Monday, July 18, 2005

Drinking Water (Shaken, Not Stirred)

Yes, you read that correctly. Drinking water can cure AIDS. The water is prepared by shaking it in a bottle. It is then ingested.

Who knew!? Who knew that by shaking your little Crystal Geyser, Evian, or even your Perrier bottles before drinking the water you could cure a horrible viral condition like AIDS. Oh, and herpes, hepatitis, Epstein Barr, and even cytomegalovirus (CMV). So, since CMV Retinitis can cause one to go blind, all you have to do to restore your vision and stop CMV Retintits from progressing is shake your water bottle. To stop hepatitis from destroying your liver, drink water! To rid your body of shingles (i.e., herpes zoster) shake that water bottle!!

"Shake shake shake! Shake shake shake! Shake your water! Shake your water!"

About midway down deals with, among other bullshit, drinking diluted hydrogen peroxide) it states in the "Hydrogen Peroxide in Nature" segment "By just shaking a bottle of water vigorously for a while you can tuck enough extra oxygen into it to form detectable amounts of H2O2 [hydrogen peroxide], improving its purity, flavor and vitality."

(I wonder if you can jus' go get on a trampoline after drinking a quart of water that you forgot to shake.... Or, if a martini is good enough...)

Water is necessary for life. One can live for days and days without food but only a short while without water. As I'm sure you know, the human body is comprised mostly of water. (And, having juiced my first carrots in my juicer the other day, carrots contain a surprising amount of water, too. But I digress.) And while simply shaking your bottle of water before drinking it may form some H2O2 in the bottle, it won't get a chance to interact with HIV in the blood stream since there's no blood in the stomach. (Unless there's something else horribly wrong. Then, you should go to the ER...) Yeah, I know there are some nutrients that are passed into the blood stream through the stomach lining but where are the studies about H2O2 passing, unchanged, into the blood? And, if oxygen is released when the H2O2 hits "pathogens" in the stomach, why isn't it jus' burped out?

All I can see that this would do is give you gas; and that web site gave it to me bad... >URP!<

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