Thursday, July 21, 2005

Eating Raw Fruits and Vegetables (I guess)

The fuckin' asshole promoting today's cure is starting to really piss me off with the spam he's sending me so here' goes....

Today's Fucker, Mark Anastasi never actually says what his fucking cure is but alludes to "alkalizing and energizing". I presume from the other shit coming from the fucker's mail box that he means eating raw fruits and vegetables.

Typical of the style of spam Mr. Anastasia sends, there's a fuck-load of hyperbole and rhetoric that really doesn't say a damn thing. It all leads down to "BUY MY E-BOOK FOR $97!!!". Who in their right fuckin' mind would pay $97 for a friggin' E-book???

Mr. Anashitsi here says his mission is "To add massively to the sum of happiness and wellbeing in the world", whatever the fuck that means. I presume it means adding to the sum in his already swelling bank accounts.

The crap-filled E-Mail report he send out on his "The Truth About HIV/AIDS" starts out with the usual,

"None of the information contained in this eBook is intended to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease, nor is it intended to prescribe any of the techniques, materials or concepts presented as a form of treatment for any illness or medical condition."

But then goes right ahead and tells you (or, at the very least, infers) how you can prevent, treat, and cure AIDS. (Eating raw fruits and vegetables.)

According to his own web site, Mr. Ashitsi is "a public speaker and entrepreneur specializing in the areas of Health & Nutrition and Online Marketing." No kidding. So, he's not a doctor but proposes to know, not only the real cause of AIDS (the ubiquitous "toxins") but how to get rid of it. And, even says that he's seen people go from HIV Positive to HIV Negative in 30 days. Whatta fuckin' tool!

He's only out to make a quick and easy Sucker-buck on his AIDS Breakthrough. Which really isn't his to begin with. It's really from some Dr. R. O. Young. But, the upshot is, according to the spam Mr. Ashittinyu sends, "You MUST be alkaline". And, no, he doesn't give any information on how he wants you to be alkaline. You gotta pay $97 to figger out that....

Don't sign up for his fucking E-Mail report; don't buy his fucking E-book. However, go ahead and eat more fruits and vegetables; you'll feel better. You won't be cures of HIV nor AIDS nor cancer nor diabetes but you will feel better.

(There. Now I can get this fuckin' asshole out of my Inbox.... And, to let you know what kind of person this mouth-breathing fucker is, he doesn't even try to pretend that he's not trying to sell you something. When you try to unsubscribe from the mailing list you never signed up for, it's called the "AIDS Sales Page".)

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