Sunday, July 31, 2005
Tapping Spots on Your Body and Thinking Happy Thoughts
I'm going to go out on a limb for this one. While today's bullshitter never actually says that his crap will cure AIDS, he doesn't deny it either. In fact, he calls this process a "Universal Healing Aid." The asshole says that his "Universal Healing Aid" has helped--either completely or partially--the thousands of problems, including "Headaches, back pain, stiff neck and shoulders, joint pains, cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, lupus, ulcerative colitis, [and] psoriasis." The dickwad further states that "There are many, many more [physical ailments]. A complete list is several times as long." What a dick!
And now, the Bullshit!
Today's cure (for everything, no less) comes from the website of Gary Craig. He says that just by tapping specific points on your body in sequence and thinking that you're still a wonderful person, you can cure primarily emotional problems. Which is probably why he calls it "Emotional Freedom Techniques". (Or, EFT. And I thought it meant "Electronic Funds Transfer." Silly me!!) He goes on to mention that several people have had their physical ailments aleviated.
Of all the stupid things he says, this one caught my eye. He says that a woman attended one of his overpriced seminars (they'd be overpriced even if they were free) who had vision problems. After doing the tapping and thinking, she said that her vision had cleared! How's that for completely unprovable!?! How's that for an asounding lack of proof???!!!
My guess is that his positive thinking process (which is what this really is) really can work on some emotional problems. However, Mr. Craig (who makes a point of saying he's an ordained minister; being ordained isn't difficult to get done) realized that he needed to bilk more money out of more people so he could make the payments on his yacht. Therefore, he started inferring that people could cure their physical problems (lupus, for example) through his bullshit.
This bullshit is no different than faith healing. The big difference here is that to attend one of Gary's bullshit sessions, you gotta pay him for the honor. Upwards of $200 or more. (He says that he's currently offering a 1/2 off discount for his upcomming tapping crap. Which means, he really wants to charge $400.) This fucker is just another asshole out to get more money from people who are desperate enough to part with it.
And now, the Bullshit!
Today's cure (for everything, no less) comes from the website of Gary Craig. He says that just by tapping specific points on your body in sequence and thinking that you're still a wonderful person, you can cure primarily emotional problems. Which is probably why he calls it "Emotional Freedom Techniques". (Or, EFT. And I thought it meant "Electronic Funds Transfer." Silly me!!) He goes on to mention that several people have had their physical ailments aleviated.
Of all the stupid things he says, this one caught my eye. He says that a woman attended one of his overpriced seminars (they'd be overpriced even if they were free) who had vision problems. After doing the tapping and thinking, she said that her vision had cleared! How's that for completely unprovable!?! How's that for an asounding lack of proof???!!!
My guess is that his positive thinking process (which is what this really is) really can work on some emotional problems. However, Mr. Craig (who makes a point of saying he's an ordained minister; being ordained isn't difficult to get done) realized that he needed to bilk more money out of more people so he could make the payments on his yacht. Therefore, he started inferring that people could cure their physical problems (lupus, for example) through his bullshit.
This bullshit is no different than faith healing. The big difference here is that to attend one of Gary's bullshit sessions, you gotta pay him for the honor. Upwards of $200 or more. (He says that he's currently offering a 1/2 off discount for his upcomming tapping crap. Which means, he really wants to charge $400.) This fucker is just another asshole out to get more money from people who are desperate enough to part with it.
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Vitamin K
Yep. Vitamin K. That thing that they put into Olestra products to help with--well, there's no polite way to say this--anal leakage. Ok, maybe that was the polite way to say shit oozing uncontrollably from your ass...
This guy, Ashok T. Jaisinghani, got at least one thing right; Vitamin K does indeed help with clotting blood. However, after that, everything goes downhill. Fast.
Mr. Jaisinghani keeps mentioning "Diarrheal AIDS" but never really actually defines what that means or is supposed to mean or what it means in his little head or what. He also seems to think that AIDS is caused by (among other things):
In regards to tea, Mr. Jiggywithit says, "The consumption of many cups of strong tea can also cause AIDS in susceptible persons like hemophiliacs." And, in a direct contradiction of the Garlic Guy from earlier, he says that garlic can cause AIDS, too. Where the FUCK does this god damn idiot get his information!? He doesn't even have any deceitful testimonials! Surely, anybody in this fake cure business needs to have testimonials to be taken seriously!!! (Of course, I don't take any of this bullshit seriously. It's all just that; bullshit.)
Anyway, the fat soluable Vitamin K helps with blood clotting. In fact, it's essential for it. However, blood clots have absolutely nothing to do with AIDS or even HIV infection. And, making sure your blood clots correctly isn't going to kill any virus in your body.
Whatta maroon. Whattan ignoramus!
This guy, Ashok T. Jaisinghani, got at least one thing right; Vitamin K does indeed help with clotting blood. However, after that, everything goes downhill. Fast.
Mr. Jaisinghani keeps mentioning "Diarrheal AIDS" but never really actually defines what that means or is supposed to mean or what it means in his little head or what. He also seems to think that AIDS is caused by (among other things):
- Excessive intakes of laxative factors like iodine, vitamin D, chromium, zinc, manganese and magnesium;
- Phosphoric acid used in foods and drinks, especially cola beverages;
- Residues of petroleum products like hexane in cooking oils and fats;
- Paraffin used as a coating on fruits and vegetables, and as a laxative in medicine;
- Castor oil that is a contaminant in cooking oils and fats, and foodgrains;
- Aspirin;
- and Tea.
In regards to tea, Mr. Jiggywithit says, "The consumption of many cups of strong tea can also cause AIDS in susceptible persons like hemophiliacs." And, in a direct contradiction of the Garlic Guy from earlier, he says that garlic can cause AIDS, too. Where the FUCK does this god damn idiot get his information!? He doesn't even have any deceitful testimonials! Surely, anybody in this fake cure business needs to have testimonials to be taken seriously!!! (Of course, I don't take any of this bullshit seriously. It's all just that; bullshit.)
Anyway, the fat soluable Vitamin K helps with blood clotting. In fact, it's essential for it. However, blood clots have absolutely nothing to do with AIDS or even HIV infection. And, making sure your blood clots correctly isn't going to kill any virus in your body.
Whatta maroon. Whattan ignoramus!
Friday, July 29, 2005
The Beck Protocol (Part 4; Ozonated Water)
Finally, we get to Part 4, "Drinking freshly ozonated water"
Note the word "fresh". It's gotta be fresh. None of that old, stale crap you got by shaking your water bottle. Oh, no. That's too old for the Bullshit Beck Protocol.
And, how does one get freshly ozonated water? Wouldn't ya know it!? They have an ozonator for sale on the usual Beck Protocol web site. (Is there any doubt now that these fuckers are more out for your money than your health??)
And all this shit is just arbitrary, anyway. Absolutely no science behind this "Protocol". This "drinking freshly ozonated water" crap was added to the protocol, well, after realizing that they needed another way to bilk money out of people. Ok, ok; that isn't what they say. They say it was added when this Bob Beck fuck heard that people were having trouble releasing "toxins" (Always with the toxins!! Oy!) from the body and Mr. Beck decided that drinking water with oxygen in it (which already has oxygen; it's the O part of H2O....) would help flush toxins. But I don't believe them.
So, that's it for the Beck Protocol. Electrify your silvernated blood while electrocuting your tissues and drinking water. What fuckin' nim-rod would try to pass this bullshit on as a cure for AIDS. (Oh! Mr. Bob Beck!) And why the hell won't people realize that testimonials are not proof? Le sigh....
Note the word "fresh". It's gotta be fresh. None of that old, stale crap you got by shaking your water bottle. Oh, no. That's too old for the Bullshit Beck Protocol.
And, how does one get freshly ozonated water? Wouldn't ya know it!? They have an ozonator for sale on the usual Beck Protocol web site. (Is there any doubt now that these fuckers are more out for your money than your health??)
And all this shit is just arbitrary, anyway. Absolutely no science behind this "Protocol". This "drinking freshly ozonated water" crap was added to the protocol, well, after realizing that they needed another way to bilk money out of people. Ok, ok; that isn't what they say. They say it was added when this Bob Beck fuck heard that people were having trouble releasing "toxins" (Always with the toxins!! Oy!) from the body and Mr. Beck decided that drinking water with oxygen in it (which already has oxygen; it's the O part of H2O....) would help flush toxins. But I don't believe them.
So, that's it for the Beck Protocol. Electrify your silvernated blood while electrocuting your tissues and drinking water. What fuckin' nim-rod would try to pass this bullshit on as a cure for AIDS. (Oh! Mr. Bob Beck!) And why the hell won't people realize that testimonials are not proof? Le sigh....
Thursday, July 28, 2005
The Beck Protocol (Part 3; Ionic/Colloidal Silver)
Part 3 of the Beck Protocol is "Drinking Ionic/Colloidal Silver".
"What the hell is Ionic/Colloidal Silver?" you ask? As best I can tell, it's water with itty bitty bits of silver in it. Of course, the assholes at the usual website for this Beck Protocol shit have a device which you can buy to make your own Ionic/Colloidal Silver. Basically, it's two electrified silver wires stuck into purified water of various temperatures. I think the theory is that then little bits of silver leave the wires and then infuse the water.
They mention that you can help speed up the process by putting salt in the water. But that can make larger particles of silver which they admit can be dangerous.
So, these fuckers are actually admitting that their bullshit can be harmful! Kudos! However.....
The most telling evidence against the Beck Protocol comes from their own site. In the Newsletter section several links are provided to, well, their newsletters. In Newsletter #4, it states:
What the fuck?? Blame the test for the failed results of your bullshit Protocol?? That's like sayin' you got an F in English 101 so you blame the grading system!! It fucking makes no god damn sense! They already admit their bullshit can be dangerous! Why not jus' take a step back from that and say it DOESN'T FUCKING WORK!?
These people quote various "cases" where any one of the elements of the Bullshit Protocol appear to have helped people. But, like all other testimonials, these are nothing more than anecdotal evidence. And very poor anecdotal evidence at that.
In Newsletter #6, they report the various test results this Silverized water on water taken from a toilet. (ICK!) In test number three they note that continusouly boiling the toilet water while making the silverized water completely killed all bacteria (They call it a CFU) and prevented the CFU from forming after being stored for 10 months.
Apparently, they think the boiling hot water has nothing to do with the destruction of the CFUs. They credit it all to their collodial silver bullshit.
Look, boiling water for 10 minutes (or so) is the recommended way to sterilize water if you think it's been contaminated. Common sense says that these fucker's results on drinking this possibly harmful silverized water has nothing to do with the actual itty bitty bits of silver in the water.
