Monday, August 01, 2005

UPDATE: The ParaZapper™

One David Etheredge has taken me to task on his bullshit ParaZapper™. Reproduced here is his comment on my ParaZapper™ post. I make my comments in Bold and Blue:

Dear lacking in knowlege and intelligence, (That's a good way to make friends.)

Of all things, besides being a complete idiot, you are a complete liar. (No, you are the liar, you nit-wit. Lying implies deceit or intent to deceive. I made a simple error in who owns the trademark to ParaZapper™; which, by the way, is still bullshit no matter who owns the trademark. I in no way intended to deceive who owned the trademark. You, however, *are* intending to deceive with your bullshit.)

First, Dr. Clark Does not own, have any interest in, or any involvement with ParaZapper!

I am the owner of the trademark ParaZapper and I am the design engineer who creates all of the products owned by the company Para Systems and Devices, LLC. These are based on her design but are improvements beyond. (Fair enough. However, you really should learn how to make complete sentences before you go blasting away at people.)

None of the ParaZapper sites are Dr. Clarks and she does not get any money or any thing else from us except an occasional letter thanking her for her efforts. (So, she gives away her books on her fake cures for all diseases? She has no vested interest in trying to get people to electrocute themselves to abate their cancer?)

Additionally, Dr. Clarks zapper is free to build yourself and there are published schematics all over the internet for various models.

While we do offer our products as available for HIV and AIDS infected individuals we do not offer them as a cure. We also have a money back guarantee. (Oh, come now. Don't insult my intelligence. You say that HIV and AIDS may be caused by parasites and, all over your web site, you also say that your ParaZapper™ kills the parasites that make one ill. How can you keep that information completely insulated from each other? C'mon!)

We also do not suggest that anyone use the ParaZapper in place of any medication. (Nice way to cover your ass in the event you get sued by anybody who's harmed by your bullshit. You must sleep really, really well at night.)

For your information, ParaZapper is being tested at a major US university and does show a reduction of viral load in many but not all cases. (Yeah, yeah. Which "major US university"? Yale? Certainly not. MIT? Doubtful. College of CowFart, Alabama? Probably. Who's doing the testing? What department? What's the person's name? What's their specialty? When did they start testing? When do they expect to finish?)

As for the individual who told the Yahoo chat room visitor that ParaZapper was BS, which model did that well advised person buy and use that made him such an authority? (I'm *extremely* pleased that you recognize that the person who says your ParaZapper™ is bullshit was well-advised! Now, if you could just stop saying that your bullshit device will actually help people... Naw, that might cut into your revenue stream....)

Mr. Etheredge, thank you for your comments. You have allowed the world (Or at least the readers of this blog) to see what kind of asshole you really are. And, next time you want to go galavanting around the internet and calling people liars, you should probably look yourself in the mirror before you go throwing stones in your glass house.

While the ParaZapper™ is still bullshit, I have corrected the original ParaZapper™ post to reflect who actually owns the trademark.


Unknown said...
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BryanB said...

You'll notice a comment made by Rachel Matteson right above this one. She commented on all four of the blog posts regarding the ParaZapper™. In them, she seemed to both agree and disagree that the ParaZapper™ and similar devices both worked and didn't work. She then provided a link to a website that displayed information on buying your very own ParaZapper™. The end result being that her comments were little more than a commercial for buying zappers; presumably from her or someone she knows.

So, her comments are deleted. Had she left out the URL, the comments would have stayed.

Unknown said...
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BryanB said...

The above comment by "Information Technology" (what kinda name is that?) was deleted because, while it did mention the bullshitty Parazapper device, it talked about rabies and had nothing to do with HIV and/or AIDS.