Saturday, July 09, 2005

Virgin Coconut Oil

Today's cure comes from the Phillipines and a member whose handle is "ladykarla001" (a.k.a. "Karla"), a "bank manager". Although she never could answer which radio station it was on, she also said that she has a "daily radio program." (Hmmm... A bank manager that has time for a daily radio program...)

She claims that a Dr. Fife in the Phillipines has discovered remarkable AIDS-curing properties of virgin Coconut Oil. And, of course, these findings were published in a Phillipine Newspaper. When asked the name of the newspaper, Karla couldn't remember nor did she have clippings. Karla also avoided questions such as, "Does Dr. Fife have independantly verified proof?", and other questions relating to information which would allow me to verify her statements.

I also asked, "Don't you think that if a cure for AIDS had actually been found it would have been published in a peer-reviewed medical journal rather than a Phillipine newspaper?"

Of course, she didn't reply.

She went on to say that she was just offering the information for this fake cure "especially that its incurable". And then I hand Karla a dictionary with the entry for "incurable" highlighted...

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