for anything. Why do you expect me to believe you?"
About the only thing Kana said that was probably actually true was, "I am a non-medical person". Well, that much is obvious.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Attending A Church Service in Lagos, Nigeria
It's the cure for lazy people!
Yes, that's right. You don't have to do anything other than show up at a church service in Lagos, Nigeria. But not just any ol' church service; it's gotta be at the "Christian Praying Assembly Church" in Lagos.
In the usual Yahoo!Chat room, a user, Chubbychubby74, ran in, shouted at the top of his keyboard's lungs, "HIV/AIDS IS 100% CURABLE FREE OF CHARGE" and "ITS [sic] CURE(100%) NOT TREATMENT". Several times he shouted this each time with an admonition to PM him.
Being the antithesis of gullible that I am, I PMed him. (Wow, it's big-word-day here at the blog, aint it?)
I asked him to tell me about his "cure". And he replied, "I wonder why people take the power of god for granted" (this, too, was in all caps, but for the sake of legibility here, I'm not going to all-caps it.) Since this wasn't a reply to my statement, I pressed on again with asking him to tell me about this "cure". Again, he ignored me and said that it's 100% free of charge; which he had already said in the chat room.
I'm beginning to wonder why so many people seem to have such difficulty with reading comprehension these days....
I pestered him to tell me the name of the church and it took at least 5 minutes to get out of him the damn name of the church, "Christian Praying Assembly Church". You'd think that a church that can cure HIV infection simply by showing up would be ecstatic to have its name plastered all over the internet. But this one apparently operates in relative secrecy. (Don't tell anybody....)
Once again, I asked him to tell me about the "cure". His response this time was "Are u [sic] in Nigeria?" Regardless, I went back and forth with Chubby-Chubby-Two-by-- and eventually got out of him that this cure is by his "General Overseer", he wasn't joking, he saw his brother cured 100%, that it was 100% free and asked me if I can come to Nigeria.
When I asked him who verified that his brother was cured, he demonstrated his lack of reading comprehension skills again and replied, "Have u [sic] heard of His Holiness The Most Hon. Dr. Rev. King". (That's quite a few abbreviations before his name there, ain't it?) He went on to again tell me that it's 100% free and that he's not "demanding" money.
Anyway, I pressed on with the verification of his brother being cured. He said that "four hospitals" did "the complete HIV tests". Being that there is nothing I'm aware of that are called "The Complete HIV Tests", I asked him about them. He said he didn't know what they were and that I should just believe him.
When it was clear that I doubted him, he began what was one of the most despicable and exploitative shenanigans to try to convince me. He said that a friend of his (you know, Angie from the UK) doubted him and "she is dead now". He further said:
He further proceeded to tell me that I was "dirty" and that he was giving me HIV instead of making it rain; all in the name of his all-loving God.
And then he left.
He's been back since then. And my offer of believing him if he can make it rain on demand still stands... I think we're in for a rather dry summer....
(I suspect that another user, njidekaking, is the same person as chubbychubbytwobyfour here; they both promote the "Attend a church service in Nigeria and be cured" bullshit with the same all capital letters and the same "May god punish me blah blah blah". My apologies if they are not the same person. However, looking through the internet real quick it's clear that they are at least speaking of the same church and same "hon. dr. rev. ms. prof. whatev. King")
Yes, that's right. You don't have to do anything other than show up at a church service in Lagos, Nigeria. But not just any ol' church service; it's gotta be at the "Christian Praying Assembly Church" in Lagos.
In the usual Yahoo!Chat room, a user, Chubbychubby74, ran in, shouted at the top of his keyboard's lungs, "HIV/AIDS IS 100% CURABLE FREE OF CHARGE" and "ITS [sic] CURE(100%) NOT TREATMENT". Several times he shouted this each time with an admonition to PM him.
Being the antithesis of gullible that I am, I PMed him. (Wow, it's big-word-day here at the blog, aint it?)
I asked him to tell me about his "cure". And he replied, "I wonder why people take the power of god for granted" (this, too, was in all caps, but for the sake of legibility here, I'm not going to all-caps it.) Since this wasn't a reply to my statement, I pressed on again with asking him to tell me about this "cure". Again, he ignored me and said that it's 100% free of charge; which he had already said in the chat room.
I'm beginning to wonder why so many people seem to have such difficulty with reading comprehension these days....
I pestered him to tell me the name of the church and it took at least 5 minutes to get out of him the damn name of the church, "Christian Praying Assembly Church". You'd think that a church that can cure HIV infection simply by showing up would be ecstatic to have its name plastered all over the internet. But this one apparently operates in relative secrecy. (Don't tell anybody....)
Once again, I asked him to tell me about the "cure". His response this time was "Are u [sic] in Nigeria?" Regardless, I went back and forth with Chubby-Chubby-Two-by-- and eventually got out of him that this cure is by his "General Overseer", he wasn't joking, he saw his brother cured 100%, that it was 100% free and asked me if I can come to Nigeria.
When I asked him who verified that his brother was cured, he demonstrated his lack of reading comprehension skills again and replied, "Have u [sic] heard of His Holiness The Most Hon. Dr. Rev. King". (That's quite a few abbreviations before his name there, ain't it?) He went on to again tell me that it's 100% free and that he's not "demanding" money.
Anyway, I pressed on with the verification of his brother being cured. He said that "four hospitals" did "the complete HIV tests". Being that there is nothing I'm aware of that are called "The Complete HIV Tests", I asked him about them. He said he didn't know what they were and that I should just believe him.
When it was clear that I doubted him, he began what was one of the most despicable and exploitative shenanigans to try to convince me. He said that a friend of his (you know, Angie from the UK) doubted him and "she is dead now". He further said:
He further proceeded to tell me that I was "dirty" and that he was giving me HIV instead of making it rain; all in the name of his all-loving God.
And then he left.
He's been back since then. And my offer of believing him if he can make it rain on demand still stands... I think we're in for a rather dry summer....
(I suspect that another user, njidekaking, is the same person as chubbychubbytwobyfour here; they both promote the "Attend a church service in Nigeria and be cured" bullshit with the same all capital letters and the same "May god punish me blah blah blah". My apologies if they are not the same person. However, looking through the internet real quick it's clear that they are at least speaking of the same church and same "hon. dr. rev. ms. prof. whatev. King")
Friday, March 14, 2008
Herbs Smeared on Your Body by the President of The Gambia on Thursday
This comes to us from the President of The Gambia. It's a tiny, insignificant country on the Atlantic coast of Africa.
See? There it is. So cute and tiny and insignificant and surrounded on three sides by Senegal. So I suppose it's only reasonable that President Jammeh, President of The Gambia, should take time away from his busy, busy schedule to study, develop, test, and administer a cure for HIV and AIDS. But, you should know, it's only available on Thursdays (on Friday or Saturday, he cures asthma). And only to 10 people. Really. He says,
I don't really know what to say about this. I mean, come on! An herbal cure for AIDS that is only available to 10 people and only on Thursday? And the same thing that cures 100 people of asthma?
Anyway, let's dig a little deeper... He has a whole string of seemingly arbitrary "requirements" for people receiving this "treatment". One of which is to not chew chewing gum. And to not take any "western" medicines other than the ones he's using on you. Yes, that's right, this "cure" involves the use of "western" medicines. (I assume those are anti-HIV medications such as Sustiva, Zerit, Epivir, Atripla, etc.)
He even goes so far as to publish a page with the supposed Viral Loads of those people he's treated. But, if you look at those numbers, they're incredibly bad! Viral loads in the 19-million and upwards of 63-MILLION copies!! And, in others, the viral loads are merely undetectable. That is probably about the farthest from a cure I've seen!!
And, he also lists the CD4 counts of those same patients. And, they're not much better! CD4 counts as low as 23 is NOT A CURE!!!
I sure hope that this asshole's "patients" get better treatment from someone who actually knows what the hell they're doing. This ass isn't doing anything to help his "patients".
By the way, you can also Search the Archives on his site for even more astounding bullshit.
