Yes, it's even nuttier than Bouncing on a Trampoline and requires absolutely no phycial activity. Today's cure requires nothing more than staring at and thinking about a picture of this guy, Gurudev Shri Ram Lal Siyag, a yoga master.
However, this isn't the picture you're supposed to use. The one you're supposed to use is over on another page which also tells you how to meditate (i.e., think). Among other things, you're supposed to actually pray to this guy. That oughta piss off at least a couple Christians, Catholics, Baptists, Mormons, and Protestants!!
I don't know if you can jus' look at the picture on your computer screen or if it needs to be printed on black velvet and hung right next to the picture of Elvis on the wall or what. Regardless, apparently, a Mr. J. Sampatraj and a Mr. Badri Narayan, both of India only meditated on a picture of Gurudev here and were cured of AIDS.
Really! They say so on Gurudev's Web site!
(Yeah, I know. On that page, the first case shows a Viral Load of less than 50. They say that's cured but it isn't. It just means that there is too little virus to count. Must be a real doctor providing the information, eh??)
I suppose there isn't really a whole not more to say on this matter. It's just another New Age Bullshit way to think you're doin' something when you're not doing anything.
Anyway, this is another case of someone actually doing more harm than good by his "cure." If he's convicing people that all you need to do is look at his picture, meditate and you'll be magically cured of AIDS, he's causing people to not take medications (that can actually help save their lives) and causing their dimished health and ultimate death. He's another one that should be ashamed.
(Gurudev's mildly creepy picture taken from http://www.the-comforter.org/.)
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