Wednesday, July 27, 2005

The Beck Protocol (Part 2; Magnetic Pulsing)

A.K.A., Magnetic pulsing for tissue electrification. Whatever that is....

I'm still not sure exactly how this, uh, "procedure" is supposed to work and I'm still not sure how Bob Beck's Magnectic Pulser is supposed to work. I suppose I could buy the asshole's book but (1) I don't have the extra money to throw away on something like that and (2) I just don't want to give this fucker any money.

What I've been able to glean from various web sites about this Bullshit Protocol is this: Since HIV harbors itself in lymph nodes and other assorted tissues in the body, one needs to electrify those tissues to kill the HIV virus. (Again, I just don't know how the electricity knows to only kill the cells you don't want. Maybe the device produces "Smart Electricity"; I just don't know....)

One way to electrify your tissues (which, as I understand my biology, are already electrified) is with the Magnetic Pulser. Naturally, you can buy a Magnetic Pulser from the money-hungry slime at yesterday's web site.

The electrodes can be placed anywhere on the body to electrify your lymph nodes; at least that's what they say. Will the lymph nodes in your neck be electrified if you put the electrodes on your big toe? Physics be damned, they also state as fact, "A variant, pulsed electromagnetic field creates the necessary microcurrents of electricity in the lymph or tissue." As I remember my physics, something--a coil, perhaps--has to MOVE through the electromagnetic field to create an electric current? Jus' sticking a static electromagnetic field on something doesn't create electricity. And, since the end result is supposed to be electicity anyway, why go through all the bullshit of making an electromagnetic field in the first place?

Magnet therapy does nothing. It's just an expensive refrigerator magnet you stick somewhere on your body. And this Pulsed Electromagnetic Field isn't going to create any type of electricity and, if it did, you would have to put the electrode thingies at least close to the tissue you want to electrocute. If electromagnetic fields did do something--anything!--people who work on high voltage power lines would either be very, very sick or very, very healthy.


DirkVan said...

As someone who has dealt with this issue frist hand I think your a bit of a dumb ass. Thanks very much for adding your useless page to the mounds of useless information on the subject. While these snake oil salemen may be providing "false hope" they are largely attempting to break into the drug companies racket on the buisness of AIDS. I see you haven't commented on the $30,000 to 350,000 dollar ineffective drug treatment currently offred to those who can it from our friends at Pfzer. Are you trying to help or just passing time being completly idotic about a subject that is destroying people lives and proving to be the single largest epidemic since the bubonic plague. Enjoy your weekend.

BryanB said...

Figures a Canadian Mac User would say something so ridiculous. :) (And so badly spelled and with such bad grammar, to boot.)

What "issue" have you dealt with "first hand"? Having some bullshit device not do a damn thing for your HIV infection? Because, frankly, if you think some sort of electronic device has done anything for your HIV infection YOU are the dumb ass. If anything happens at all, it's NOT because of pulsed electromagnetic waves; it was either the placebo effect, your medications or just natural fluctations in HIV infection.

I'd hardly call preventing death in thousands and thousands of people and pretty much halting the progression of HIV infection as "ineffective". What's ineffective is the bullshit of "Magnetic Pulsing".

I haven't "commented" on the medications from Pfizer et. al. mainly because they aren't making ridiculous claims about being able to cure AIDS. In the event you didn't notice, DirkVan, the first three words of this blog's subtitle are "The Ridiculous Claims..."

And, DirkVan, don't forget the Spanish Flu epidemic from several decades ago.

And, why, oh why!, do you complain about Pfizer and all making money with their rather effective drug therapies for HIV infection and then not hold our dear friend, Mr. Beck to the same criteria? How is Mr. Beck's selling of his bullshit *any* different from Pfizer (note the correct spelling)?

DirkVan, if you'd read through this blog a little bit, you'd see that, not only am I trying to help, I actually *am* helping. Save this bullshit for someone else.

On second thought, just stop promoting this bullshit all together.

BryanB said...

Oh, and I don't mean to imply that all Canadians have their heads so far up their asses as DirkVan apparently does. Hell, y'all let gay people marry up there; that's better than the United States.....