See? There it is. So cute and tiny and insignificant and surrounded on three sides by Senegal. So I suppose it's only reasonable that President Jammeh, President of The Gambia, should take time away from his busy, busy schedule to study, develop, test, and administer a cure for HIV and AIDS. But, you should know, it's only available on Thursdays (on Friday or Saturday, he cures asthma). And only to 10 people. Really. He says,
The mandate I have is that HIV/Aids cases can be treated on Thursdays. That is the good news and the bad news is that I cannot treat more than ten patients every Thursday. There is nothing I can do about it and if I go beyond that I will have to pay the price. (http://www.statehouse.gm/pres-rvth-board_170107.htm)
I don't really know what to say about this. I mean, come on! An herbal cure for AIDS that is only available to 10 people and only on Thursday? And the same thing that cures 100 people of asthma?
Anyway, let's dig a little deeper... He has a whole string of seemingly arbitrary "requirements" for people receiving this "treatment". One of which is to not chew chewing gum. And to not take any "western" medicines other than the ones he's using on you. Yes, that's right, this "cure" involves the use of "western" medicines. (I assume those are anti-HIV medications such as Sustiva, Zerit, Epivir, Atripla, etc.)
He even goes so far as to publish a page with the supposed Viral Loads of those people he's treated. But, if you look at those numbers, they're incredibly bad! Viral loads in the 19-million and upwards of 63-MILLION copies!! And, in others, the viral loads are merely undetectable. That is probably about the farthest from a cure I've seen!!
And, he also lists the CD4 counts of those same patients. And, they're not much better! CD4 counts as low as 23 is NOT A CURE!!!
I sure hope that this asshole's "patients" get better treatment from someone who actually knows what the hell they're doing. This ass isn't doing anything to help his "patients".
By the way, you can also Search the Archives on his site for even more astounding bullshit.
Unclear on the Concept,
Utterly Insane Twits
Friday, October 26, 2007
Being Told "You do not have HIV"
This is from back in 2002 and comes to me from www.thebody.com . Sorta. It's actually from a question posed to one of the doctors on the web site. And I really like the doc's answer. You should follow the link and read it for yourself.
The long and short of this cure is this: You get put into a trance-like state and are told, over and over and over and over again, every day for a year at one to two hours per day, "You do not have HIV". And then, at the end of the year, 90% of "participants" test HIV negative.
Now, that's just silly. It's absurd. Yes, a lot of things can be done by the mind alone. Curing HIV infection or AIDS is simply not one of them.
The long and short of this cure is this: You get put into a trance-like state and are told, over and over and over and over again, every day for a year at one to two hours per day, "You do not have HIV". And then, at the end of the year, 90% of "participants" test HIV negative.
Now, that's just silly. It's absurd. Yes, a lot of things can be done by the mind alone. Curing HIV infection or AIDS is simply not one of them.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
(Yes, I really do mean a bunch of question marks.)
jackie_avery08 claims to have been cured of HIV infection by a doctor with the highly credible email address of drwilliamsyemi@yahoo.co.uk in Nigeria.
What is the cure? Nobody knows. And neither Jackie nor "Dr." William Syemi are talking about it. Other than to say there's a cure. (Why do Nigerian "doctors" think they can just say something and expect people to believe it? Don't they know that it's up to the person making the claim to prove it? I suppose not...) Why aren't they talking about it? Because the Nigerian Government will take the cure from them. So they have to announce the cure as anonymous internet chat room users on Yahoo.
I asked Jackie to prove that there was a cure. He (she?) wanted to know how to do that so I gave the usual lines of "peer-reviewed medical journal," "independantly verified," etc., etc., etc... The response: "I will never do that because the doctor wants us to keep everything in coded [sic]"
And the conversation just sort of degenerated from there. It was ugly. "May the blood of those you infect be on your hands," "Then you wil die!" stuff like that.
Never fear, though. Jackie will be back either under that screen name or some other hawking the usual bullshit line. "I have a cure! Believe me! I do!"
jackie_avery08 claims to have been cured of HIV infection by a doctor with the highly credible email address of drwilliamsyemi@yahoo.co.uk in Nigeria.
What is the cure? Nobody knows. And neither Jackie nor "Dr." William Syemi are talking about it. Other than to say there's a cure. (Why do Nigerian "doctors" think they can just say something and expect people to believe it? Don't they know that it's up to the person making the claim to prove it? I suppose not...) Why aren't they talking about it? Because the Nigerian Government will take the cure from them. So they have to announce the cure as anonymous internet chat room users on Yahoo.
I asked Jackie to prove that there was a cure. He (she?) wanted to know how to do that so I gave the usual lines of "peer-reviewed medical journal," "independantly verified," etc., etc., etc... The response: "I will never do that because the doctor wants us to keep everything in coded [sic]"
And the conversation just sort of degenerated from there. It was ugly. "May the blood of those you infect be on your hands," "Then you wil die!" stuff like that.
Never fear, though. Jackie will be back either under that screen name or some other hawking the usual bullshit line. "I have a cure! Believe me! I do!"
Thursday, July 19, 2007
H1B is a cure consisting of five pills which were discovered in Nigeria. Oh, Nigeria! You fickle mistress of AIDS and HIV Cures! When will you crack down on these nutcases!?
A Yahoo!Chat user, wilbanksanthony, invented H1B (which works to kill HIV through the widely known and internationally accepted chemical process called "H1B Process". What do you mean you've never heard of it?) and says that after five days of taking these five pills not only will you be cured of HIV infection (and AIDS) but cancer and diabetes, too! It's a miracle! No wonder nobody's ever heard of this shit. Oh, and it does the ever popular "boosting" of the immune system. Whatever the hell that means.
(It's been argued that "boosting" one's immune system which is already being attacked by HIV can cause more damage than good since HIV uses the immune system to replicate itself. So, if H1B did anything other than take money from your pocket at put it into wilbanksanthony's it might actually leave you worse off than before. But I digress. But only a little bit.)
The charge for H1B is $2,500 because he is "in Nigeria" and all we have to do is go to Nigeria to find out for ourselves.
On the plus side, the results of this asshole's "cure" have been published in the unavailable-online "Imo State University Medical School Journal". Now, there is an Imo State University but whether or not they have issues of their medical school's Journal is in question. In fact, wilriverbanks here never was able to provide a URL to the possibly nonexistant Journal. In response to whether or not he could provide me a URL, he replied, "I do not have a URL because its very costly getting here in Nigeria". Clearly, he doesn't know what I meant.
Further, he said he was in an Internet Cafe. Did I forget to mention that he claims to be "Medical biochemist"? Ooops! So, this asshole is a Medical Biochemist, doesn't have enough money to buy a computer, has discovered the cure for AIDS, (H1B which works by the H1B process) and claims that building a website is "very costly" in Nigeria.
Now, get this. He actually did eventually tell me what the five pills of H1B are. That's surprising in and of itself considering there are other users in the chat room who claim that they can't disclose their cure because the Nigerian government will steal it. The five pills of H1B are, "Cocaine, natural herbs, Calcium, water, elipikinih". Ta da! That's it!
The first four, I kinda know what they are. (Cocaine!?!? This asshole is selling cocaine!!?!) But that last one is a bit of a mystery. He explained that "Elipikinih is a drug that was discovered in Nigeria that boost [sic] the Immune [sic] instantly and kills virsus [sic]" And nobody's ever heard of this wonder drug that kills all viruses!?
He addressed that concept, too. He claims that all Nigerian reporters are "corrupt" and would steal his bullshit H1B and claim they invented it. Who cares, asshole! It doesn't DO anything except make you HIGH!
He went on and on and even claimed to have cured five people of HIV infection (but couldn't provide any verifiable information such as names, and independant researchers who verified these people being cured). But I'll leave you with this little tid-bit. He said he's only out to help the world and not himself. Kind of a worthy and noble goal. But then why the HELL is this fucking asshole selling this Water-and-Cocaine McCormick Spice Blend for $2,500!? Is he only trying to help the part of the world that has money!?
What an asshole.....
A Yahoo!Chat user, wilbanksanthony, invented H1B (which works to kill HIV through the widely known and internationally accepted chemical process called "H1B Process". What do you mean you've never heard of it?) and says that after five days of taking these five pills not only will you be cured of HIV infection (and AIDS) but cancer and diabetes, too! It's a miracle! No wonder nobody's ever heard of this shit. Oh, and it does the ever popular "boosting" of the immune system. Whatever the hell that means.
