"What is this Assemblage Point bullshit?" you ask. It's a point just to the right of your breast bone. In women, it's higher than men. And, if that Assemblage Point shifts down.... well, you'd better get ready to die.
According to Jon Whale and his web site:
This is a dangerous, uncomfortable and distressing location indicated by very low mental and physical energy with acute psychological instability and physiological disturbances. Frontal brain energy will be low impairing the functions of the endocrine glands and organs. From this location it is virtually impossible to recover without realignment of the Assemblage Point. As the Assemblage Point's rear location or pivot point drops down from the shoulder blade area, muscular coordination becomes affected.
With this location, serious psychiatric or physical illness will often be present such as auto immune disease syndrome (A.I.D.S.), cancer, meningitis, cerebral thrombosis, apoplexy, clinical depression, post natal depression, myalgic encephalomyelitis (M.E. syndrome) and multiple sclerosis (M.S. syndrome).
Pay no attention to the fact they got the meaning of AIDS completely wrong (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome). Besides, I bet you thought AIDS was caused by HIV, didn't you? Bet you didn't know that it was caused by a shift in your Assemblage Point. I bet you didn't even know you had an Assemblage Point. See? I'm just here to educate!
So, to realign your Assemblage Point, you need to use the Lux IV. Which just shines colored light onto your body. They have all sorts of infrared pictures of "patients" after treatment showing greater warmth in the area "treated" with light. Nevermind that the light itself is probably causing the warm skin. Such obvious truths mean nothing to Mr. Whale!
Regardless, the light that Mr. Wacko uses is filtered through crystals, gems, and colored gels. Why? I don't know. I suppose to make it pretty. And to give the impression that something is actually happening when it really isn't.
Note to Jon Whale: AIDS is caused by HIV and can't be helped--in any way--by shining light on a person's body. No matter how many purty colors of light are used.
(The highly clinical photograph earlier in this post was taken from http://www.whalemedical.com/ap1.html and then cropped.)
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