Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Yes, but which god?? Zeus? Loki? Pelé?

No, today's cure is none other than the Generic Christian God. (I'll call him--or her, or them, or it--GCG for short...) Over on a web site for The Hallelujah Prayer Warriors a bunch of Southern Baptists claim that their little prayer circle is forcing the Generic Christian God to heal entire countries of AIDS. Yes, really.

They say, "A few years ago, a group of Christians in the United States of America began praying against AIDS." How does one pray "against" AIDS? Does anybody really pray in support of AIDS? I doubt these people really have any idea what AIDS is nor does. But, no matter... They're speaking to GOD!

They say to these poor, HIV-ravaged countries, "Turn to God, repent of your sins, receive Jesus Christ as your Saviour and ask God to heal your land."

Look, you damn baptists! If your Generic Christian God is all-seeing, all-knowing, and all-powerful and since your Generic Christian God will do what he, she, it, or they want to do, why do you presume so damn much to think that your itty bitty prayer group will do anything?? As best I can see, your prayer circle has only allowed you fuckers to become arrogant ("Our prayer group made God heal!"), self-righteous ("Our prayer group did more than your prayer group!"), and prideful ("Our Prayer Group gets results!").

STOP IT! Why don't you just admit that your prayer group does NOTHING except make its members feel like they're doing something? God will do what he (she, it or they) wants; a fucking prayer group won't sway God's opinion one way or the other. (Fucking baptists....)

(I believe God wanted me to write the above post. Including the swearing. If he hadn't wanted me to write it, he would have blown up my keyboard. He would have struck me down with lightening. He would have sent a power surge to my computer. He would have done something to prevent me from writing it. Since he didn't, I presume that it's God's will this message be posted on the Interent!)

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