"What the hell is Ionic/Colloidal Silver?" you ask? As best I can tell, it's water with itty bitty bits of silver in it. Of course, the assholes at the usual website for this Beck Protocol shit have a device which you can buy to make your own Ionic/Colloidal Silver. Basically, it's two electrified silver wires stuck into purified water of various temperatures. I think the theory is that then little bits of silver leave the wires and then infuse the water.
They mention that you can help speed up the process by putting salt in the water. But that can make larger particles of silver which they admit can be dangerous.
So, these fuckers are actually admitting that their bullshit can be harmful! Kudos! However.....
The most telling evidence against the Beck Protocol comes from their own site. In the Newsletter section several links are provided to, well, their newsletters. In Newsletter #4, it states:
When six individuals contacted us within a span of six weeks to say a PCR test (polymerase chain reaction) for HIV showed their viral load had gone up—some
considerably, after using The Beck Protocol for four to eight weeks—we knew it was time to take a closer look at the PCR test.
What the fuck?? Blame the test for the failed results of your bullshit Protocol?? That's like sayin' you got an F in English 101 so you blame the grading system!! It fucking makes no god damn sense! They already admit their bullshit can be dangerous! Why not jus' take a step back from that and say it DOESN'T FUCKING WORK!?
These people quote various "cases" where any one of the elements of the Bullshit Protocol appear to have helped people. But, like all other testimonials, these are nothing more than anecdotal evidence. And very poor anecdotal evidence at that.
In Newsletter #6, they report the various test results this Silverized water on water taken from a toilet. (ICK!) In test number three they note that continusouly boiling the toilet water while making the silverized water completely killed all bacteria (They call it a CFU) and prevented the CFU from forming after being stored for 10 months.
Apparently, they think the boiling hot water has nothing to do with the destruction of the CFUs. They credit it all to their collodial silver bullshit.
Look, boiling water for 10 minutes (or so) is the recommended way to sterilize water if you think it's been contaminated. Common sense says that these fucker's results on drinking this possibly harmful silverized water has nothing to do with the actual itty bitty bits of silver in the water.
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
From the Icky File: The Sputnik
In reviewing today's cure, I came across this immensly disgusting electronic medical "device". It's called the Sputnik. It's a little pill with electronic stuff inside that you swallow. After it hits your body fluids, it starts zapping away at you. It continues zapping you with electricity while it passes through your intestines.
And, how do you get the little thing out of your body? Well, like most things you stick in your mouth, it comes out your ass. Covered in shit. Fecal matter. Hepatitis C virus. That sort of thing.
The makers say you can use the Sputnik up to three times. You retreive the pill, cleanse it and then reingest it.
Yes. Retreive is a very polite way to say, "Dig it out of your shit". (They suggest using a seive to retrieve it. Which means, of course, "Taking a dump into a strainer") Cleanse it means, "Try to get the shit off of it". Reingest means, "Stick that old, shitty plastic thing you just dug out of your shit into your mouth and swallow."
No, they don't claim that swallowing a shit-covered pill will cure AIDS, but this was so disgusting I had to say something about it...
And, how do you get the little thing out of your body? Well, like most things you stick in your mouth, it comes out your ass. Covered in shit. Fecal matter. Hepatitis C virus. That sort of thing.
The makers say you can use the Sputnik up to three times. You retreive the pill, cleanse it and then reingest it.
Yes. Retreive is a very polite way to say, "Dig it out of your shit". (They suggest using a seive to retrieve it. Which means, of course, "Taking a dump into a strainer") Cleanse it means, "Try to get the shit off of it". Reingest means, "Stick that old, shitty plastic thing you just dug out of your shit into your mouth and swallow."
No, they don't claim that swallowing a shit-covered pill will cure AIDS, but this was so disgusting I had to say something about it...
The Beck Protocol (Part 2; Magnetic Pulsing)
A.K.A., Magnetic pulsing for tissue electrification. Whatever that is....
I'm still not sure exactly how this, uh, "procedure" is supposed to work and I'm still not sure how Bob Beck's Magnectic Pulser is supposed to work. I suppose I could buy the asshole's book but (1) I don't have the extra money to throw away on something like that and (2) I just don't want to give this fucker any money.
What I've been able to glean from various web sites about this Bullshit Protocol is this: Since HIV harbors itself in lymph nodes and other assorted tissues in the body, one needs to electrify those tissues to kill the HIV virus. (Again, I just don't know how the electricity knows to only kill the cells you don't want. Maybe the device produces "Smart Electricity"; I just don't know....)
One way to electrify your tissues (which, as I understand my biology, are already electrified) is with the Magnetic Pulser. Naturally, you can buy a Magnetic Pulser from the money-hungry slime at yesterday's web site.
The electrodes can be placed anywhere on the body to electrify your lymph nodes; at least that's what they say. Will the lymph nodes in your neck be electrified if you put the electrodes on your big toe? Physics be damned, they also state as fact, "A variant, pulsed electromagnetic field creates the necessary microcurrents of electricity in the lymph or tissue." As I remember my physics, something--a coil, perhaps--has to MOVE through the electromagnetic field to create an electric current? Jus' sticking a static electromagnetic field on something doesn't create electricity. And, since the end result is supposed to be electicity anyway, why go through all the bullshit of making an electromagnetic field in the first place?
Magnet therapy does nothing. It's just an expensive refrigerator magnet you stick somewhere on your body. And this Pulsed Electromagnetic Field isn't going to create any type of electricity and, if it did, you would have to put the electrode thingies at least close to the tissue you want to electrocute. If electromagnetic fields did do something--anything!--people who work on high voltage power lines would either be very, very sick or very, very healthy.
I'm still not sure exactly how this, uh, "procedure" is supposed to work and I'm still not sure how Bob Beck's Magnectic Pulser is supposed to work. I suppose I could buy the asshole's book but (1) I don't have the extra money to throw away on something like that and (2) I just don't want to give this fucker any money.
What I've been able to glean from various web sites about this Bullshit Protocol is this: Since HIV harbors itself in lymph nodes and other assorted tissues in the body, one needs to electrify those tissues to kill the HIV virus. (Again, I just don't know how the electricity knows to only kill the cells you don't want. Maybe the device produces "Smart Electricity"; I just don't know....)
One way to electrify your tissues (which, as I understand my biology, are already electrified) is with the Magnetic Pulser. Naturally, you can buy a Magnetic Pulser from the money-hungry slime at yesterday's web site.
The electrodes can be placed anywhere on the body to electrify your lymph nodes; at least that's what they say. Will the lymph nodes in your neck be electrified if you put the electrodes on your big toe? Physics be damned, they also state as fact, "A variant, pulsed electromagnetic field creates the necessary microcurrents of electricity in the lymph or tissue." As I remember my physics, something--a coil, perhaps--has to MOVE through the electromagnetic field to create an electric current? Jus' sticking a static electromagnetic field on something doesn't create electricity. And, since the end result is supposed to be electicity anyway, why go through all the bullshit of making an electromagnetic field in the first place?
Magnet therapy does nothing. It's just an expensive refrigerator magnet you stick somewhere on your body. And this Pulsed Electromagnetic Field isn't going to create any type of electricity and, if it did, you would have to put the electrode thingies at least close to the tissue you want to electrocute. If electromagnetic fields did do something--anything!--people who work on high voltage power lines would either be very, very sick or very, very healthy.
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
The Beck Protocol (Part 1; Microcurrent Blood Therapy)
The Beck Protocol comes in four apparently arbitrary parts. (Since there is no known cure for AIDS, almost all of this bullshit is arbitrary.)
The four parts are:
So, on with "Microcurrent therapy for cleansing the blood"!! Whatever the fuck that means.
Walking hand in hand with the ParaZapper™ (ParaZapper™ is a trademark of ParaDevices, Inc. and it's also bullshit; So much so that as of August 2006, the FDA has shut down ParaDevices' operation of selling "zappers".) Bob Beck has decided that sticking a couple of electrodes on yer wrist will electrify the blood and kill stuff. Including viruses such as HIV.
What I want to know is how the electricity knows to only kill the virus cells and not any of the good cells. But that would require actual research and useless crap like that. Regardless, if you want to know how to electrocute yourself with the Beck Protocol, you'll have to buy the book on how to make one of the bullshit devices.
And, be sure to read the testimonials. This part really pisses me off. They say on that testimonial page that the government (which government? The Internet Government??) has decided that testimonials are misleading. No!? REALLY?? That's about the only good thing these fuckers have to say. If you want to read these false and misleading, non-scientific, non-proof providing testimonials, you'll have to buy the book because, as these fuckers at The Beck Protocol say, "you make a conscious choice as to whether you want to be exposed to testimonials."
They out and out fucking DODGE putting anything real on their fuckin' site! And, if you want to see what they have to even suggest, you'll have to give them your hard-earned cash to read a bullshit-filled book. FUCK! Just another bunch of mother fuckers trying to rip cash out or your wallet!
The four parts are:
- Microcurrent therapy for cleansing the blood
- Magnetic pulsing for tissue electrification
- Drinking ionic/colloidal silver
- Drinking freshly ozonated water
So, on with "Microcurrent therapy for cleansing the blood"!! Whatever the fuck that means.
Walking hand in hand with the ParaZapper™ (ParaZapper™ is a trademark of ParaDevices, Inc. and it's also bullshit; So much so that as of August 2006, the FDA has shut down ParaDevices' operation of selling "zappers".) Bob Beck has decided that sticking a couple of electrodes on yer wrist will electrify the blood and kill stuff. Including viruses such as HIV.
What I want to know is how the electricity knows to only kill the virus cells and not any of the good cells. But that would require actual research and useless crap like that. Regardless, if you want to know how to electrocute yourself with the Beck Protocol, you'll have to buy the book on how to make one of the bullshit devices.
And, be sure to read the testimonials. This part really pisses me off. They say on that testimonial page that the government (which government? The Internet Government??) has decided that testimonials are misleading. No!? REALLY?? That's about the only good thing these fuckers have to say. If you want to read these false and misleading, non-scientific, non-proof providing testimonials, you'll have to buy the book because, as these fuckers at The Beck Protocol say, "you make a conscious choice as to whether you want to be exposed to testimonials."
They out and out fucking DODGE putting anything real on their fuckin' site! And, if you want to see what they have to even suggest, you'll have to give them your hard-earned cash to read a bullshit-filled book. FUCK! Just another bunch of mother fuckers trying to rip cash out or your wallet!
Monday, July 25, 2005
Having Been "Enabled" to Heal One's Self
Here is the full and complete text of today's ridiculous claim. It was taken--lock, stock and barrel--from .
I have no fucking idea in the damn world what this fuckin' Dr. Revici means by that. How is this "enabling", uh, enabled. Can the not-so-good doctor simply call you on the phone and say "You can heal yourself!" and--voila!--you're healed? Does this "enabling" start a coup in your blood stream and cause all the little HIV viruses to leap out? Does the paitent have to really constantly monitor him- or herself? As in, sitting next to a, uh, monitoring device 24 hours a day?