(It's been argued that "boosting" one's immune system which is already being attacked by HIV can cause more damage than good since HIV uses the immune system to replicate itself. So, if H1B did anything other than take money from your pocket at put it into wilbanksanthony's it might actually leave you worse off than before. But I digress. But only a little bit.)
The charge for H1B is $2,500 because he is "in Nigeria" and all we have to do is go to Nigeria to find out for ourselves.
On the plus side, the results of this asshole's "cure" have been published in the unavailable-online "Imo State University Medical School Journal". Now, there is an Imo State University but whether or not they have issues of their medical school's Journal is in question. In fact, wilriverbanks here never was able to provide a URL to the possibly nonexistant Journal. In response to whether or not he could provide me a URL, he replied, "I do not have a URL because its very costly getting here in Nigeria". Clearly, he doesn't know what I meant.
Further, he said he was in an Internet Cafe. Did I forget to mention that he claims to be "Medical biochemist"? Ooops! So, this asshole is a Medical Biochemist, doesn't have enough money to buy a computer, has discovered the cure for AIDS, (H1B which works by the H1B process) and claims that building a website is "very costly" in Nigeria.
Now, get this. He actually did eventually tell me what the five pills of H1B are. That's surprising in and of itself considering there are other users in the chat room who claim that they can't disclose their cure because the Nigerian government will steal it. The five pills of H1B are, "Cocaine, natural herbs, Calcium, water, elipikinih". Ta da! That's it!
The first four, I kinda know what they are. (Cocaine!?!? This asshole is selling cocaine!!?!) But that last one is a bit of a mystery. He explained that "Elipikinih is a drug that was discovered in Nigeria that boost [sic] the Immune [sic] instantly and kills virsus [sic]" And nobody's ever heard of this wonder drug that kills all viruses!?
He addressed that concept, too. He claims that all Nigerian reporters are "corrupt" and would steal his bullshit H1B and claim they invented it. Who cares, asshole! It doesn't DO anything except make you HIGH!
He went on and on and even claimed to have cured five people of HIV infection (but couldn't provide any verifiable information such as names, and independant researchers who verified these people being cured). But I'll leave you with this little tid-bit. He said he's only out to help the world and not himself. Kind of a worthy and noble goal. But then why the HELL is this fucking asshole selling this Water-and-Cocaine McCormick Spice Blend for $2,500!? Is he only trying to help the part of the world that has money!?
What an asshole.....
Friday, June 22, 2007
Goat Serum
(Since the below post was written and posted I've come to realize that both Precious and Rocky Thomas do in fact exist and aren't figments of someone's imagination. I considered removing potentially snide and rude comments I made about both of them but didn't want to appear to "rewriting history" so the thinly veiled jabs stay in the post. I still, however, do not believe that this "Goat Serum Cure" is in any way whatsoever helpful--may in fact be harmful--to someone living with HIV or AIDS. October 13, 2009)
Also known as BB:7075. Or maybe even peHRG 214. More on those later.
The cure for AIDS for this month/week/whatever was "discovered" (i.e., made up out of the blue) by asshole and general practitioner Dr. Gary R. Davis of Tulsa, Oklahoma. (But maybe it wasn't. More on that later.)
Back in December 1992, Dr. Davis apparently shouted a command to the heavens, "If you're God, then act like God!" That night, he had a dream. (Cue mysterious music.) In this dream, he was naked in a barn with a goat. (Cut it with the music!) What kind of goat is never mentioned. That's unfortunate. What's more unfortunate is why was he dreaming about being naked with a goat in a barn. That's just kinda creepy.
Regardless, he stuck a dream-needle into the dream-goat in the dream-barn and drew some of the dream-goat's dream-blood. When he awoke, he realized that he knew all sorts of stuff about HIV he didn't before. Like, for example, what he told his family, "Did you know that a goat cannot contract HIV?"
(No fucking shit, Sherlock! It's called HUMAN Immunodeficiency Virus for a reason.)
Then, much later, and as reported by one Forres McGraw (who claims to be a reporter for the Greenwich Village Gazette), precious 7-year-old Precious Thomas had AIDS, was being seen by doctors at the National Institutes of Health and had a Viral Load of 118,119 (which seems a bit too precise, by the way). But, after using Dr. Davis' bullshit Goat Serum (I guess retrieved by squeezing a part of the goat that might get you arrested and charged by the Humane Society), precious Precious' precious viral load went preciously to "ZERO [sic]". (Never mind that viral load tests aren't fucking accurate to anything less than 50 (or maybe 25, I'm not sure); that's why it's called "undetectable".)
Here's the story. In 1995, Dr. Davis "developed" his treatment, one year later, he applied to the FDA to perform a clinical trial with his Goat Juice. While apparently initially approved, that approval was revoked.
Meanwhile, back in Bethesda, MD, Rocky Thomas, Precious' precious unfortunately-named mother, was apparently comforting Precious who was "in the hospital". Whatever that means. Heck, if you step inside the doors of a hospital, you are "in the hospital". Regardless, Ms. Thomas "vowed" to do whatever it took to help her daughter. Admirable; but in this case stupid.
Mrs. Thomas apparently recalled a news story on Dr. Davis' "treatment" and flew off to Tulsa to meet with him. According to the story, Dr. Davis was "barred" by the FDA from administering his "treatment". So, he apparently cancelled all his remaining appointments for the day and spent "much of his afternoon" with the Thomases.
So, standing by her vow, Rocky broke the law and stole a vial of the Goat Serum and administered it to her daughter. Afterwhich, precious Precious was "cured" of her awful HIV infection.
This story has so many problems it's amazing. But let me touch on a few.
First, an undetectable viral load is NOT cured! Sheesh! I would think even a GP (General Practitioner) would know this!
Second, this Rocky Thomas twit could have done some horrible things to the daughter she claimed to love so much by using an unproven and utterly untested "serum" on her! If this Rocky Thomas exists, I would love to see her prosecuted for child endangerment!
Not only that, Rocky Thomas admittedly broke the law by stealing the serum! This possibly fictional woman is a danger!! (One wonders if this "Mrs. Thomas" is the one who stole the goat serum from a "holding facility" in North Carolina as referenced on an FDA Web page warning persons not to use the Goat Serum at all....)
And the author of the "article", Mr. McGraw, attempts to twist the denial of the clinical trial by the FDA into some sort of racially-based discrimination! He states, "Why is the brilliant work of an African American General Practitioner being suppressed?" What an asshole!! Not everything "bad" that happens to an African American is because of his or her skin color! Fuck you, Mr. McGraw!
And, I found absolutely no references to Mr. McGraw's articles nor to this Precious Thomas on the web site for the Greenwich Village Gazette. (To be fair, I'm not sure how far back the Greenwich Village Gazette keeps articles. And, Mr. McGraw could have been summarily canned, booted, fired, kicked to the curb or otherwise dismissed from his duties after writing his article.)
Finally, there is a lot of information on the internet about this Goat Serum. It's called BB:7075 by Dr. Davis. And, a quick search on "BB:7075 HIV" yields an interesting page at the Ghana AIDS Commission's web site. And that page is really where this bullshit Goat Juice really crashes and burns.
Most notably:
"The Commission further stated that no pre-clinical studies have been conducted on BB: 7075 with respect to HIV 1 Virus." (Remember precious Precious from earlier? If she was infected in the US, chances are that she has HIV 1 and the fucking Goat Juice has NEVER BEEN TESTED ON HER STRAIN OF THE VIRUS!!
And, I leave you with this lengthy-ish bombshell from near the end of the Ghana AIDS Commission's web site:
What an asshole this Dr. Davis is!
(The references for the dream above came from Eightball Magazine and The Quiet Hour. Never let it be said that I don't publish my sources...)
Also known as BB:7075. Or maybe even peHRG 214. More on those later.
The cure for AIDS for this month/week/whatever was "discovered" (i.e., made up out of the blue) by asshole and general practitioner Dr. Gary R. Davis of Tulsa, Oklahoma. (But maybe it wasn't. More on that later.)
