Ya know, I'm not a doctor like Dr. Hulda Clark here but I can't see how any doctor would think that HIV or AIDS might be caused by parasites. (Yeah, I know, a virus is a type of parasite.) But that nut-ball theory is exactly what's suggested on Dr. Clark's web site. (On another web site, a Dr. Clark claims no affiliation with that site. But who knows who the hell to believe??) And--surprise of surprises!--wonder of wonders!!--Dr. Clark has invented just the device to help kill those evil non-existant parasites causing one's HIV infection--The ParaZapper™!!!
Doctors are supposed to heal; that's theoretically why they chose that profession. But Dr. Clark professes to know a cure for HIV and AIDS which doesn't exist. She, too, is preying on people who are desperate for an answer--a cure--where there is none. She should be ashamed of herself.
(The Zapper was mentioned in passing in the HIV/AIDS:1 chat room on Yahoo! by a member who has 70 CD4+ cells and a viral load of 80,000. He wasn't taking meds because he didn't want to possibly develop resistance since he may be leaving the US to live in Africa and didn't want to start taking meds in the US and then discover those meds weren't available in Africa. (I asked, "Which is worse? The possibility of resistance or death?") He wanted to know if The Zapper was any good. He was told that The Zapper was Bullshit. And it is.)
CORRECTION (8/1/05): ParaZapper™ is a trademark of Para Systems and Devices, LLC. I regret the error but the ParaZapper™ is still bullshit. Para Systems claims no affiliation with http://www.parazapper.com/ even though their sites are essentially identical.
There have been Updates to this post! |
(Dr. Clark's unattractive picture taken from www.bestzapper.com/WhoIsDrClark.htm.)
Dear lacking in knowlege and intelligence,
Of all things, besides being a complete idiot, you are a complete liar.
First, Dr. Clark Does not own, have any interest in, or any involvement with ParaZapper!
I am the owner of the trademark ParaZapper and I am the design engineer who creates all of the products owned by the company Para Systems and Devices, LLC. These are based on her design but are improvements beyond.
None of the ParaZapper sites are Dr. Clarks and she does not get any money or any thing else from us except an occasional letter thanking her for her efforts.
Additionally, Dr. Clarks zapper is free to build yourself and there are published schematics all over the internet for various models.
While we do offer our products as available for HIV and AIDS infected individuals we do not offer them as a cure. We also have a money back guarantee.
We also do not suggest that anyone use the ParaZapper in place of any medication.
For your information, ParaZapper is being tested at a major US university and does show a reduction of viral load in many but not all cases.
As for the individual who told the Yahoo chat room visitor that ParaZapper was BS, which model did that well advised person buy and use that made him such an authority?
While your "device" is still bullshit, I regret the error of stating who owns the trademark. I have corrected the original post.
Well Bryan, I am glad that you were able to fix one of your errors. I am also glad that our several thousand customers a year do not agree with you.
Really, how can you say that about something that you have not tried? And you seem to do that a lot about a lot of things. It looks like your are representing the pharmaceutical companies because they are afraid of these products. Again, we have thousands of very happy customers.
As a matter of fact, on a university campus right close to you, there are several of our ParaZappers available for free use by HIV infected individuals.
I am told by the department head that the units are in high demand. We also sell a lot in your area to those who can afford their own after trying the free usage units.
You mentioned that we suggested our most expensive model for AIDS and HIV. It is refreshing to see the pharmaceutical companies charging aspirin prices for their AIDs medications. And so far, these medications work so well that ( heck, what are they having? 5-6 percent success? ).
Also, We do not sell or promote Colloidial Silver, but I have heard of amazing results coming out of the University there.
Regardless of what you may believe, ParaZapper works, and so does Colloidial Silver!
So the next time you want to blast some product that you do not know sh-t about, think of this. If you bought a product that did not work, what would you do? First, get your money back. Second complain to the Better Business Bureau, Third complain to the FTC, and fourth, sue!.
1) We rarely are asked for a refund but always give it provided that terms are met.
2) We have never had a complaint against us at the Better Business Bureau.
3) We have never had a complaint filed against us at the FTC.
4) We have never been threatened with a lawsuit.
You might consider that a person who presents false information may end up hurting those who follow their suggestions. Some may die because you gave them uninformed thoughts!
Before you go out and blast products and people, find out the real truth. Talk to actual customers who have used the products which you obviously have not.
If ParaZapper did not work, then why would customers call and order more for other family members?
Lastly Bryan, while you can mislead others out there who have not tried ParaZapper, you can not mislead our customers because they at least know the truth. Over 50 percent of our new customers come from seeing the results that someone else had.
ParaZapper is only one of over 50 companies that manufacture and sell parasite zappers.
It is estimated that between 50 thousand and 100 thousand units are sold a year and doubling every year.
Oh! and one last question. If our product is so bad, why do our customers not put up pages like this?
It's about time you started writing like an adult, Mr. Etheredge. You might be interested in a very recent post I made to this blog after receiving your comment.
But let me say here: "Anecdotal stories are *NOT* proof.
Mr. Etheredge, unless you provide cold, hard facts or an article in JAMA (or another qualified peer-reviewed medical journal) in any reply, comment, or post, this is the end of the conversation. Any other comments or posts will fall on deaf ears. (Can your bullshit device cure deafness? If it's caused by a disease, Dr. Clark says it can!)
As far as you are concerned, my entire post has fallen on deaf ears as you say which is to be expected.
So this is how the FDA wastes taxpayer money!
Excuse me, you do get most of your funding from the pharmaceutical industry.
Ya know, it appears that reading isn't this guy's strong point. But, since he thinks that there's a cure for AIDS, I don't think his IQ is all that remarkable. Well, maybe on the *low* end....
I'm not "funded" by *anybody*. I actually kinda wish I were funded by someone....
Mr. Etheredge runs his business out of his home in what looks like a very nice suburb of Birmingham, AL.
I really wish Mr. Etheredge would read the comments I made about his posts in the full blog then get back to me. I'm dying to know the name of the university and the names of the people hes been talking to there.
Mr. Etheredge has responded. However, I have deleted his response because he didn't provide the university's name--claiming the university wants to remain a secret--much less any other cold, hard facts. He only provided the usual opinion, innuendo, vague information, anecdotal stories, and "I just want to help!" attitude these people--especially Mr. Etheredge--try to pull.
I realize that he will likely claim that I deleted his post because I'm scared or afraid of what he has to say. Not so; if I were "afraid" of what he had to say, I would have deleted his first comment and never responded.
No; his comment was deleted because, as I mentioned, he didn't provide *any* cold, hard facts.
If he finds the cojones to finally provide cold hard facts, his response may return. Until then, it stays deleted.
You'll notice a comment made by Rachel Matteson right above this one. She commented on all four of the blog posts regarding the ParaZapper™. In them, she seemed to both agree and disagree that the ParaZapper™ and similar devices both worked and didn't work. She then provided a link to a website that displayed information on buying your very own ParaZapper™. The end result being that her comments were little more than a commercial for buying zappers; presumably from her or someone she knows.
So, her comments are deleted. Had she left out the URL, the comments would have stayed.
The above comment by "Information Technology" (what kinda name is that?) was deleted because, while it did mention the bullshitty Parazapper device it had nothing to do with HIV and/or AIDS.
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