I would hope that this "cure" actually does involve more than jus' being told you can heal yourself. But that doesn't change the fact there is no known cure for AIDS. This fuckin' non-doctor hasn't done a thing.
Ok, ok. I just spent 14 hours in a car picking up something I'd bought on E-bay. I'm tired. Today's had to be an easy one. And, this is by far the easiest crap bullshit I've taken on.
Dr. Revici found another method of healing AIDS. He found that if he enables the patient to heal him or herself, then they would be able to overthrow the virus. His system requires the patient to be very involved and responsible for their treatment. This includes constant monitoring and charting.
I have no fucking idea in the damn world what this fuckin' Dr. Revici means by that. How is this "enabling", uh, enabled. Can the not-so-good doctor simply call you on the phone and say "You can heal yourself!" and--voila!--you're healed? Does this "enabling" start a coup in your blood stream and cause all the little HIV viruses to leap out? Does the paitent have to really constantly monitor him- or herself? As in, sitting next to a, uh, monitoring device 24 hours a day?
I would hope that this "cure" actually does involve more than jus' being told you can heal yourself. But that doesn't change the fact there is no known cure for AIDS. This fuckin' non-doctor hasn't done a thing.
Ok, ok. I just spent 14 hours in a car picking up something I'd bought on E-bay. I'm tired. Today's had to be an easy one. And, this is by far the easiest crap bullshit I've taken on.
Sunday, July 24, 2005

This comes from a whole slough of herbal bullshit from a guy calling himself Dr. Richard Schulze. And I'll take on more of his bullshit in the future; it's just FAR too much to tackle in one day.
No, he's not a doctor; he's an asshole. And he's a happy asshole. And he points. (How fuckin' rude!) He's never even set foot inside a medical school. (At least according to his own biography.) It's stated on his biography regarding a clinic he had, "He knew he had to be inconspicuous to avoid legal prosecution for treating people with diseases." Could that possibly be because he doesn't fucking have a god damn medical degree and calling himself Doctor!?? If he had a PhD, I might excuse it, but he doesn't. His clinic was raided and he was arrested. However, he says he escaped jail on a technicality. (Does that mean he admits he was doing something illegal????) And, finally, "He closed his clinic." (No shit, Sherlock!)
He believes that people can and should live hundreds of years. He cites the Bible as proof; and thinks we can all achieve living to 500 years old if we just, well, do what he says. (Personally, I think the 500+ year life spans seen in the bible actually refer to cycles of the moon, but that's not the point here...)
Anyway, here's my methodolgy for stickin' jus' plain ol' garlic as this cure. Non-Doctor Schulze says on his Index of Ailments page that one should follow his New Incurables Program to rid one's self of AIDS. On that New Incurables page is a section on garlic which states, in part, "If you do only one program or use only one herb, it should be Garlic." (He goes on to mention vaginal insertion of garlic to cure infections and cure cancer. YIKES! Does he hate women!?) Anyway, that's why I'm focusing on garlic today.
So, Garlic is an "herbal surgeon". Can it take out an appendix? Does it do biopsies? Is it on call on holidays and weekends? And you're supposed to get the garlic in you any way you can. He even goes so far as to imply a suggestion for a garlic smoothie. (All organic, of course.)
I can't help but wonder how this affects a very-high-risk group. HIV Positive Vampires. (Or, HPV. Wait, that's something else...) As everybody knows, vampires are repelled by garlic but, if they can get cured by using garlic what kind of quandry does that put them in. Enquiring minds want to know!
And, if garlic was such a damn good cure-all, why do Italians get sick? Why, oh WHY does logic not seem to occur to these assholes?! I don't think critical thinking was in their course work in school. Of course, this fucker, "Dr." Schulze never went to a real college; he only went to the school of a "famed herbologist". Fucker.
Finally, I think it would be fantastically easy to figure out if someone is trying this "cure". The odor would be astounding....
(Dr. Asshole's picture taken from his biography page at the URL and link earlier in this post.)
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Looking at a Picture

Yes, it's even nuttier than Bouncing on a Trampoline and requires absolutely no phycial activity. Today's cure requires nothing more than staring at and thinking about a picture of this guy, Gurudev Shri Ram Lal Siyag, a yoga master.
However, this isn't the picture you're supposed to use. The one you're supposed to use is over on another page which also tells you how to meditate (i.e., think). Among other things, you're supposed to actually pray to this guy. That oughta piss off at least a couple Christians, Catholics, Baptists, Mormons, and Protestants!!
I don't know if you can jus' look at the picture on your computer screen or if it needs to be printed on black velvet and hung right next to the picture of Elvis on the wall or what. Regardless, apparently, a Mr. J. Sampatraj and a Mr. Badri Narayan, both of India only meditated on a picture of Gurudev here and were cured of AIDS.
Really! They say so on Gurudev's Web site!
(Yeah, I know. On that page, the first case shows a Viral Load of less than 50. They say that's cured but it isn't. It just means that there is too little virus to count. Must be a real doctor providing the information, eh??)
I suppose there isn't really a whole not more to say on this matter. It's just another New Age Bullshit way to think you're doin' something when you're not doing anything.
Anyway, this is another case of someone actually doing more harm than good by his "cure." If he's convicing people that all you need to do is look at his picture, meditate and you'll be magically cured of AIDS, he's causing people to not take medications (that can actually help save their lives) and causing their dimished health and ultimate death. He's another one that should be ashamed.
(Gurudev's mildly creepy picture taken from
Friday, July 22, 2005
Juice Plus+®
Contrary to what you might think this product is, it isn't a juice. It isn't even liquid. It's a pill. (I guess that's what the "+" is.)
Over at a website (Proposed Natural Treatment for AIDS) several "cures" and treatments for AIDS are listed. Number 8 on the list is this confusingly named "Juice Plus+®". And the obviously convincing statement that one person has been cured of AIDS by only taking this product. (That's good enough for me! Let's ridicule it!!!!!)
According to the Juice Plus Website, this non-juice juice-like tablet ("The next best thing to fruits and vegetables") is "the convenient and inexpensive way to add more nutrition from fresh, raw fruits and vegetables to your diet, every day." Funny that a four month supply of this thing retails for $179. Doesn't seem all that inexpensive to me. But I'm funny that way.
Not only will Juice Plus+® cure you of AIDS (provided that you're the one person they claim it did) it will detox and cleanse you, too! (Does it do windows?)
Well, that's about it. Since the first web site doesn't give a whole lot of information and the second just bullshits its way through a couple pages, I don't have a lot to ridicule. I'll have to try harder next time....
(Oh, to avoid getting my ass sued off, I think I gotta do this: "Juice Plus+® is a registered trademark of NSA International, Inc." whoever the fuck they are....)
Over at a website (Proposed Natural Treatment for AIDS) several "cures" and treatments for AIDS are listed. Number 8 on the list is this confusingly named "Juice Plus+®". And the obviously convincing statement that one person has been cured of AIDS by only taking this product. (That's good enough for me! Let's ridicule it!!!!!)
According to the Juice Plus Website, this non-juice juice-like tablet ("The next best thing to fruits and vegetables") is "the convenient and inexpensive way to add more nutrition from fresh, raw fruits and vegetables to your diet, every day." Funny that a four month supply of this thing retails for $179. Doesn't seem all that inexpensive to me. But I'm funny that way.
Not only will Juice Plus+® cure you of AIDS (provided that you're the one person they claim it did) it will detox and cleanse you, too! (Does it do windows?)
Well, that's about it. Since the first web site doesn't give a whole lot of information and the second just bullshits its way through a couple pages, I don't have a lot to ridicule. I'll have to try harder next time....
(Oh, to avoid getting my ass sued off, I think I gotta do this: "Juice Plus+® is a registered trademark of NSA International, Inc." whoever the fuck they are....)
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Eating Raw Fruits and Vegetables (I guess)
The fuckin' asshole promoting today's cure is starting to really piss me off with the spam he's sending me so here' goes....
Today's Fucker, Mark Anastasi never actually says what his fucking cure is but alludes to "alkalizing and energizing". I presume from the other shit coming from the fucker's mail box that he means eating raw fruits and vegetables.
Typical of the style of spam Mr. Anastasia sends, there's a fuck-load of hyperbole and rhetoric that really doesn't say a damn thing. It all leads down to "BUY MY E-BOOK FOR $97!!!". Who in their right fuckin' mind would pay $97 for a friggin' E-book???
Mr. Anashitsi here says his mission is "To add massively to the sum of happiness and wellbeing in the world", whatever the fuck that means. I presume it means adding to the sum in his already swelling bank accounts.
The crap-filled E-Mail report he send out on his "The Truth About HIV/AIDS" starts out with the usual,
But then goes right ahead and tells you (or, at the very least, infers) how you can prevent, treat, and cure AIDS. (Eating raw fruits and vegetables.)
According to his own web site, Mr. Ashitsi is "a public speaker and entrepreneur specializing in the areas of Health & Nutrition and Online Marketing." No kidding. So, he's not a doctor but proposes to know, not only the real cause of AIDS (the ubiquitous "toxins") but how to get rid of it. And, even says that he's seen people go from HIV Positive to HIV Negative in 30 days. Whatta fuckin' tool!
He's only out to make a quick and easy Sucker-buck on his AIDS Breakthrough. Which really isn't his to begin with. It's really from some Dr. R. O. Young. But, the upshot is, according to the spam Mr. Ashittinyu sends, "You MUST be alkaline". And, no, he doesn't give any information on how he wants you to be alkaline. You gotta pay $97 to figger out that....
Don't sign up for his fucking E-Mail report; don't buy his fucking E-book. However, go ahead and eat more fruits and vegetables; you'll feel better. You won't be cures of HIV nor AIDS nor cancer nor diabetes but you will feel better.
(There. Now I can get this fuckin' asshole out of my Inbox.... And, to let you know what kind of person this mouth-breathing fucker is, he doesn't even try to pretend that he's not trying to sell you something. When you try to unsubscribe from the mailing list you never signed up for, it's called the "AIDS Sales Page".)
Today's Fucker, Mark Anastasi never actually says what his fucking cure is but alludes to "alkalizing and energizing". I presume from the other shit coming from the fucker's mail box that he means eating raw fruits and vegetables.
Typical of the style of spam Mr. Anastasia sends, there's a fuck-load of hyperbole and rhetoric that really doesn't say a damn thing. It all leads down to "BUY MY E-BOOK FOR $97!!!". Who in their right fuckin' mind would pay $97 for a friggin' E-book???
Mr. Anashitsi here says his mission is "To add massively to the sum of happiness and wellbeing in the world", whatever the fuck that means. I presume it means adding to the sum in his already swelling bank accounts.