Back in December 1992, Dr. Davis apparently shouted a command to the heavens, "If you're God, then act like God!" That night, he had a dream. (Cue mysterious music.) In this dream, he was naked in a barn with a goat. (Cut it with the music!) What kind of goat is never mentioned. That's unfortunate. What's more unfortunate is why was he dreaming about being naked with a goat in a barn. That's just kinda creepy.
Regardless, he stuck a dream-needle into the dream-goat in the dream-barn and drew some of the dream-goat's dream-blood. When he awoke, he realized that he knew all sorts of stuff about HIV he didn't before. Like, for example, what he told his family, "Did you know that a goat cannot contract HIV?"
(No fucking shit, Sherlock! It's called HUMAN Immunodeficiency Virus for a reason.)
Then, much later, and as reported by one Forres McGraw (who claims to be a reporter for the Greenwich Village Gazette), precious 7-year-old Precious Thomas had AIDS, was being seen by doctors at the National Institutes of Health and had a Viral Load of 118,119 (which seems a bit too precise, by the way). But, after using Dr. Davis' bullshit Goat Serum (I guess retrieved by squeezing a part of the goat that might get you arrested and charged by the Humane Society), precious Precious' precious viral load went preciously to "ZERO [sic]". (Never mind that viral load tests aren't fucking accurate to anything less than 50 (or maybe 25, I'm not sure); that's why it's called "undetectable".)
Here's the story. In 1995, Dr. Davis "developed" his treatment, one year later, he applied to the FDA to perform a clinical trial with his Goat Juice. While apparently initially approved, that approval was revoked.
Meanwhile, back in Bethesda, MD, Rocky Thomas, Precious' precious unfortunately-named mother, was apparently comforting Precious who was "in the hospital". Whatever that means. Heck, if you step inside the doors of a hospital, you are "in the hospital". Regardless, Ms. Thomas "vowed" to do whatever it took to help her daughter. Admirable; but in this case stupid.
Mrs. Thomas apparently recalled a news story on Dr. Davis' "treatment" and flew off to Tulsa to meet with him. According to the story, Dr. Davis was "barred" by the FDA from administering his "treatment". So, he apparently cancelled all his remaining appointments for the day and spent "much of his afternoon" with the Thomases.
So, standing by her vow, Rocky broke the law and stole a vial of the Goat Serum and administered it to her daughter. Afterwhich, precious Precious was "cured" of her awful HIV infection.
This story has so many problems it's amazing. But let me touch on a few.
First, an undetectable viral load is NOT cured! Sheesh! I would think even a GP (General Practitioner) would know this!
Second, this Rocky Thomas twit could have done some horrible things to the daughter she claimed to love so much by using an unproven and utterly untested "serum" on her! If this Rocky Thomas exists, I would love to see her prosecuted for child endangerment!
Not only that, Rocky Thomas admittedly broke the law by stealing the serum! This possibly fictional woman is a danger!! (One wonders if this "Mrs. Thomas" is the one who stole the goat serum from a "holding facility" in North Carolina as referenced on an FDA Web page warning persons not to use the Goat Serum at all....)
And the author of the "article", Mr. McGraw, attempts to twist the denial of the clinical trial by the FDA into some sort of racially-based discrimination! He states, "Why is the brilliant work of an African American General Practitioner being suppressed?" What an asshole!! Not everything "bad" that happens to an African American is because of his or her skin color! Fuck you, Mr. McGraw!
And, I found absolutely no references to Mr. McGraw's articles nor to this Precious Thomas on the web site for the Greenwich Village Gazette. (To be fair, I'm not sure how far back the Greenwich Village Gazette keeps articles. And, Mr. McGraw could have been summarily canned, booted, fired, kicked to the curb or otherwise dismissed from his duties after writing his article.)
Finally, there is a lot of information on the internet about this Goat Serum. It's called BB:7075 by Dr. Davis. And, a quick search on "BB:7075 HIV" yields an interesting page at the Ghana AIDS Commission's web site. And that page is really where this bullshit Goat Juice really crashes and burns.
Most notably:
"The Commission further stated that no pre-clinical studies have been conducted on BB: 7075 with respect to HIV 1 Virus." (Remember precious Precious from earlier? If she was infected in the US, chances are that she has HIV 1 and the fucking Goat Juice has NEVER BEEN TESTED ON HER STRAIN OF THE VIRUS!!
And, I leave you with this lengthy-ish bombshell from near the end of the Ghana AIDS Commission's web site:
Contrary to the above [claims that Dr. Davis discovered or invented BB:7075], further search about BB:7075 on the internet and particularly on the [United States Food and Drug Administration] website, seems to suggest that Dr Davis is not the inventor of peHRG 214 [the name possibly given to the serum in a US clinical trial] as there is no documentation on the product except those placed on the internet by Dr. Davis himself. Drug development should generate substantial date. To date, Dr. Davis has not been able to provide any scientific date on his product."
What an asshole this Dr. Davis is!
(The references for the dream above came from Eightball Magazine and The Quiet Hour. Never let it be said that I don't publish my sources...)
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
AIDS Filter 800
The world is filled with some strange people. And it seems that the US Military isn't immune to their infiltration. Take, for example, Brian Ladd. He served 12 years in the Army. Good for him. It was during his basic training for the Army that he began having dreams. Including one that involved But, he's recently been making some really bizarre statements which he's been publishing on his web site. He claims to be the "World's most accurate psychic of our time" and that more than 4,000 of his dreams have come true.
He claims to have started having these dreams during his Army basic training. In one particular dream, he says that "Secret Police" from the future were trying to kill him because of the dreams he was about to have. As far as I can tell, this guy actually thinks these things are real. But, come on Mr. Ladd. We all have dreams--sometimes even really bizarre ones--that doesn't mean that they're true.
(He also blames the US Government for some DNS and DOS attacks on his web server. I guess he thinks he's trying to be silenced.)
Anyway, back on February 21, 2007, he dreamt up what I guess is called the AIDS Filter 800. And I really do mean "dreamt". It came to him in a dream. He woke up and wrote down what it was. He says of the fake device, "This is a cure for AIDS using this formula and a blood filter made from a type of sand...also says that the human liver cells will re-grow themselves, basically making a new liver."
I'm not really sure what to make of this... this.... thing. He mentions a "formula" but I can't identify anything in his bad drawing that resembles any type of formula.
It looks to me like it's just a sand-filled reverse osmosis water filter for blood. Who in their right mind is going to filter their blood through sand? How is the sand supposed to remove HIV from the blood stream? This makes absolutely no sense.
He also seems to not know that HIV is found in more places in the body than just the blood stream. It tends to "hide out" in places such as lymph nodes and other body tissues. So filtering blood through anything ain't gonna to squat! Hell! It's already been tried; remember that thing a number of years ago that involved removing the blood from a person, heating it to kill the virus and then cooling and returning the blood to the body? Well, that didn't work either.
But, he did get one thing right; the liver does regenerate.
(The drawing for the AIDS Filter 800 came from Brian's web site.)
He claims to have started having these dreams during his Army basic training. In one particular dream, he says that "Secret Police" from the future were trying to kill him because of the dreams he was about to have. As far as I can tell, this guy actually thinks these things are real. But, come on Mr. Ladd. We all have dreams--sometimes even really bizarre ones--that doesn't mean that they're true.
(He also blames the US Government for some DNS and DOS attacks on his web server. I guess he thinks he's trying to be silenced.)

I'm not really sure what to make of this... this.... thing. He mentions a "formula" but I can't identify anything in his bad drawing that resembles any type of formula.
It looks to me like it's just a sand-filled reverse osmosis water filter for blood. Who in their right mind is going to filter their blood through sand? How is the sand supposed to remove HIV from the blood stream? This makes absolutely no sense.
He also seems to not know that HIV is found in more places in the body than just the blood stream. It tends to "hide out" in places such as lymph nodes and other body tissues. So filtering blood through anything ain't gonna to squat! Hell! It's already been tried; remember that thing a number of years ago that involved removing the blood from a person, heating it to kill the virus and then cooling and returning the blood to the body? Well, that didn't work either.
But, he did get one thing right; the liver does regenerate.
(The drawing for the AIDS Filter 800 came from Brian's web site.)
