Monday, August 01, 2005

UPDATE 2: The ParaZapper™

After a long and thoughtful evening, Mr. Etheredge has posted to the blog again. Again, my comments are in blue and bold.

Well Bryan, I am glad that you were able to fix one of your errors. I am also glad that our several thousand customers a year do not agree with you. (You're glad of that because your deceit is lining your pockets.)

Really, how can you say that [something is bullshit] about something that you have not tried? And you seem to do that a lot about a lot of things. It looks like your are representing the pharmaceutical companies because they are afraid of these products. Again, we have thousands of very happy customers. (I am not representing anybody other than me. You, on the other hand, are trying to get money from people who are desperate for a cure where none exisits. Test tube results don't always translate to real-world results. If you were anything remotely resembling a scientist you would know that. However, I'm getting the feeling you're one of those annoying marketing assholes.

And, if pharmaceutical companies are afraid of your bullshit like you say they are, why is that? Because of money? Please tell me how your selling your bullshit ParaZapper™ is *any* different from that?

Also, anecdotal stories are *not* proof. If you want to play the numbers game try this on for size: You may have thousands of happy customers but how many tens- and hundreds of thousands are happy with pharmaceuticals?)

As a matter of fact, on a university campus right close to you, there are several of our ParaZappers available for free use by HIV infected individuals. (Yeah? Which one? Why don't you say which one?)

I am told by the department head that the units are in high demand. We also sell a lot in your area to those who can afford their own after trying the free usage units. (Names; I want names! Cold hard facts, bubba! I want numbers! Who is the department head? Which department? C'mon! Stop being so evasive!)

You mentioned that we suggested our most expensive model for AIDS and HIV. It is refreshing to see the pharmaceutical companies charging aspirin prices for their AIDs medications. And so far, these medications work so well that ( heck, what are they having? 5-6 percent success? ). (Again, how is your charging a lot of money for your bullshit *any* different than what you're accusing them of doing!? The difference I see is that they have independantly verified proof that has been peer-reveiewed and you don't. Mainly because your bullshit simply doesn't work.

And, what do you define as a "success"? A verifiable and continued reduction in Viral Load? [Success rate: nearly 100% for pharmaceuticals] Absolute cure? [Success rate: 0% across the board because there is no cure for HIV nor AIDS.] Simply feeling better with no objective evidence whatsoever? [Success rate: Who knows?])

Also, We do not sell or promote Colloidial Silver, but I have heard of amazing results coming out of the University there. (Again, which university?? Colloidial Silver is bullshit. It didn't work in the 1980's and it doesn't work now.)

Regardless of what you may believe, ParaZapper works, and so does Colloidial Silver! (What do you define as "works"? Does your bullshit ParaZapper™ shoot the body with electricity? Sure; I have no doubt that it does. Does it do anything to viruses? No. If you think it does then maybe you can describe for me and everybody else how the electricity knows to differentiate between a normal body cell and a virus cell. Also, please describe, in detail, how it knows to only zap the harmful bacteria and not the good bacteria?)

So the next time you want to blast some product that you do not know sh-t about, think of this. If you bought a product that did not work, what would you do? First, get your money back. Second complain to the Better Business Bureau, Third complain to the FTC, and fourth, sue!.

1) We rarely are asked for a refund but always give it provided that terms are met. (And what are those terms? That it's returned the day after it's shipped unused and unopened and untouched by human hands? C'mon. If you *really* stood behind your bullshit product, you'd not have such a qualifier as "provided that terms are met.")

2) We have never had a complaint against us at the Better Business Bureau. (Are you a member of the Better Business Bureau? I don't see a single reference on your site about it, so I assume no; you're not. And, the BBB only registers complaints against its members. Your argument here is moot.)

3) We have never had a complaint filed against us at the FTC. (Perhaps your customers don't know they can complain to the FTC. Or, perhaps, the FTC doesn't have enough complaints on your product to bother with. Again, a moot point, bubba. Also, it would be the FDA that would be concerned about you since you're promoting cures that don't exist.)

4) We have never been threatened with a lawsuit. (That you know about. I'm sure lots of people threaten a lawsuit that the defendant knows nothing about.)