The crap-filled E-Mail report he send out on his "The Truth About HIV/AIDS" starts out with the usual,
"None of the information contained in this eBook is intended to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease, nor is it intended to prescribe any of the techniques, materials or concepts presented as a form of treatment for any illness or medical condition."
But then goes right ahead and tells you (or, at the very least, infers) how you can prevent, treat, and cure AIDS. (Eating raw fruits and vegetables.)
According to his own web site, Mr. Ashitsi is "a public speaker and entrepreneur specializing in the areas of Health & Nutrition and Online Marketing." No kidding. So, he's not a doctor but proposes to know, not only the real cause of AIDS (the ubiquitous "toxins") but how to get rid of it. And, even says that he's seen people go from HIV Positive to HIV Negative in 30 days. Whatta fuckin' tool!
He's only out to make a quick and easy Sucker-buck on his AIDS Breakthrough. Which really isn't his to begin with. It's really from some Dr. R. O. Young. But, the upshot is, according to the spam Mr. Ashittinyu sends, "You MUST be alkaline". And, no, he doesn't give any information on how he wants you to be alkaline. You gotta pay $97 to figger out that....
Don't sign up for his fucking E-Mail report; don't buy his fucking E-book. However, go ahead and eat more fruits and vegetables; you'll feel better. You won't be cures of HIV nor AIDS nor cancer nor diabetes but you will feel better.
(There. Now I can get this fuckin' asshole out of my Inbox.... And, to let you know what kind of person this mouth-breathing fucker is, he doesn't even try to pretend that he's not trying to sell you something. When you try to unsubscribe from the mailing list you never signed up for, it's called the "AIDS Sales Page".)
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
The Antidote (a.k.a., Extract of Crocodile)
No, I don't know what that means, either.
They call it, "The Antidote"; a Biological Miracle. This crap "is a unique Anti-Microbial Peptide offering the widest range of healing power on the market today. It kills all known deadly VIRUSES and BACTERIA in the body." Nevermind the fact an antidote is used to counteract poisons; such distinctions and actual definitions aren't appropriate for these people.
But no matter; they claim that with the Antidote, "The common cold is a thing of the past, even serious infectious diseases such as Cancer, HIV, SARS and many other life threatening diseases can be helped by the miracle healing powers of the Antidote." (Apparently, they've not only found a cure for cancer, they've also discovered that cancer is an infection and is caused by a virus and/or bacteria. Who knew!!???)
I don't know how they extract it, either. Do they put a whole crocodile in a blender and switch to Puree? Ice Crush? Hold a specimen jar underneath a certain part of the crocodile?
Anyway, they want you to have this all-inclusive crocodile puree but "The Antidote is only available from's Internet website". Not because they want to bilk desperate people out of money but because drug companies don't want you to have it because they "would be losing billions every day if this product was on the shelf next to their major brands." (Uh, wouldn't the Drug Company™ that made, marketed, and sold this thing be making billions if it actually worked??? But that would require that pesky FDA approval process and clinical trials and such...)
Oh, but WAIT! They have a clinical trial. It lasted for about a month in Puerto Rico and involved, as best I can tell, 12 people. Well! That's good enough for me! Screw the FDA! Screw the facts! Screw testing!!! Bring on The Antidote! Oh, wait. That's supposed to be the Antidote. (Why the hell do they put it in red and bold like that? Does that lend some sort of non-existant credibility?)
And doesn't any company that makes a drug become a Drug Company by default?? Again, that deals with pesky definitions and such... We have no time for, you know, facts and bullshit like that....
While they don't tell you how much the Croc Juice costs on the web site (it's $49.95 a bottle) it comes in 5ml bottles. Yes, $10 per cc. (Ok, if you want to split hairs, it's $9.99 a cc)
Finally, they keep taking pains to point out that it's a peptide made from "a Natural Protein made up of Amino Acids." I'm no biologist but I always thought that proteins were always amino acids.
So, make friends with Steve Irwin! Cure all that ails you (unless it's a fungus) with a Crocodile smoothie! (Can I have mine with a margarita?)
They call it, "The Antidote"; a Biological Miracle. This crap "is a unique Anti-Microbial Peptide offering the widest range of healing power on the market today. It kills all known deadly VIRUSES and BACTERIA in the body." Nevermind the fact an antidote is used to counteract poisons; such distinctions and actual definitions aren't appropriate for these people.
But no matter; they claim that with the Antidote, "The common cold is a thing of the past, even serious infectious diseases such as Cancer, HIV, SARS and many other life threatening diseases can be helped by the miracle healing powers of the Antidote." (Apparently, they've not only found a cure for cancer, they've also discovered that cancer is an infection and is caused by a virus and/or bacteria. Who knew!!???)
I don't know how they extract it, either. Do they put a whole crocodile in a blender and switch to Puree? Ice Crush? Hold a specimen jar underneath a certain part of the crocodile?
Anyway, they want you to have this all-inclusive crocodile puree but "The Antidote is only available from's Internet website". Not because they want to bilk desperate people out of money but because drug companies don't want you to have it because they "would be losing billions every day if this product was on the shelf next to their major brands." (Uh, wouldn't the Drug Company™ that made, marketed, and sold this thing be making billions if it actually worked??? But that would require that pesky FDA approval process and clinical trials and such...)
Oh, but WAIT! They have a clinical trial. It lasted for about a month in Puerto Rico and involved, as best I can tell, 12 people. Well! That's good enough for me! Screw the FDA! Screw the facts! Screw testing!!! Bring on The Antidote! Oh, wait. That's supposed to be the Antidote. (Why the hell do they put it in red and bold like that? Does that lend some sort of non-existant credibility?)
And doesn't any company that makes a drug become a Drug Company by default?? Again, that deals with pesky definitions and such... We have no time for, you know, facts and bullshit like that....
While they don't tell you how much the Croc Juice costs on the web site (it's $49.95 a bottle) it comes in 5ml bottles. Yes, $10 per cc. (Ok, if you want to split hairs, it's $9.99 a cc)
Finally, they keep taking pains to point out that it's a peptide made from "a Natural Protein made up of Amino Acids." I'm no biologist but I always thought that proteins were always amino acids.
So, make friends with Steve Irwin! Cure all that ails you (unless it's a fungus) with a Crocodile smoothie! (Can I have mine with a margarita?)
Evil Drug Companies,
Unclear on the Concept
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Bouncing on a Trampoline
This has got to be about the nuttiest thing I've come across.
Reboundology. The study of bouncing. Boingy, boingy. Boingy.
Sometime ago, this guy (a "reboundologist"; one who studies bouncing) bounced into the HIV/AIDS:1 chat room on Yahoo!Chat and proclaimed to the world (or at least the 30 or so of us in the chat room) that by simply bouncing on a trampoline one could cure him- or herself of AIDS. But not only AIDS! According to the bouncing moron's web site bouncing on a trampoline will cause "just about everything docotrs deem as 'incurable' or 'chronic,' including arthritis, asthma, cancer, chronic fatigure, diabetes, lupus, and multiple sclerosis" to "disappear on its own with nothing more than rebound exercise combined with a healthy diet." And, by his own personal story, bouncing around like a twit will also reverse the aging process! (Eva Gabor would be so proud. And so would Ponce de Leon....)

(Since the bouncing asshole hasn't been able to master the art of typing into a web editor and finds it easier to put text on the web in an IMAGE, I've reproduced that image here; just in case he's able to pull his head out of his ass long enough to learn to use "Notepad" and decides to use text in the future. The links on the image here won't work, but the ones on the web site will.)
Exactly how this bouncing thing works, I'm not sure. But I assume it somehow jiggles the little evil things causing all these problems (you know, your genes, dna, viruses, bacteria, etc.) to somehow bounce--boing!--out of the body. Or I guess it might work like those little gopher chasers that don't work. Or if by combining yesterday's cure with this one you can double the chances of making at least one of the fucking fake cures work.
What the HELL are these people thinking!? BOUNCING cures AIDS and cancer!?! Are cancer cells like magnets that, when realigned by jiggling, somehow get destroyed!? Is HIV somehow unable to find a CD4+ cell to infect if they're both bouncing 20 minutes a day? What the FUCK!!???
This fucker is just out to make a buck. Yeah, he's got a semi-inspirational story but it's bullshit! He's got books, and video tapes and, of course, the trampoline you can buy from him to "bounce your way back to health".
Now, yes, exercise is good. Without it, we'd all probably just turn into couch monkies sitting and doing nothing. Getting fatter and fatter. And I do think that everybody should exercise more and eat better. (I know I should.) But bouncing on an itty bitty trampoline ain't gonna cure anything and very well might make you nauseous. And, if memory serves correctly, these little trampolines were also sold as an exercise device back in the primitive 1970's. They didn't do much then, and they don't do much now.
But, one thing's for sure, though. If Bouncing on a Trampoline cures all sorts of diseases, The Juggies over on The Man Show will never get sick.
Reboundology. The study of bouncing. Boingy, boingy. Boingy.
Sometime ago, this guy (a "reboundologist"; one who studies bouncing) bounced into the HIV/AIDS:1 chat room on Yahoo!Chat and proclaimed to the world (or at least the 30 or so of us in the chat room) that by simply bouncing on a trampoline one could cure him- or herself of AIDS. But not only AIDS! According to the bouncing moron's web site bouncing on a trampoline will cause "just about everything docotrs deem as 'incurable' or 'chronic,' including arthritis, asthma, cancer, chronic fatigure, diabetes, lupus, and multiple sclerosis" to "disappear on its own with nothing more than rebound exercise combined with a healthy diet." And, by his own personal story, bouncing around like a twit will also reverse the aging process! (Eva Gabor would be so proud. And so would Ponce de Leon....)

(Since the bouncing asshole hasn't been able to master the art of typing into a web editor and finds it easier to put text on the web in an IMAGE, I've reproduced that image here; just in case he's able to pull his head out of his ass long enough to learn to use "Notepad" and decides to use text in the future. The links on the image here won't work, but the ones on the web site will.)
Exactly how this bouncing thing works, I'm not sure. But I assume it somehow jiggles the little evil things causing all these problems (you know, your genes, dna, viruses, bacteria, etc.) to somehow bounce--boing!--out of the body. Or I guess it might work like those little gopher chasers that don't work. Or if by combining yesterday's cure with this one you can double the chances of making at least one of the fucking fake cures work.
What the HELL are these people thinking!? BOUNCING cures AIDS and cancer!?! Are cancer cells like magnets that, when realigned by jiggling, somehow get destroyed!? Is HIV somehow unable to find a CD4+ cell to infect if they're both bouncing 20 minutes a day? What the FUCK!!???
This fucker is just out to make a buck. Yeah, he's got a semi-inspirational story but it's bullshit! He's got books, and video tapes and, of course, the trampoline you can buy from him to "bounce your way back to health".
