Friday, July 08, 2005


Welcome to AIDS Cure of the Day™!

First and foremost: There is no known cure for AIDS.

For some time now, I've been amazed and shocked at all the absurd claims that people make regarding their cure for AIDS. And, what I have been unable to understand is why there are so many different and, in some cases, mutually exclusive so-called "cures." Meanwhile, the only singular voice says that there is no known cure for AIDS.

This blog aims to poke holes in, make fun of, ridicule, deride, mock, expose, and generally make fools of people who think they have found a cure for AIDS. These swindlers, scam artists, and predatorial and delusional assholes are actively making the AIDS and HIV epidemics worse; not better.

In some cases, the "healers" don't charge a penny. In others, they charge such exhorbitant fees that only the wealthy can afford it. In any case, they say they have something they don't.

I have an ever-increasing battery of "cures" to ridicule so sit down, come back once a day, and read about the latest "AIDS Cure of the Day™"!

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