You might consider that a person who presents false information may end up hurting those who follow their suggestions. Some may die because you gave them uninformed thoughts! (The only one between us offering a false sense of hope is you. YOU are helping to let people DIE because YOU tell them that you have a cure when none exists. Don't go trying to get on your high moral horse with me, scum bag.)

Before you go out and blast products and people, find out the real truth. Talk to actual customers who have used the products which you obviously have not. (Again, anecdotal stories are not proof. Show me some actual peer-reviewed studies and publications in qualified medical journals that your bullshit ParaZapper™ does what you say it will and I will consider removing your crap from the web site. Until then, it stays.)

If ParaZapper did not work, then why would customers call and order more for other family members? (Anecdotal at best.)

Lastly Bryan, while you can mislead others out there who have not tried ParaZapper, you can not mislead our customers because they at least know the truth. Over 50 percent of our new customers come from seeing the results that someone else had. (Mislead? *I'm* misleading people!? How is pointing out that there is no cure for HIV and AIDS misleading people? How is calling your fucking bullshit on the carpet for the bullshit that it is misleading?)

ParaZapper is only one of over 50 companies that manufacture and sell parasite zappers. (And that makes it better some how? That makes you somehow immune to ridicule?)

It is estimated that between 50 thousand and 100 thousand units are sold a year and doubling every year. (Which is it? 50,000 or 100,000. That's a big difference. So, it's doubling every year, eh? If it doubled every year, every person on the planet would have one within 17 years of the first 50,000-unit year. Can you forward your sales figures which bear-up your outlandish statement? Didn't think so....)

Oh! and one last question. If our product is so bad, why do our customers not put up pages like this? (Maybe because they were embarrased to be taken in so completely by your bullshit. And, how do you know that your customers haven't put up a page like this? How do you know that I'm *not* one of your customers? Have you checked and asked each and every one of your 10,000-or so customers? Didn't think so.)

Mr. Etheredge, unless you provide cold, hard facts or an article in JAMA (or another qualified peer-reviewed medical journal) in any reply, comment, or post, this is the end of the conversation.


Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
BryanB said...

You'll notice a comment made by Rachel Matteson right above this one. She commented on all four of the blog posts regarding the ParaZapper™. In them, she seemed to both agree and disagree that the ParaZapper™ and similar devices both worked and didn't work. She then provided a link to a website that displayed information on buying your very own ParaZapper™. The end result being that her comments were little more than a commercial for buying zappers; presumably from her or someone she knows.

So, her comments are deleted. Had she left out the URL, the comments would have stayed.

Unknown said...

It can helps to cure water disease. I read a post today.
How Parazapper can Help for Diarrhea
In Bangladesh, every year many poor children are affected by Diarrhea. A NGO  publish their collected survey data. Every year rural children are affected by diarrhea 4.5 times and 230000 children die, where 8287 children are under five years.
Recently some years this condition has changed cause most poor people are aware of the disease and their economic condition has developed. 
Govt. and some NGO are working on this field. For improve awareness about Diarrhea already added diarrhea topic with text book and NGO giving training voluntarily.

Diarrhea infection has some cause.  Different types ages people affected by the disease different virus. Children are mostly affected by the rotavirus, which age is under 5 years. Adult are affected by the astroviruses. Virus and bacteria both are responsible for the disease.

Rotavirus vaccine can decrease the rates of diarrhea in people. Proper hand washing and fresh food is effective for prevention of diarrhea.
David Etheredge has innovated a LVPEF device that kills many microbes in water, which is called ParaZapper. It can eliminate virus and bacteria from water within 2 hours.
I was found effective news on that site. There has lot of information about ParaZapper device.
For additional information see:
ParaZapper products are sold at

BryanB said...

Hey, congratulations, Information Technology! You stayed on topic this time! This post stays. But only so I can respond with this:

David Etheredge is a complete tool and is possibly illegally selling his bullshit devices for medical use despite no independent verification that the devices do anything beneficial. He hasn't innovated anything except a way to trick sick people out of money they don't have to spend on bullshit.