Now, yes, exercise is good. Without it, we'd all probably just turn into couch monkies sitting and doing nothing. Getting fatter and fatter. And I do think that everybody should exercise more and eat better. (I know I should.) But bouncing on an itty bitty trampoline ain't gonna cure anything and very well might make you nauseous. And, if memory serves correctly, these little trampolines were also sold as an exercise device back in the primitive 1970's. They didn't do much then, and they don't do much now.
But, one thing's for sure, though. If Bouncing on a Trampoline cures all sorts of diseases, The Juggies over on The Man Show will never get sick.
Unclear on the Concept,
Utterly Insane Twits
Monday, July 18, 2005
Drinking Water (Shaken, Not Stirred)
Yes, you read that correctly. Drinking water can cure AIDS. The water is prepared by shaking it in a bottle. It is then ingested.
Who knew!? Who knew that by shaking your little Crystal Geyser, Evian, or even your Perrier bottles before drinking the water you could cure a horrible viral condition like AIDS. Oh, and herpes, hepatitis, Epstein Barr, and even cytomegalovirus (CMV). So, since CMV Retinitis can cause one to go blind, all you have to do to restore your vision and stop CMV Retintits from progressing is shake your water bottle. To stop hepatitis from destroying your liver, drink water! To rid your body of shingles (i.e., herpes zoster) shake that water bottle!!
"Shake shake shake! Shake shake shake! Shake your water! Shake your water!"
About midway down deals with, among other bullshit, drinking diluted hydrogen peroxide) it states in the "Hydrogen Peroxide in Nature" segment "By just shaking a bottle of water vigorously for a while you can tuck enough extra oxygen into it to form detectable amounts of H2O2 [hydrogen peroxide], improving its purity, flavor and vitality."
(I wonder if you can jus' go get on a trampoline after drinking a quart of water that you forgot to shake.... Or, if a martini is good enough...)
Water is necessary for life. One can live for days and days without food but only a short while without water. As I'm sure you know, the human body is comprised mostly of water. (And, having juiced my first carrots in my juicer the other day, carrots contain a surprising amount of water, too. But I digress.) And while simply shaking your bottle of water before drinking it may form some H2O2 in the bottle, it won't get a chance to interact with HIV in the blood stream since there's no blood in the stomach. (Unless there's something else horribly wrong. Then, you should go to the ER...) Yeah, I know there are some nutrients that are passed into the blood stream through the stomach lining but where are the studies about H2O2 passing, unchanged, into the blood? And, if oxygen is released when the H2O2 hits "pathogens" in the stomach, why isn't it jus' burped out?
All I can see that this would do is give you gas; and that web site gave it to me bad... >URP!<
Who knew!? Who knew that by shaking your little Crystal Geyser, Evian, or even your Perrier bottles before drinking the water you could cure a horrible viral condition like AIDS. Oh, and herpes, hepatitis, Epstein Barr, and even cytomegalovirus (CMV). So, since CMV Retinitis can cause one to go blind, all you have to do to restore your vision and stop CMV Retintits from progressing is shake your water bottle. To stop hepatitis from destroying your liver, drink water! To rid your body of shingles (i.e., herpes zoster) shake that water bottle!!
"Shake shake shake! Shake shake shake! Shake your water! Shake your water!"
About midway down deals with, among other bullshit, drinking diluted hydrogen peroxide) it states in the "Hydrogen Peroxide in Nature" segment "By just shaking a bottle of water vigorously for a while you can tuck enough extra oxygen into it to form detectable amounts of H2O2 [hydrogen peroxide], improving its purity, flavor and vitality."
(I wonder if you can jus' go get on a trampoline after drinking a quart of water that you forgot to shake.... Or, if a martini is good enough...)
Water is necessary for life. One can live for days and days without food but only a short while without water. As I'm sure you know, the human body is comprised mostly of water. (And, having juiced my first carrots in my juicer the other day, carrots contain a surprising amount of water, too. But I digress.) And while simply shaking your bottle of water before drinking it may form some H2O2 in the bottle, it won't get a chance to interact with HIV in the blood stream since there's no blood in the stomach. (Unless there's something else horribly wrong. Then, you should go to the ER...) Yeah, I know there are some nutrients that are passed into the blood stream through the stomach lining but where are the studies about H2O2 passing, unchanged, into the blood? And, if oxygen is released when the H2O2 hits "pathogens" in the stomach, why isn't it jus' burped out?
All I can see that this would do is give you gas; and that web site gave it to me bad... >URP!<
UPDATE: Having a Hand Waved in Your Face
In hunting around the internet (as I sometimes do), I came across the web site for the Association of People Healed of Aids and Cancer. It's primarily for those "healed" by having Pastor T.B. Joshua's hand waved in their face and they claim thousands of "members". I wonder if they get together and discuss how fast it took for their HIV infection to come back... Fuckin' nim-rods....
Sunday, July 17, 2005
Dreaming About a Dead Guy
Not just any dead guy. It would have to be "Blessed Luigi Scrosoppi." ("Who???") Mr. Blessed was an Oratorian priest and lived from 1804 to 1894. I guess. I really don't know (nor do I care that much), so I have to rely on the information on the site I'm taking this from.
And that site is a strange one. It's a bunch of European Episcopalians bitching about the Roman Catholic Church. While I think they're both full of a bunch of hooey that's not the subject of this particular blog. So, on to the "cure".
According to the site, an article in a July 2001 edition of "The Catholic Times" says that Pope John Paul II recognized Luigi Scallappini as the Patron of AIDS sufferers. So Mr. Spaghetti is now a saint because, according to the Catholic Times (according to the Emancipalians), "An HIV–positive Zambian in the terminal phase of Aids-related illness, claims Luigi Scrosoppi cured him after appearing to him in a dream."
(I'm loathe to quote a quote like this, but I was unable to find the original Catholic Times article to actually verify the Elephantarians' quotes.)
But, the up shot is, dream about Saint Spumoni and you, too, could be cured just like this unnamed, generic, non-specific Zambian person. This particular cure is beneficial to those who can have lucid dreams. And I'm not referring to the dreams one has while on Sustiva.
And that site is a strange one. It's a bunch of European Episcopalians bitching about the Roman Catholic Church. While I think they're both full of a bunch of hooey that's not the subject of this particular blog. So, on to the "cure".
According to the site, an article in a July 2001 edition of "The Catholic Times" says that Pope John Paul II recognized Luigi Scallappini as the Patron of AIDS sufferers. So Mr. Spaghetti is now a saint because, according to the Catholic Times (according to the Emancipalians), "An HIV–positive Zambian in the terminal phase of Aids-related illness, claims Luigi Scrosoppi cured him after appearing to him in a dream."
(I'm loathe to quote a quote like this, but I was unable to find the original Catholic Times article to actually verify the Elephantarians' quotes.)
But, the up shot is, dream about Saint Spumoni and you, too, could be cured just like this unnamed, generic, non-specific Zambian person. This particular cure is beneficial to those who can have lucid dreams. And I'm not referring to the dreams one has while on Sustiva.
Saturday, July 16, 2005
This one is a bit convoluted, but bear with me.
Over at a full slate of crackpots, nincompoops, and first rate loonies claim to have cures for several different conditions. Of the strangest things they say is that all illnesses are caused by toxins. They state at the very top of their AIDS Cause page, "There is no such a thing as a single cause of any health problem." (Funny, 'cause I thought that the flu was caused by the flu virus; not by how long your mother's labor lasted or how traumatic your birth was.)
They tie everything into the generic and evil- and dirty-sounding ubiquitous "Toxins". Including AIDS.
On their AIDS page they flat out refuse to believe that HIV causes AIDS so obviously they're well respected in the medical community and we should listen to what they say. (Yeah, right...)
Anyway, they say "Sweating is powerful way to cleanse your body from accumulated toxins." So, sweating (along with the other crap they say will help) will rid your body of the toxins which are causing AIDS. And, since HIV doesn't cause AIDS, well, jus' go put on a plastic garbage bag and run around the block in 105 degree heat. If the heat stroke doesn't kill you AIDS just might be cured!
Ok, c'mon. If sweating was such a great way to remove toxins which they say cause all illnesses from your body, why did Lance Armstrong end up with cancer? Why did Magic Johnson end up with AIDS? (Truthfully, I don't know if Magic Johnson has an AIDS diagnosis; but these fuckwads aren't claiming to cure HIV; just AIDS...) If sweating removed toxins and if toxins were the cause of all illness, athletes wouldn't get sick. And neither would that fat smelly guy in the bookstore with sweatstains on his too-small shirt.
Over at a full slate of crackpots, nincompoops, and first rate loonies claim to have cures for several different conditions. Of the strangest things they say is that all illnesses are caused by toxins. They state at the very top of their AIDS Cause page, "There is no such a thing as a single cause of any health problem." (Funny, 'cause I thought that the flu was caused by the flu virus; not by how long your mother's labor lasted or how traumatic your birth was.)
They tie everything into the generic and evil- and dirty-sounding ubiquitous "Toxins". Including AIDS.
On their AIDS page they flat out refuse to believe that HIV causes AIDS so obviously they're well respected in the medical community and we should listen to what they say. (Yeah, right...)
Anyway, they say "Sweating is powerful way to cleanse your body from accumulated toxins." So, sweating (along with the other crap they say will help) will rid your body of the toxins which are causing AIDS. And, since HIV doesn't cause AIDS, well, jus' go put on a plastic garbage bag and run around the block in 105 degree heat. If the heat stroke doesn't kill you AIDS just might be cured!
Ok, c'mon. If sweating was such a great way to remove toxins which they say cause all illnesses from your body, why did Lance Armstrong end up with cancer? Why did Magic Johnson end up with AIDS? (Truthfully, I don't know if Magic Johnson has an AIDS diagnosis; but these fuckwads aren't claiming to cure HIV; just AIDS...) If sweating removed toxins and if toxins were the cause of all illness, athletes wouldn't get sick. And neither would that fat smelly guy in the bookstore with sweatstains on his too-small shirt.
Friday, July 15, 2005
BONUS CURE: Divine Simplified Physical Exercises
The following is the exact text (aside from the added Bold I put in) from the HIV/AIDS chat room over on Yahoo!Chat. He sent it to the room and then jus' left. I submit it without (much) commentary as an example of the crap people try to pull.
Aside from the other one from today (which was apparently free) this one is down right cheap. The most expensive "class" to cure AIDS is only 70 cents for an entire weekend. Though, I'm still not sure why a single student is 25 cents and a couple is 15 cents.
So, this is the crap I go through for you people! Hope you appreciate it! (Ok, I'm just kidding. I actually kinda enjoy doing this.)