Monday, April 09, 2007
Cocroack Liquid
A user, gayguy_76 and whose name is Sahil, popped into the usual chat room and asked if there was a cure for HIV. He was told summarily that there wasn't and he said, "are u sure ... as i have heared that there is a liquid in a cocroack that cures how much true is that i done knw". I asked him what a cocroack was and he said it was an insect inside everybody's house. At least that's what I think he meant. And, after I continued on with "Do you mean cockroach?" he left the room.
Not much to go on with this one so I'll just post it and let it lie like the stinking pile of cockroach castings it really is.
Not much to go on with this one so I'll just post it and let it lie like the stinking pile of cockroach castings it really is.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Sick AIDS No More
Back in January, henryobing2002 from Nigeria wandered aimlessly into the HIV/AIDS chat room and said that he has the "remady" for AIDS. Ok, so he really called it a "remady 4 aids". O'Henry here said that he has treated 35 people who have each paid him $3000 (I assume US dollars) "with some gift"
Sick AIDS No More apparently takes "ur [sic] faith to work". But what does it do? How does it work? What the hell is in it? Who the fuck knows. O'Henry sure didn't other than saying it's some "prepared herbs". But he did mention something about "traditional herbalists" and the information being supressed by the government. (Ooo! That Evil Government again!) Oh, and that he cured a medical doctor of AIDS back in August or September, 2006. (This fictional medical doctor paid him $5,000 and a car.)
He did also say that we can pay him what we want but nothing less than $3,000.
I asked him how long he'd been studying the cure for AIDS, "Sick AIDS No More" and he said that he'd inheirited it from his dead grandfather, Aghalakah. So this asshole didn't even *discover* this fake cure; his dead bullshit grandfather did and he got it 9 years ago. And in that nine years, "Sick AIDS No More" has only cured 35 people. Seems pretty ineffective to me...
Regardless, I asked him all the usual questions (Peer-reviewed journal; how do you know they had AIDS?; you know the drill) and he, as usual, didn't have the "right" answers.
However, he did offer to cure "my people" of AIDS. And, although he said he was in Nigeria at first, he then suddenly moved to Singapore. And then, a few minutes later, was in London. And then he was back in Singapore.
And we started negotiations on how to get 15 of "my people" to him to be cured. I said that he would have to pay for the whole trip himself. First Class airfare to Singapore from various international locations. And put us up in private hospital rooms. (He'd first tried to get all 15 of us to stay in his fucking house without adequate medical care in the event of an emergency!) For the two weeks this "cure" would take that would end up costing this asshole almost half a million dollars. I asked him to PayPal me $250,000 as a show of good faith and so we could purchase our tickets to Singapore. And that's where negotiations broke down. He kept saying that I needed to have a visa to visit Singapore before he would send the money. However, the fucking bullshiter never, EVER said what it was on or about the visa would be proof of an impending visit.
After the negotiations broke down, he just kept telling the chat room that he had a cure. All this stinking, overgrown fetus had was a way he thought he could bilk money out of sick people. Fucking asshole!
Sick AIDS No More apparently takes "ur [sic] faith to work". But what does it do? How does it work? What the hell is in it? Who the fuck knows. O'Henry sure didn't other than saying it's some "prepared herbs". But he did mention something about "traditional herbalists" and the information being supressed by the government. (Ooo! That Evil Government again!) Oh, and that he cured a medical doctor of AIDS back in August or September, 2006. (This fictional medical doctor paid him $5,000 and a car.)
He did also say that we can pay him what we want but nothing less than $3,000.
I asked him how long he'd been studying the cure for AIDS, "Sick AIDS No More" and he said that he'd inheirited it from his dead grandfather, Aghalakah. So this asshole didn't even *discover* this fake cure; his dead bullshit grandfather did and he got it 9 years ago. And in that nine years, "Sick AIDS No More" has only cured 35 people. Seems pretty ineffective to me...
Regardless, I asked him all the usual questions (Peer-reviewed journal; how do you know they had AIDS?; you know the drill) and he, as usual, didn't have the "right" answers.
However, he did offer to cure "my people" of AIDS. And, although he said he was in Nigeria at first, he then suddenly moved to Singapore. And then, a few minutes later, was in London. And then he was back in Singapore.
And we started negotiations on how to get 15 of "my people" to him to be cured. I said that he would have to pay for the whole trip himself. First Class airfare to Singapore from various international locations. And put us up in private hospital rooms. (He'd first tried to get all 15 of us to stay in his fucking house without adequate medical care in the event of an emergency!) For the two weeks this "cure" would take that would end up costing this asshole almost half a million dollars. I asked him to PayPal me $250,000 as a show of good faith and so we could purchase our tickets to Singapore. And that's where negotiations broke down. He kept saying that I needed to have a visa to visit Singapore before he would send the money. However, the fucking bullshiter never, EVER said what it was on or about the visa would be proof of an impending visit.
After the negotiations broke down, he just kept telling the chat room that he had a cure. All this stinking, overgrown fetus had was a way he thought he could bilk money out of sick people. Fucking asshole!
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Concentrating on One's Breath
This came to the chat room via a user, "Chereddy_Krishna". It's a simple yet advanced technique. At least that's what this idiot called it. And, all you need to do is "to sit down , keep ur fingers in fingers , close ur eyes , and just 'concentrate on your Breath'". Does it matter if one's breath is garlic-y? Sour? Does someone who has severe halitosis have a rougher or easier time? I'm all confused. But that's another matter.
Yes, indeed. Concentrating on your breath is the cure for HIV and AIDS. Or maybe it isn't. Take for example this exchange from the chat room (my comments in Blue):
Where do these fuckers get these ideas? "Cosmic energy" that "cures all ILLNESS" because it "enters during meditation"???
I asked him what the process which the "cosmic energy" uses to destroy HIV and he kinda sorta just shut up. He repeated over and over "I just know it cures" and similar unproven statements and completely made up anecdotal "evidence".
Further, as usual, I asked him if he has proof that thinking about one's breath will cure HIV and AIDS. He replied, "documentation is that has to be done in Pdf format and be distributed". After I asked if the .pdf file had been published in the usual peer-reviewed medical journal he denied that any such document existed. Which only served to confuse me.
He continued, "i [sic] just have many friends here who cured all their disearses [sic] using this meditation". And we're supposed to just believe this internet fucker 'cause he has no proof of that, either. Hell, he didn't even know how he was measuring the cure.
He finished by telling me to "hang to scientific things" and "i [sic] say my purpose is to just express it but not prove it; if u [sic] think it all flook then leave it".
"Flook"? What the fuck is "flook"?
Thank you, Chereddy. I will "hang to scientific things" because most "scientific things" are, you know, proven. It's part of the process of being scientific. Unlike your bullshit which is just made up and absurd. Yes, meditation by concentrating on your breathing (which is what he really meant) may have some stress-relieving benefits, but it isn't going to cure anyone of HIV nor AIDS.
Pass the Tic Tacs...
Yes, indeed. Concentrating on your breath is the cure for HIV and AIDS. Or maybe it isn't. Take for example this exchange from the chat room (my comments in Blue):
ME: Chreddy, breathing is the cure for HIV...
chereddy_krishna: yes it brings in invisible COSMIC energy
ME: So, if I just concentrate on my "breath" I will be cured of HIV infection. Interesting. How long does it take?
chereddy_krishna: u have to meditate at the least no of minutes as ur Age
chereddy_krishna: if ur 32 32min
chereddy_krishna: if ur 40 40min
ME: Chreddy, how does concentrating on your breath work to destroy HIV?
chereddy_krishna: yes the actual point is you get YOGIC pains which are results of ur past wrong doings ; these pains are to be beared and u get cured after that
Where do these fuckers get these ideas? "Cosmic energy" that "cures all ILLNESS" because it "enters during meditation"???
I asked him what the process which the "cosmic energy" uses to destroy HIV and he kinda sorta just shut up. He repeated over and over "I just know it cures" and similar unproven statements and completely made up anecdotal "evidence".
Further, as usual, I asked him if he has proof that thinking about one's breath will cure HIV and AIDS. He replied, "documentation is that has to be done in Pdf format and be distributed". After I asked if the .pdf file had been published in the usual peer-reviewed medical journal he denied that any such document existed. Which only served to confuse me.