"guru_yogananda: Hi Friend(s) I'm disciple of Vethathiri Maharishi. I did brahma gnanam. I got tremendous results within 3 years. Vethathiri maharishi is siddha, ayurveda, homeopathy doctor. Scientist,psychologist, philosopher,yogiraj He has researched more than 40 years and invented this system. Vazhga vaiyagam Vazhga valamudan Be blessed by Divine Simplified Physical Exercises consists of 1. Hand Xercises 2. Leg Xercises 3. Eye Xercises 4. Breath Xercises 5. Kabhalapathi 6. Magarasana 7. Acupressure and Relaxation one week course , no fees This xercises cures all diseases. Keeps u fresh and activ. It takes only 20 minutes in morning.
"guru_yogananda: Kayakalpa yoga is siddhar's exercise for longlife, celibacy. It activates all brain cells. Gives memory power. Improves immunity. Magnetizes food and water. Gives healthy child. It takes only 10 minutes a day.1/2 day class only. $.250 for student, $.1000 for Single, $.1500 for Couples. Meditation> Aakna - Pituary gland - Master gland of body It gives concerntration. Thuriyam - Pineal gland - Master gland of mind It gives mind power. Shanthi - Sexual gland - Master gland of soul It gives health and peace. This is regular course. Daily morning and evening. U can attend weekend class also. $.700 only no other monthly fees."
Aside from the other one from today (which was apparently free) this one is down right cheap. The most expensive "class" to cure AIDS is only 70 cents for an entire weekend. Though, I'm still not sure why a single student is 25 cents and a couple is 15 cents.
So, this is the crap I go through for you people! Hope you appreciate it! (Ok, I'm just kidding. I actually kinda enjoy doing this.)
"The Force" and Some Herbs
Well, the guy didn't actually call it, "The Force" (As in, "May the Force be with you, Young Jedi") but that's the best thing I can come up with. Oh, and this guy sprinkles some "medicines" (i.e., herbs) into the mix.
A couple days ago, I got an instant message from Yahoo! member "skp_2000_in". What's unusual about this particular message is that it sarted out with him asking me, "im suffering from impotency can u help me" [too many sic's to put in but I assure you, that's exactly what he said.].
I asked, "Why do you think I could help you?" As it turns out, he had said that he had a cure for HIV but that, well, the "cure was".... Ah, hell, here's what he said in the instant message, "its almost cure not 100?%" (I'm still not sure if that was a statement or a question....) (And, again, that's exactly what he typed.)
(Ya know, this guy's english and grammer were so bad, I'm not even going to bother pointing out the problems he had with it anymore.)
So, anyway, good ol' "Skip" here said that his cure is "by ayurvedic & homoeopathic manner". I had no idea what this arurvedic thing was, so I looked it up. It's bascially balancing the forces within your body with the forces outside. I think. I really don't know because I really don't care that much.
All you have to do to get this "cure" from Skip-er-roni over in India is to "...send me ur cd4 count,& a copy of +ve report i will send medicine & i will say some symptoms which will occur within 10 days of administration of medicine if every thing is goin right then continue or discontinue"
Yes, that's right. Going against one of the principles of ayurvedic "medicine" (which says, "Everything in Ayurveda is validated by observation, inquiry, direct examination and knowledge derived from the ancient texts.") The Amazing Skipper doesn't even have to meet you. He can cure your HIV infection through the MAIL! That's amazing! None of that annoying and pointless verification of complaints. No messy prodding and poking. Just the mail.
Skip-meister doesn't have an M.D. and isn't a doctor but he does have, in his words, a "bachelor in homoeopathic medicine & surgery" what ever the hell that is.
But, to be fair and to Skip-o-Rama's credit, he doesn't charge for this fake cure. So he's not in it for the money. Which is a HELL of a lot more than I can say for that Dr. Sadiq and his Fake Three Month Cure for Rich People.
Skip may be misguided but he does seem like he's out to at least try to help people. I suppose that's a good thing. But, still, he shouldn't be saying that he's "almost" found a cure, even if it isn't 100% effective. If he does somehow manage to concoct a cure, more power to him and I hope he gets it published in all the right and acceptable places.
On the other hand, he didn't know was a balm was. And when I asked him if he had the usual independantly verified proof, he said, "if i would have that then why the hell im talking to u ass hole" After which, I informed him he would be ridiculed on this blog.
And, on second thought, I take back the mildly nice things I said about him. He's still a fuck-twit.
A couple days ago, I got an instant message from Yahoo! member "skp_2000_in". What's unusual about this particular message is that it sarted out with him asking me, "im suffering from impotency can u help me" [too many sic's to put in but I assure you, that's exactly what he said.].
I asked, "Why do you think I could help you?" As it turns out, he had said that he had a cure for HIV but that, well, the "cure was".... Ah, hell, here's what he said in the instant message, "its almost cure not 100?%" (I'm still not sure if that was a statement or a question....) (And, again, that's exactly what he typed.)
(Ya know, this guy's english and grammer were so bad, I'm not even going to bother pointing out the problems he had with it anymore.)
So, anyway, good ol' "Skip" here said that his cure is "by ayurvedic & homoeopathic manner". I had no idea what this arurvedic thing was, so I looked it up. It's bascially balancing the forces within your body with the forces outside. I think. I really don't know because I really don't care that much.
All you have to do to get this "cure" from Skip-er-roni over in India is to "...send me ur cd4 count,& a copy of +ve report i will send medicine & i will say some symptoms which will occur within 10 days of administration of medicine if every thing is goin right then continue or discontinue"
Yes, that's right. Going against one of the principles of ayurvedic "medicine" (which says, "Everything in Ayurveda is validated by observation, inquiry, direct examination and knowledge derived from the ancient texts.") The Amazing Skipper doesn't even have to meet you. He can cure your HIV infection through the MAIL! That's amazing! None of that annoying and pointless verification of complaints. No messy prodding and poking. Just the mail.
Skip-meister doesn't have an M.D. and isn't a doctor but he does have, in his words, a "bachelor in homoeopathic medicine & surgery" what ever the hell that is.
But, to be fair and to Skip-o-Rama's credit, he doesn't charge for this fake cure. So he's not in it for the money. Which is a HELL of a lot more than I can say for that Dr. Sadiq and his Fake Three Month Cure for Rich People.
Skip may be misguided but he does seem like he's out to at least try to help people. I suppose that's a good thing. But, still, he shouldn't be saying that he's "almost" found a cure, even if it isn't 100% effective. If he does somehow manage to concoct a cure, more power to him and I hope he gets it published in all the right and acceptable places.
On the other hand, he didn't know was a balm was. And when I asked him if he had the usual independantly verified proof, he said, "if i would have that then why the hell im talking to u ass hole" After which, I informed him he would be ridiculed on this blog.
And, on second thought, I take back the mildly nice things I said about him. He's still a fuck-twit.
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Having a Hand Waved in Your Face
But not just anybody's hand. It can't be the hand of Aunt Greta, Uncle Thomas, nor Marie Laveau. It's gotta be the hand of a faith healer in Nigeria. (Why do so many of these fake cures come from Africa and India??)
Anyway, Yahoo! member "odunforkay"--who says he's a pediatric podiatrist--says that Pastor T.B. Joshua can--and has--healed people of HIV and AIDS. I don't believe it for a second. (Obviously...)
This so-called "pastor" doesn't heal you in the ways you might have seen--with the hand >SMACKING!< you on the forehead. Oh, no. "Pastor" Joshua simply has to wave his hand in front of your face and--"Praise be to Jeee-sus-ah!"--you will be healed. He even has a picture on his pathetically uplifting web site of a person he's "healed" holding up two pieces of paper. The caption says that one says "positive" and the other says "negative" but it's really too hard to see for sure. I mean, they could be report cards, for all we can tell. Of course, English is the language of Nigeria and naturally, the person holding the papers, of course, is the one about whom the forged and fake documents are about.
Anyway, this "cure" takes up to four weeks. And, to his credit (I guess), "Pastry" Joshua (not a typo) will actually put you up for the four weeks his little hand-waving takes. And, lo and behold, "Praise be to Gah-dah!", HIV is "gone forever by God [sic] grace". According to odunforkay, anyway (who, naturally, doesn't have any independantly verified proof).
I asked this Odun character if he was a doctor. He replied, "yes iam [sic] a medical practioner [sic] under the under the Synagogoue [sic] church of God. i.e [sic] pastor T.B Joshua." I asked if he had a medical degree from an accredited university. He replied that he did and it was from Lagos University Teaching Hospital.
I went on to ask, "What is your medical specialty? Podiatry? Pediatrics?"
His reply? "Yes." Wherefrom I assumed he was a pediatric podiatrist. It's the only logical explanation, isn't it?
I asked, "What does a pediatric podiatrist know about HIV replication and treatment?"
And all he could reply with was, "u [sic] don't understand" and that he studied "this" (whatever "this" is) from his dad who was an herbalist.
Look. Religion is fine. Believing in Jesus is fine. But when someone starts saying they can cure HIV and AIDS by waving a hand in front of a person's face all they do is make the "healed" person go out and not take care of him- or herself. And that's bad. That person could easily stop taking their meds and die. Yeah, I know that the HIV and AIDS epidemic in Africa is really, really bad. But Pastor T.B. Joshua and his little lying minions are making it worse.
(Phew! And two minutes to spare for the day!!)
Anyway, Yahoo! member "odunforkay"--who says he's a pediatric podiatrist--says that Pastor T.B. Joshua can--and has--healed people of HIV and AIDS. I don't believe it for a second. (Obviously...)
This so-called "pastor" doesn't heal you in the ways you might have seen--with the hand >SMACKING!< you on the forehead. Oh, no. "Pastor" Joshua simply has to wave his hand in front of your face and--"Praise be to Jeee-sus-ah!"--you will be healed. He even has a picture on his pathetically uplifting web site of a person he's "healed" holding up two pieces of paper. The caption says that one says "positive" and the other says "negative" but it's really too hard to see for sure. I mean, they could be report cards, for all we can tell. Of course, English is the language of Nigeria and naturally, the person holding the papers, of course, is the one about whom the forged and fake documents are about.
Anyway, this "cure" takes up to four weeks. And, to his credit (I guess), "Pastry" Joshua (not a typo) will actually put you up for the four weeks his little hand-waving takes. And, lo and behold, "Praise be to Gah-dah!", HIV is "gone forever by God [sic] grace". According to odunforkay, anyway (who, naturally, doesn't have any independantly verified proof).
I asked this Odun character if he was a doctor. He replied, "yes iam [sic] a medical practioner [sic] under the under the Synagogoue [sic] church of God. i.e [sic] pastor T.B Joshua." I asked if he had a medical degree from an accredited university. He replied that he did and it was from Lagos University Teaching Hospital.
I went on to ask, "What is your medical specialty? Podiatry? Pediatrics?"
His reply? "Yes." Wherefrom I assumed he was a pediatric podiatrist. It's the only logical explanation, isn't it?
I asked, "What does a pediatric podiatrist know about HIV replication and treatment?"
And all he could reply with was, "u [sic] don't understand" and that he studied "this" (whatever "this" is) from his dad who was an herbalist.
Look. Religion is fine. Believing in Jesus is fine. But when someone starts saying they can cure HIV and AIDS by waving a hand in front of a person's face all they do is make the "healed" person go out and not take care of him- or herself. And that's bad. That person could easily stop taking their meds and die. Yeah, I know that the HIV and AIDS epidemic in Africa is really, really bad. But Pastor T.B. Joshua and his little lying minions are making it worse.
(Phew! And two minutes to spare for the day!!)
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
I'm kind of tired today so I'm taking on an easy one.
"What the heck is Armenicum?" you ask? Well, it's from Armenia. Over there right next to Turkey in Asia. Yes, cute little Armenia; 220-ish miles long, 110-ish miles wide. It's so adorable! (Actually, I know a guy who is Armenian and he is cute and adorable. And little; about 5'2". Hmm... Must be something in the water.)
Anyway, Amenia is rather tight-lipped about Armenicum is exactly as it's a "State Secret". But, over on some Bible Code web site they (I don't know who the amorphous "they" are in this case) list a few things about Armenicum.
And, finally, the mysterious They (and not the bad 2002 movie) use the Bible Code to, I guess, add authority to their claims. The Bible Code!? Sheesh! What nut-job came up with this Bible Code as a way to predict things that have already happened? (Events that have already happened are the easiest to predict. Try it! It's EASY!)
If you don't already know what the Bible Code is I'll try to explain it briefly. Believers in the Bible Code believe that there are messages coded into the original hebrew text of the Bible. And, by searching for specific words whose letters are equidistant from each other, one can decode the code. Words "cross" each other and appear "close" to each other and modify the original word's meaning. Then, it's up to the person doing this searching to interpret the, uh, results.
The problem with the Bible Code is ANY sufficiently long text has such literary features and it doesn't mean it was inspired by God or anybody else. "War and Peace", "Vanity Fair", "Nicholas Nickleby", and I'm sure "Webster's Unabridged Dictionary" all have the same features. And, now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure the hypothetical monkies pounding on hypothetical typewriters could produce the same hypothetical "code" in their hypothetical work. I call it the Monkey Code. (What else??)
Look, Armenia, I'm sure you're a fine country. And I have no problem with you in general. You're frankly, too small to worry about. (Though, there is that cute and adorable guy I mentioned.) You have not cured 130 people of AIDS. There is a whole slough of tests to be done before you should ethically start injecting things into people. A mysterious "group member" can't simply wake up one day and decide that the tests are taking too long and inject himself. Yeah, that worked for impotence in one story I heard. But impotence isn't HIV infection. Your "Dark brown liquid" might be a promissing development but go through the proper channels of testing before you go claiming to have found a cure.
And, if it's really a cure for HIV and/or AIDS, don't fucking keep it a "State Secret"! That only makes it look like you're in it for the money.
"What the heck is Armenicum?" you ask? Well, it's from Armenia. Over there right next to Turkey in Asia. Yes, cute little Armenia; 220-ish miles long, 110-ish miles wide. It's so adorable! (Actually, I know a guy who is Armenian and he is cute and adorable. And little; about 5'2". Hmm... Must be something in the water.)
Anyway, Amenia is rather tight-lipped about Armenicum is exactly as it's a "State Secret". But, over on some Bible Code web site they (I don't know who the amorphous "they" are in this case) list a few things about Armenicum.
- It's a dark brown liquid. (Hmmm... Could be.... COFFEE maybe!? TURKISH Coffee??)
- It burns the veins if injected too quickly. (HOT coffee??)
- It makes the "patient" feel like running. (Running away from the person injecting coffee into their blood stream, perhaps?)
- It restores breathing. (If you aren't breathing, you're dead. So, Armenicum brings the dead back to life?? Call H.P. Lovecraft!!!)
- It cured AIDS in 130 people in 7 years (since 1998). (Yeah, right. Why haven't you published in JAMA, The Journal of the American Medical Association??)
And, finally, the mysterious They (and not the bad 2002 movie) use the Bible Code to, I guess, add authority to their claims. The Bible Code!? Sheesh! What nut-job came up with this Bible Code as a way to predict things that have already happened? (Events that have already happened are the easiest to predict. Try it! It's EASY!)
If you don't already know what the Bible Code is I'll try to explain it briefly. Believers in the Bible Code believe that there are messages coded into the original hebrew text of the Bible. And, by searching for specific words whose letters are equidistant from each other, one can decode the code. Words "cross" each other and appear "close" to each other and modify the original word's meaning. Then, it's up to the person doing this searching to interpret the, uh, results.
The problem with the Bible Code is ANY sufficiently long text has such literary features and it doesn't mean it was inspired by God or anybody else. "War and Peace", "Vanity Fair", "Nicholas Nickleby", and I'm sure "Webster's Unabridged Dictionary" all have the same features. And, now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure the hypothetical monkies pounding on hypothetical typewriters could produce the same hypothetical "code" in their hypothetical work. I call it the Monkey Code. (What else??)
Look, Armenia, I'm sure you're a fine country. And I have no problem with you in general. You're frankly, too small to worry about. (Though, there is that cute and adorable guy I mentioned.) You have not cured 130 people of AIDS. There is a whole slough of tests to be done before you should ethically start injecting things into people. A mysterious "group member" can't simply wake up one day and decide that the tests are taking too long and inject himself. Yeah, that worked for impotence in one story I heard. But impotence isn't HIV infection. Your "Dark brown liquid" might be a promissing development but go through the proper channels of testing before you go claiming to have found a cure.
And, if it's really a cure for HIV and/or AIDS, don't fucking keep it a "State Secret"! That only makes it look like you're in it for the money.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Yep. Plain ol' oxygen. O. Atomic number 8. The third most abundundant element in our Sun. The O part of H2O. Nine tenths of water. Two thirds of our bodies themselves. That thing that keeps us all alive.
But breathing oxygen simply isn't good enough to cure AIDS. (Or any of the other ailments the makers today's specific product claim to be able to cure for that matter.) You've gotta use stabilized oxygen. (Stabilized from doing what, I don't know.) In other words, Aerobic 07.
Ignoring all logic, physical properties, and physics of oxygen, Aerobic 07, made by Aerobic Life Industries, comes in a liquid form and is stored at room temperature. Nevermind that oxygen becomes gaseous at 90º. Oh, that's in Kelvin. That's cold. Really fucking cold. About -297º Fahrenheit or -183ºC.
How the fuck do these guys keep oxygen in liquid form at room temperature!?!? Oh, they claim it's buffered "so that the product can be bottled without the oxygen being released before it is needed". And what are these buffering agents? They don't say but my guess is two molecules of hydrogen. Regardless, how the hell do the buffering agents (whatever they are) know when the oxygen is fuckin' needed!? Is it on their agenda? Do they keep a calendar!? Do they have a F*CKING PALM PILOT!?!?
<phew!> Ok... Calming down..... (I like my Palm Zire 72. Not trying to say anything bad about Palm's Products.) Deep breaths..... In..... Out.... (Oh, look! Oxygen!!)
Aerobic Life Industries puts up the claim that our atmosphere used to be about 40% oxygen and is now only 20% oxygen. (I, for one, would like to know where the oxygen went.) They fail to mention how long ago the atmosphere was 40% oxygen. From what I've been able to cull from the internet, it would have been when insects were the size of a house cat. That's a long fuckin' time ago. When humans, such as we are, didn't f*cking exist. How can they sleep at night making such a patently deceiving statement? (Oh, on their fat, money-filled pillows.)
A company selling this crap is B&A Products. On their web site at they show some information on this cloudy-water making "dietary supplement". Specifically, that Bullshit 07 "is effective against salmonella, cholera, E.coli, streptococcus and even against giardia lamblia." They go on to say that it "Kills harmful bacteria in water storage treatment using 6 drops per gallon."
Sounds well and good, doesn't it? Oh, but wait! Read a little further and you see, "This product not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease." WHAT!? They just said it was effective against E.coli! What the HELL does "effective against E.Coli" mean if it doesn't prevent E.coli from infecting someone!??!? And Streptococcus?? Same thing! These f*ckers are trying to have it both ways like a bisexual kangaroo and you just can't.
Oxygen is essential for our life as we know it. Without oxygen, we would die. Nothing can change that. But adding a droplet or 20 of SuckerRobic 07 (which could be nothing more than water itself) into a glass of water and then drinking it isn't going do anything except empty your wallet and stuff the cash right into Aerobic Life's bed pillows.
(While I forget the exact way I was made aware of OnlyWater 07; it was mentioned in the HIV/AIDS chat room on Yahoo! by somebody. I just forget who that somebody was.)
But breathing oxygen simply isn't good enough to cure AIDS. (Or any of the other ailments the makers today's specific product claim to be able to cure for that matter.) You've gotta use stabilized oxygen. (Stabilized from doing what, I don't know.) In other words, Aerobic 07.
Ignoring all logic, physical properties, and physics of oxygen, Aerobic 07, made by Aerobic Life Industries, comes in a liquid form and is stored at room temperature. Nevermind that oxygen becomes gaseous at 90º. Oh, that's in Kelvin. That's cold. Really fucking cold. About -297º Fahrenheit or -183ºC.
How the fuck do these guys keep oxygen in liquid form at room temperature!?!? Oh, they claim it's buffered "so that the product can be bottled without the oxygen being released before it is needed". And what are these buffering agents? They don't say but my guess is two molecules of hydrogen. Regardless, how the hell do the buffering agents (whatever they are) know when the oxygen is fuckin' needed!? Is it on their agenda? Do they keep a calendar!? Do they have a F*CKING PALM PILOT!?!?
<phew!> Ok... Calming down..... (I like my Palm Zire 72. Not trying to say anything bad about Palm's Products.) Deep breaths..... In..... Out.... (Oh, look! Oxygen!!)
Aerobic Life Industries puts up the claim that our atmosphere used to be about 40% oxygen and is now only 20% oxygen. (I, for one, would like to know where the oxygen went.) They fail to mention how long ago the atmosphere was 40% oxygen. From what I've been able to cull from the internet, it would have been when insects were the size of a house cat. That's a long fuckin' time ago. When humans, such as we are, didn't f*cking exist. How can they sleep at night making such a patently deceiving statement? (Oh, on their fat, money-filled pillows.)
A company selling this crap is B&A Products. On their web site at they show some information on this cloudy-water making "dietary supplement". Specifically, that Bullshit 07 "is effective against salmonella, cholera, E.coli, streptococcus and even against giardia lamblia." They go on to say that it "Kills harmful bacteria in water storage treatment using 6 drops per gallon."