He continued, "i [sic] just have many friends here who cured all their disearses [sic] using this meditation". And we're supposed to just believe this internet fucker 'cause he has no proof of that, either. Hell, he didn't even know how he was measuring the cure.
He finished by telling me to "hang to scientific things" and "i [sic] say my purpose is to just express it but not prove it; if u [sic] think it all flook then leave it".
"Flook"? What the fuck is "flook"?
Thank you, Chereddy. I will "hang to scientific things" because most "scientific things" are, you know, proven. It's part of the process of being scientific. Unlike your bullshit which is just made up and absurd. Yes, meditation by concentrating on your breathing (which is what he really meant) may have some stress-relieving benefits, but it isn't going to cure anyone of HIV nor AIDS.
Pass the Tic Tacs...
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Picture, if you will. A man named Ivan Gellner. Mr. Gellner has ESP but doesn't quite understand what it means. You'll see why later.
But for now, suffice it to say that Mr. Gellner claims to heal people "suffering from AIDS/HIV+". Apparently, he doesn't realize that people don't suffer from HIV+; they are HIV+. Doesn't bode well for the rest of what he says.
Mr. Gellner claims to do this healing through ESP. (Yes, yes, I know that ESP actually means Extra Sensory Perception but this guy apparently uses his perception to "heal" HIV and AIDS.) Is healing in the eye of the beholder??
He doesn't even need to be in the patient's presence to use his perception to heal. "You do not need to go to see me at all, because all is done by the distance/remote healing." "There is no physical contact with the patient's body. I practice so called 'distance healing'."
He goes on:
This of course, begs the question, why doesn't his healing work for everybody in the world!? Why do people still have HIV and AIDS? Hell, why do people still get colds if this guy is spending 1/4 of his life "meditating" for "all of us"?? Oh, but I digress. Kinda.
He also says, "My personal approach is not to explain anything but trying to heal." So what he means is that he isn't doing a damn thing and wants you to pay him for it. But only after you see some healing effects. What are these healing effects? Well, according to our wonderful friend, Mr. Gellner:
What the hell is "whole body optimization"? Does Mr. Galbladder here run some sort of defragmentation program every day for at least six hours for all his rubes? I mean, Clients?
One would think that if the number of one's CD4 cells increased, they'd stop decreasing by definition, but he feels it necessary to make 'em separate. Still not a good sign, eh?
He also advocates continuing to take one's medications after one is diagnosed with "HIV+" regardless of his "healing". He continues and says that you should not expect a quick result from his healing and that it could take several months to see results from what he's doing. Problem is, he ain't doin' shit! He's just telling you to take your medications and then HE takes credit for causing good lab results!!!! STOP TAKING CREDIT FOR WHAT THE MEDICATIONS DO!!!!
Oh, wait. But maybe he's not healing at all. Despite all the claims to "heal" on his website, he says, "Please do not take this as a claim that I can heal it, because I still don’t know. (As of July 2006)"
So, he says he doesn't know and then says he can. And then says he'll charge you a non-refundable "application fee" of $39US to begin the perception of healing he says he doesn't know about. I guess that it's this $39 that begins the "free" four-month healing. Which, by the way, you're warned that the effects of that four-month non-existing healing are only temporary. After that, if you want to continue being thought about in a very, very vague way by someone you've never met, you'll have to pay Mr. Gellner $648US for the first year and then $468 each year after for "Maintenence Healing".
This asshole really does take the cake here. He says to continue taking your medications since his perceptual healing doesn't replace them and then takes credit (and your money) when the medications work.
How much do you want to bet his "meditation" takes place while he's shopping, driving, watching movies, taking vacations, flying to Italy, lying on the beach, etc.???
But for now, suffice it to say that Mr. Gellner claims to heal people "suffering from AIDS/HIV+". Apparently, he doesn't realize that people don't suffer from HIV+; they are HIV+. Doesn't bode well for the rest of what he says.
Mr. Gellner claims to do this healing through ESP. (Yes, yes, I know that ESP actually means Extra Sensory Perception but this guy apparently uses his perception to "heal" HIV and AIDS.) Is healing in the eye of the beholder??
He doesn't even need to be in the patient's presence to use his perception to heal. "You do not need to go to see me at all, because all is done by the distance/remote healing." "There is no physical contact with the patient's body. I practice so called 'distance healing'."
He goes on:
I exert influence on my patients for over 6 hours daily through meditation and an absolutely clear mind. The essential part is that I do this meditation for all of us. I say "for all of us", because I do meditation also for myself, of course, therefore I really meditate for all my patients concurrently.
This of course, begs the question, why doesn't his healing work for everybody in the world!? Why do people still have HIV and AIDS? Hell, why do people still get colds if this guy is spending 1/4 of his life "meditating" for "all of us"?? Oh, but I digress. Kinda.
He also says, "My personal approach is not to explain anything but trying to heal." So what he means is that he isn't doing a damn thing and wants you to pay him for it. But only after you see some healing effects. What are these healing effects? Well, according to our wonderful friend, Mr. Gellner:
- reduction and healing of many AIDS/HIV+ symptoms
- increase of CD4 cells
- stopped the decrease of CD4
- lowering of VL
- less [sic] side effects from medication
- restoration/rebuilding of the immune system
- whole body optimization
- more energy, and good mental health
What the hell is "whole body optimization"? Does Mr. Galbladder here run some sort of defragmentation program every day for at least six hours for all his rubes? I mean, Clients?
One would think that if the number of one's CD4 cells increased, they'd stop decreasing by definition, but he feels it necessary to make 'em separate. Still not a good sign, eh?
He also advocates continuing to take one's medications after one is diagnosed with "HIV+" regardless of his "healing". He continues and says that you should not expect a quick result from his healing and that it could take several months to see results from what he's doing. Problem is, he ain't doin' shit! He's just telling you to take your medications and then HE takes credit for causing good lab results!!!! STOP TAKING CREDIT FOR WHAT THE MEDICATIONS DO!!!!
Oh, wait. But maybe he's not healing at all. Despite all the claims to "heal" on his website, he says, "Please do not take this as a claim that I can heal it, because I still don’t know. (As of July 2006)"
So, he says he doesn't know and then says he can. And then says he'll charge you a non-refundable "application fee" of $39US to begin the perception of healing he says he doesn't know about. I guess that it's this $39 that begins the "free" four-month healing. Which, by the way, you're warned that the effects of that four-month non-existing healing are only temporary. After that, if you want to continue being thought about in a very, very vague way by someone you've never met, you'll have to pay Mr. Gellner $648US for the first year and then $468 each year after for "Maintenence Healing".
This asshole really does take the cake here. He says to continue taking your medications since his perceptual healing doesn't replace them and then takes credit (and your money) when the medications work.
How much do you want to bet his "meditation" takes place while he's shopping, driving, watching movies, taking vacations, flying to Italy, lying on the beach, etc.???
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Yes, after a very busy September here on the blog, I ran into a brick wall through all of October. So shoot me. I'm not getting paid for this. (Now, if you want to pay me for this, you're more than welcome to!!)
Anyway, on to Faith....
It seems the HIV/AIDS:1 chat room on Yahoo! goes through spurts of various people trying to get the chatters there to buy some "cure". The most recent spat was a bunch of people spewing that through faith alone, one can cure HIV and AIDS. One of 'em even starting singing pathetically supposedly uplifting christian music on the microphone into the room. Well, I suppose it would be most accurate to call it "vocalizing". He couldn't sing. Not even carry a tune in a bucket. It was amusing and horrible both at the same time.
I don't have Yahoo! handles for ya this time (mainly 'cause my mind is like a seive) so you'll just have to take my word for this one. I asked one (or maybe more, I don't really know) what he or she would say to the billions who have HIV or AIDS that weren't cured through "faith" or prayer. And to the reply (which I forget), I asked, "So, if the person wasn't cured, it was the person's fault for not having enough faith, right? It had nothing to do with HIV and AIDS not being curable??" I remember one of them logged off the chat room right after being asked that.
And, I know I asked a couple of these folks how they knew the person with "faith" had been cured. One of 'em replied that he'd seen the "HIV Papers" of the person. When asked what he meant by "HIV Papers", he logged off.
Still others said that with prayer, one can be cured from HIV or AIDS. I pointed out the results of a study done in England near the beginning of 2006 that indicated that prayer had no positive effect on the recovery of people in the hospital. And, in some cases (where the patient knew he or she was being prayed for), the patient actually got worse rather than better. So, prayer does nothing. Zilch. Nada. And, can even hurt people.
I also pointed out that since God will do anything he wants to anyway, their prayers wouldn't force God to do anything.
Finally, some even said that God can do anything. But, according to Judges 1:19, God couldn't "drive out the inhabitants of the valley, because they had chariots of iron.". And, in Hebrews 6:18 "It was impossible for God to lie." So, God can't do anything. These people generally don't like this part of the discussion....
It's pathetic. These people think they're helping folks but they really aren't. They're really just being arrogant religious nut cases. "If you had the faith that I do, you'd be cured". That isn't uplifting nor is it helpful. Face it. There is no known cure for HIV nor for AIDS. I wish these poeple would get this simple little fact through their brains....
("Let the negative commentary commence!!!")
Anyway, on to Faith....
It seems the HIV/AIDS:1 chat room on Yahoo! goes through spurts of various people trying to get the chatters there to buy some "cure". The most recent spat was a bunch of people spewing that through faith alone, one can cure HIV and AIDS. One of 'em even starting singing pathetically supposedly uplifting christian music on the microphone into the room. Well, I suppose it would be most accurate to call it "vocalizing". He couldn't sing. Not even carry a tune in a bucket. It was amusing and horrible both at the same time.
I don't have Yahoo! handles for ya this time (mainly 'cause my mind is like a seive) so you'll just have to take my word for this one. I asked one (or maybe more, I don't really know) what he or she would say to the billions who have HIV or AIDS that weren't cured through "faith" or prayer. And to the reply (which I forget), I asked, "So, if the person wasn't cured, it was the person's fault for not having enough faith, right? It had nothing to do with HIV and AIDS not being curable??" I remember one of them logged off the chat room right after being asked that.
And, I know I asked a couple of these folks how they knew the person with "faith" had been cured. One of 'em replied that he'd seen the "HIV Papers" of the person. When asked what he meant by "HIV Papers", he logged off.
Still others said that with prayer, one can be cured from HIV or AIDS. I pointed out the results of a study done in England near the beginning of 2006 that indicated that prayer had no positive effect on the recovery of people in the hospital. And, in some cases (where the patient knew he or she was being prayed for), the patient actually got worse rather than better. So, prayer does nothing. Zilch. Nada. And, can even hurt people.
I also pointed out that since God will do anything he wants to anyway, their prayers wouldn't force God to do anything.
Finally, some even said that God can do anything. But, according to Judges 1:19, God couldn't "drive out the inhabitants of the valley, because they had chariots of iron.". And, in Hebrews 6:18 "It was impossible for God to lie." So, God can't do anything. These people generally don't like this part of the discussion....
It's pathetic. These people think they're helping folks but they really aren't. They're really just being arrogant religious nut cases. "If you had the faith that I do, you'd be cured". That isn't uplifting nor is it helpful. Face it. There is no known cure for HIV nor for AIDS. I wish these poeple would get this simple little fact through their brains....
("Let the negative commentary commence!!!")
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Four Herbs from a Dream.....
"I have a dream! A dream about you, Baby!"
"Dream a little dream of me!"
Of all the stupid......
Some idiot's wife had a dream about four herbs. Or maybe she was in a trance. Or maybe it was just a dream-like state. Who fucking knows? Who fucking cares? A user of eHealthForums.com, Budha3 says, "My wife saw four herbs in a dream that she said will cure aids and cancer." But over on the web site for his book which Budha3 mentions, he says, "she was in a trance-like, dream-like state." Whichever; it doesn't matter.
What does kinda matter is that this fucker can't even use correct grammar. "... she did not no anything about...", "...the herbs that she saw were each a nemisis to Aids...", "Other scientist are citing his work.", etc.
And then there's the whopper "sentence" here:
I'm willing to belive some of this guy's grammar problems are typos, but not all of them. I mean, SHEESH! This guy needs an editor!! BADLY! (What self-respecting book publisher would even give an author who wrote like that the fucking time of day!??)
What are these Dream-Herbs? Well, he doesn't name all four but he does say in one of his posts that two of the herbs (which aren't toxic) are (Drum roll, please....) Spearmint and Iodine! (Iodine??? Since when is iodine a fuckin' herb???)
Does the guy ever fucking say what all the Dream-Herbs are? Of course not. You hafta buy the stupid book to find out; and this stupid book is a whopping 57 pages long. That's not a book; that's a fucking long letter....
Of course, with iodine suddenly being classified as an herb, maybe--just maybe--the other two "herbs" will be uranium and petrified wooly mammoth piss....
Among this guy's other books is a book titled, "How to Avert a Curse in Five Words or Less" (now available from Barnes and Noble!) Hey! Give the nutcase a look! It's worth a laugh or two or a dozen...
(This originally came from the forums over on eHealth. Well, at least thats how I first found it...)
"Dream a little dream of me!"
Of all the stupid......
Some idiot's wife had a dream about four herbs. Or maybe she was in a trance. Or maybe it was just a dream-like state. Who fucking knows? Who fucking cares? A user of eHealthForums.com, Budha3 says, "My wife saw four herbs in a dream that she said will cure aids and cancer." But over on the web site for his book which Budha3 mentions, he says, "she was in a trance-like, dream-like state." Whichever; it doesn't matter.
What does kinda matter is that this fucker can't even use correct grammar. "... she did not no anything about...", "...the herbs that she saw were each a nemisis to Aids...", "Other scientist are citing his work.", etc.
And then there's the whopper "sentence" here:
Edward Calabrese, a respected professor of toxicology at the University of Massachusetts, endured ridicule as he gathered evidence showing that small amounts of poisons, even cancer-causing chemicals such as dioxin, can be good for you, Calabrese's work suggest that for many chemicals, exposure to a low level may be healthier than no exposure at all, Though long relegated to the scientific fringe, Calabrese's idea is suddenly being taken seriously.
I'm willing to belive some of this guy's grammar problems are typos, but not all of them. I mean, SHEESH! This guy needs an editor!! BADLY! (What self-respecting book publisher would even give an author who wrote like that the fucking time of day!??)
What are these Dream-Herbs? Well, he doesn't name all four but he does say in one of his posts that two of the herbs (which aren't toxic) are (Drum roll, please....) Spearmint and Iodine! (Iodine??? Since when is iodine a fuckin' herb???)
Does the guy ever fucking say what all the Dream-Herbs are? Of course not. You hafta buy the stupid book to find out; and this stupid book is a whopping 57 pages long. That's not a book; that's a fucking long letter....
Of course, with iodine suddenly being classified as an herb, maybe--just maybe--the other two "herbs" will be uranium and petrified wooly mammoth piss....
Among this guy's other books is a book titled, "How to Avert a Curse in Five Words or Less" (now available from Barnes and Noble!) Hey! Give the nutcase a look! It's worth a laugh or two or a dozen...
(This originally came from the forums over on eHealth. Well, at least thats how I first found it...)
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Yellow Dock Root
Ran across this one somehow on a site called (I think) HaitiCentral.com. And, naturally, all information from Haiti is good and reliable medical advice. Of course!
Well, according to a user, "Satin silk", "Yellow Dock Infusion cures AIDS." No research is provided. No facts. No nothin'. Just the word of a "Cherokee Herbalist". This Satin Silk joker also says to simply munch on wheat grass if one doesn't have a juicer. Oh, yippee. Sign me up. I wanna look like a fuckin' cow munchin' on my lawn. Or the lawnmower man from the Stephen King story of the same name. (Not the movie; the movie, while decent, had little to do with the story...) Afterall, the Unnamed Cherokee Herbalist and a (ooooh!) Medicine Woman have cured lots of people by using Yellow Dock Infusion along with Wheat Grass Juice.
The "Satin Silk" twit tells ya to just go out and dig up some Yellow Dock, chop its roots into bits and make a strong tea out of it. At about an ounce per pint of water. (No, no research to back up the dosage.) And finishes with "I hope this is helpful to anybody who has a friend who has AIDS." Gee. How nice. Thanks.
Ok, so I Googled "Yellow Dock" and came up with the scientific name, rumex crispus. Which, when Googled yielded a site run by the USDA in among all the annoying sites hawking herbs for medicinal uses. (Yippee!!! Actuall, real information!!!) Well, sort of anyway. The site which came up from the USDA on rumex crispus was for curly dock--not yellow dock. But, when searching for yellow dock on the USDA site, nothin' popped up. So, I'm going to assume that the fuckin' herbalists are all wrong.
Look. Going around and digging up plants and then making a tea out of its crushed roots can have dangerous effects. If you happen to dig up the wrong plant, you could poison yourself. Digging up the plant in the wrong spot can be illegal. It's just fucking stupid.
On the other hand, since yellow dock is on the noxious weed list for some US states and is not native to the United States, go ahead and dig it up. (If it's not native, how the fuck does a "Cherokee Herbalist" know squat about it???) Just don't think that drinking an "infusion" of its chopped roots and munching on wheat grass like a cow is going to do squat for HIV infection or AIDS.
Well, according to a user, "Satin silk", "Yellow Dock Infusion cures AIDS." No research is provided. No facts. No nothin'. Just the word of a "Cherokee Herbalist". This Satin Silk joker also says to simply munch on wheat grass if one doesn't have a juicer. Oh, yippee. Sign me up. I wanna look like a fuckin' cow munchin' on my lawn. Or the lawnmower man from the Stephen King story of the same name. (Not the movie; the movie, while decent, had little to do with the story...) Afterall, the Unnamed Cherokee Herbalist and a (ooooh!) Medicine Woman have cured lots of people by using Yellow Dock Infusion along with Wheat Grass Juice.
The "Satin Silk" twit tells ya to just go out and dig up some Yellow Dock, chop its roots into bits and make a strong tea out of it. At about an ounce per pint of water. (No, no research to back up the dosage.) And finishes with "I hope this is helpful to anybody who has a friend who has AIDS." Gee. How nice. Thanks.
Ok, so I Googled "Yellow Dock" and came up with the scientific name, rumex crispus. Which, when Googled yielded a site run by the USDA in among all the annoying sites hawking herbs for medicinal uses. (Yippee!!! Actuall, real information!!!) Well, sort of anyway. The site which came up from the USDA on rumex crispus was for curly dock--not yellow dock. But, when searching for yellow dock on the USDA site, nothin' popped up. So, I'm going to assume that the fuckin' herbalists are all wrong.
Look. Going around and digging up plants and then making a tea out of its crushed roots can have dangerous effects. If you happen to dig up the wrong plant, you could poison yourself. Digging up the plant in the wrong spot can be illegal. It's just fucking stupid.
On the other hand, since yellow dock is on the noxious weed list for some US states and is not native to the United States, go ahead and dig it up. (If it's not native, how the fuck does a "Cherokee Herbalist" know squat about it???) Just don't think that drinking an "infusion" of its chopped roots and munching on wheat grass like a cow is going to do squat for HIV infection or AIDS.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Parasite Popperz
Although they sound like some deep-fried appetizer at T.G.I.Friday's, they're actually little things that send "low frequency" though your body to kill parasites. At least that's what the fuckin' stupid Yahoo! member, "Giftpowers" said.
Of course, in the chat room, he kept misspelling nearly everything. Parasite became "paracite". His wholly underwhelming website is hardly anything but poor spelling. And this asshole is trying to get people in the chat room to send him $100 for this bullshit "Parasite Popperz" thing. And this fuckjob is one of those at the top of the totem pole; there is no middle man to his bullshit device--he makes them himself.
How to use the bullshit? One takes a "papertowlette" and moistens it. Then one takes hold of the hand holds and turns it on. Though, I still don't quite know why a "moistened papertowlette" is necessary and what one does with it. Does one just leave the "moistened papertowlette" sitting on the counter? Does it go on one's head? Does one simply throw the "moistened papertowlette" away after getting it wet? Does the brand matter? Bounty? Do they need to be of a specific thickness to get the best benefits? Minds like mine need to know!!!
Now, where was I?.... Oh, yes.... Gripping the hand holds....
After gripping the hand holds, the "low frequency" then courses through the body and zaps all parasites! Low frequency what? Deposits into one's bank account? Low frequency sound? Does a sub-woofer work as well as this bullshit? How many hertz? 60? 120? I NEED to know!!!!
Oh, and by the way, AIDS isn't a syndrome anymore; it's a physical entity called a Paracite [sic]. Put that in your peer-reviewed journal, Nature!!! Well, at least according to this "son of a wholisitic practicioner".
But, after significant badgering and immediately after my asking him where his "reasearch" into this bullshit was published, he vanished from the chat room. Big fuckin' surprise.
Of course, in the chat room, he kept misspelling nearly everything. Parasite became "paracite". His wholly underwhelming website is hardly anything but poor spelling. And this asshole is trying to get people in the chat room to send him $100 for this bullshit "Parasite Popperz" thing. And this fuckjob is one of those at the top of the totem pole; there is no middle man to his bullshit device--he makes them himself.
How to use the bullshit? One takes a "papertowlette" and moistens it. Then one takes hold of the hand holds and turns it on. Though, I still don't quite know why a "moistened papertowlette" is necessary and what one does with it. Does one just leave the "moistened papertowlette" sitting on the counter? Does it go on one's head? Does one simply throw the "moistened papertowlette" away after getting it wet? Does the brand matter? Bounty? Do they need to be of a specific thickness to get the best benefits? Minds like mine need to know!!!
Now, where was I?.... Oh, yes.... Gripping the hand holds....
After gripping the hand holds, the "low frequency" then courses through the body and zaps all parasites! Low frequency what? Deposits into one's bank account? Low frequency sound? Does a sub-woofer work as well as this bullshit? How many hertz? 60? 120? I NEED to know!!!!
Oh, and by the way, AIDS isn't a syndrome anymore; it's a physical entity called a Paracite [sic]. Put that in your peer-reviewed journal, Nature!!! Well, at least according to this "son of a wholisitic practicioner".
But, after significant badgering and immediately after my asking him where his "reasearch" into this bullshit was published, he vanished from the chat room. Big fuckin' surprise.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
UPDATE 3: ParaZapper™
Ya know, I really hate to take delight in someone's business being shut down but I'll make an exception for ParaDevices, the maker of ParaZapper™. (ParaZapper™ is a trademark of Para Systems and Devices, LLC even though they can't sell them anymore.)
Please see the original ParaZapper™ post for my original commentary on this bullshit device.
Apparently, sometime over the past year, the FDA has decided that these electronic "zappers" don't do what they claim to do. (Well knock me down and call me Sally!) Further, the FDA have shut down all retail operations selling them. (And here, I do a little Happy Dance!)
According to a note on the Para Systems and Devices, LLC web site, "Until Further notice, Due to problems with the FDA, ParaZapper will not be selling zappers."
I have contacted David Etheredge, owner and operator of the Para Systems and Devices, LLC web site for comments but, so far, I haven't received a response. Not that I really expect one. He's kinda a jerk.
So, in closing, I have one very childish thing to say to Mr. Etheredge, "Neener! Neener! Neener!"
(And, everybody, please, don't really knock me down and call me Sally.)
Please see the original ParaZapper™ post for my original commentary on this bullshit device.
Apparently, sometime over the past year, the FDA has decided that these electronic "zappers" don't do what they claim to do. (Well knock me down and call me Sally!) Further, the FDA have shut down all retail operations selling them. (And here, I do a little Happy Dance!)
According to a note on the Para Systems and Devices, LLC web site, "Until Further notice, Due to problems with the FDA, ParaZapper will not be selling zappers."
I have contacted David Etheredge, owner and operator of the Para Systems and Devices, LLC web site for comments but, so far, I haven't received a response. Not that I really expect one. He's kinda a jerk.
So, in closing, I have one very childish thing to say to Mr. Etheredge, "Neener! Neener! Neener!"
(And, everybody, please, don't really knock me down and call me Sally.)
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