Sounds well and good, doesn't it? Oh, but wait! Read a little further and you see, "This product not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease." WHAT!? They just said it was effective against E.coli! What the HELL does "effective against E.Coli" mean if it doesn't prevent E.coli from infecting someone!??!? And Streptococcus?? Same thing! These f*ckers are trying to have it both ways like a bisexual kangaroo and you just can't.
Oxygen is essential for our life as we know it. Without oxygen, we would die. Nothing can change that. But adding a droplet or 20 of SuckerRobic 07 (which could be nothing more than water itself) into a glass of water and then drinking it isn't going do anything except empty your wallet and stuff the cash right into Aerobic Life's bed pillows.
(While I forget the exact way I was made aware of OnlyWater 07; it was mentioned in the HIV/AIDS chat room on Yahoo! by somebody. I just forget who that somebody was.)
Monday, July 11, 2005
A Fabulous Three Month Vacation to India!!
Yes, you can take a fabulous three month vacation to stunning, beautiful India! You will depart from your local airport and fly on any airline of your choosing to lush and breath-taking India. While in India, you have your choice of accomodations from the highest quality Four-Star hotel and resorts all the way down to the Native Experience™.
In The Native Experience™ you will experience daily life for three months as an Indian street urchin; living among the sacred rats and sleeping in gutters. Be sure to not miss the daily Panhandling Tourist Parade™--not only is it a sight to behold it's also your only source of additional funds while on The Native Experience™.
Regardless of your choice of accomodations you will daily visit Dr. Sadiq's clinic--designed by native Indians--for a daily dose of herbs. The exact nature of these herbs is very, very, very, very secret. Dr. Sadiq has spent five whole years developing this treatment. This herbal tradomedical treatment course is 100% effective for all clien... er, patients and will work for you regardless of how high your Viral Load is and how low your CD4+ counts are! And all within three months!
The cost of all this treatment is only about $2,000 a month! Also, in preparing to make this commitment to your future cure, you may ask for proof that this cure for AIDS actually works and Dr. Sadiq will give it to you but you must keep it strictly, very, utterly, completely, really, absolutely, sublimely, perfectly, unequivocably, undeniably confidential. Not that he doesn't trust you, nor that it doesn't work, but only because his 100% effective cure isn't yet on the market and, as Dr. Sadiq says, "there are so many criticisms as you know".
Ok, enough with the travelouge. Of course there are criticisms! There is no cure for AIDS, you twit! This Dr. Sadiq, going under the Yahoo!Messenger name of "MrWorldBank", is a complete bullshitter. He has no cure and, when asked if he has "unbiased, outside confirmation that your treatment is 100% effective?" He replied, "No". The first and only honest thing he said in the entire conversation with him. If Dr. Sadiq, if that's his real name, really had found a 100% effective cure for AIDS and/or HIV infection he should have had his results published in the standard peer-reviewed medical journal.
This nutjob also had the gall to infer that his treatment was based on Biblical scripture; "in the bible, alot [sic] was said about traditional medicine [sic] so i am very cnfident [sic] in my combination". His "combination"!? All he's done is made a f*cking McCormick-like spice blend and selling it for $6,000 to anybody who is desperate enough to shell it out.
At the time of the messages I received from Dr. Fuqwaad Sadiq, he said he had 325 people currently being "treated" at his clinic. After a quick trip to the calculator, that's $650,000 a month this asshole is bilking from these people. $650,000 a MONTH. $7.8 Million dollars a year. God! That PISSES ME OFF!
Now, to be fair this scumbag "doctor" did say he might give a person two months of treatment free. Even if he gives all his clients, patients, desparate suckers that two months free, that's still $1,690,000 a year. And the odds of all the people being treated, suckered, bilked free for two months are.... Infinity to one against.
(Yearly and monthly total cash assumes an average of 325 people being "treated" each and every month.)
And, naturally, that $6,000 for the three months of treatment is paid directly to Dr. Sadiq and doesn't include the cost of getting to India, nor the cost of staying in India, nor even the cost of eating in India.
Which brings me to the final point I wanted to make. According to this Muther F*cker, apparently only rich people can be cured of AIDS. He must have gotten his Medical Degree from a Fruity-Oh's box.
In The Native Experience™ you will experience daily life for three months as an Indian street urchin; living among the sacred rats and sleeping in gutters. Be sure to not miss the daily Panhandling Tourist Parade™--not only is it a sight to behold it's also your only source of additional funds while on The Native Experience™.
Regardless of your choice of accomodations you will daily visit Dr. Sadiq's clinic--designed by native Indians--for a daily dose of herbs. The exact nature of these herbs is very, very, very, very secret. Dr. Sadiq has spent five whole years developing this treatment. This herbal tradomedical treatment course is 100% effective for all clien... er, patients and will work for you regardless of how high your Viral Load is and how low your CD4+ counts are! And all within three months!
The cost of all this treatment is only about $2,000 a month! Also, in preparing to make this commitment to your future cure, you may ask for proof that this cure for AIDS actually works and Dr. Sadiq will give it to you but you must keep it strictly, very, utterly, completely, really, absolutely, sublimely, perfectly, unequivocably, undeniably confidential. Not that he doesn't trust you, nor that it doesn't work, but only because his 100% effective cure isn't yet on the market and, as Dr. Sadiq says, "there are so many criticisms as you know".
Ok, enough with the travelouge. Of course there are criticisms! There is no cure for AIDS, you twit! This Dr. Sadiq, going under the Yahoo!Messenger name of "MrWorldBank", is a complete bullshitter. He has no cure and, when asked if he has "unbiased, outside confirmation that your treatment is 100% effective?" He replied, "No". The first and only honest thing he said in the entire conversation with him. If Dr. Sadiq, if that's his real name, really had found a 100% effective cure for AIDS and/or HIV infection he should have had his results published in the standard peer-reviewed medical journal.
This nutjob also had the gall to infer that his treatment was based on Biblical scripture; "in the bible, alot [sic] was said about traditional medicine [sic] so i am very cnfident [sic] in my combination". His "combination"!? All he's done is made a f*cking McCormick-like spice blend and selling it for $6,000 to anybody who is desperate enough to shell it out.
At the time of the messages I received from Dr. Fuqwaad Sadiq, he said he had 325 people currently being "treated" at his clinic. After a quick trip to the calculator, that's $650,000 a month this asshole is bilking from these people. $650,000 a MONTH. $7.8 Million dollars a year. God! That PISSES ME OFF!
Now, to be fair this scumbag "doctor" did say he might give a person two months of treatment free. Even if he gives all his clients, patients, desparate suckers that two months free, that's still $1,690,000 a year. And the odds of all the people being treated, suckered, bilked free for two months are.... Infinity to one against.
(Yearly and monthly total cash assumes an average of 325 people being "treated" each and every month.)
And, naturally, that $6,000 for the three months of treatment is paid directly to Dr. Sadiq and doesn't include the cost of getting to India, nor the cost of staying in India, nor even the cost of eating in India.
Which brings me to the final point I wanted to make. According to this Muther F*cker, apparently only rich people can be cured of AIDS. He must have gotten his Medical Degree from a Fruity-Oh's box.
Sunday, July 10, 2005
The ParaZapper™

Ya know, I'm not a doctor like Dr. Hulda Clark here but I can't see how any doctor would think that HIV or AIDS might be caused by parasites. (Yeah, I know, a virus is a type of parasite.) But that nut-ball theory is exactly what's suggested on Dr. Clark's web site. (On another web site, a Dr. Clark claims no affiliation with that site. But who knows who the hell to believe??) And--surprise of surprises!--wonder of wonders!!--Dr. Clark has invented just the device to help kill those evil non-existant parasites causing one's HIV infection--The ParaZapper™!!!
Doctors are supposed to heal; that's theoretically why they chose that profession. But Dr. Clark professes to know a cure for HIV and AIDS which doesn't exist. She, too, is preying on people who are desperate for an answer--a cure--where there is none. She should be ashamed of herself.
(The Zapper was mentioned in passing in the HIV/AIDS:1 chat room on Yahoo! by a member who has 70 CD4+ cells and a viral load of 80,000. He wasn't taking meds because he didn't want to possibly develop resistance since he may be leaving the US to live in Africa and didn't want to start taking meds in the US and then discover those meds weren't available in Africa. (I asked, "Which is worse? The possibility of resistance or death?") He wanted to know if The Zapper was any good. He was told that The Zapper was Bullshit. And it is.)
CORRECTION (8/1/05): ParaZapper™ is a trademark of Para Systems and Devices, LLC. I regret the error but the ParaZapper™ is still bullshit. Para Systems claims no affiliation with even though their sites are essentially identical.
There have been Updates to this post! |
(Dr. Clark's unattractive picture taken from
Saturday, July 09, 2005
Virgin Coconut Oil
Today's cure comes from the Phillipines and a member whose handle is "ladykarla001" (a.k.a. "Karla"), a "bank manager". Although she never could answer which radio station it was on, she also said that she has a "daily radio program." (Hmmm... A bank manager that has time for a daily radio program...)
She claims that a Dr. Fife in the Phillipines has discovered remarkable AIDS-curing properties of virgin Coconut Oil. And, of course, these findings were published in a Phillipine Newspaper. When asked the name of the newspaper, Karla couldn't remember nor did she have clippings. Karla also avoided questions such as, "Does Dr. Fife have independantly verified proof?", and other questions relating to information which would allow me to verify her statements.
I also asked, "Don't you think that if a cure for AIDS had actually been found it would have been published in a peer-reviewed medical journal rather than a Phillipine newspaper?"
Of course, she didn't reply.
She went on to say that she was just offering the information for this fake cure "especially that its incurable". And then I hand Karla a dictionary with the entry for "incurable" highlighted...
She claims that a Dr. Fife in the Phillipines has discovered remarkable AIDS-curing properties of virgin Coconut Oil. And, of course, these findings were published in a Phillipine Newspaper. When asked the name of the newspaper, Karla couldn't remember nor did she have clippings. Karla also avoided questions such as, "Does Dr. Fife have independantly verified proof?", and other questions relating to information which would allow me to verify her statements.
I also asked, "Don't you think that if a cure for AIDS had actually been found it would have been published in a peer-reviewed medical journal rather than a Phillipine newspaper?"
Of course, she didn't reply.
She went on to say that she was just offering the information for this fake cure "especially that its incurable". And then I hand Karla a dictionary with the entry for "incurable" highlighted...
Friday, July 08, 2005
Welcome to AIDS Cure of the Day™!
First and foremost: There is no known cure for AIDS.
For some time now, I've been amazed and shocked at all the absurd claims that people make regarding their cure for AIDS. And, what I have been unable to understand is why there are so many different and, in some cases, mutually exclusive so-called "cures." Meanwhile, the only singular voice says that there is no known cure for AIDS.
This blog aims to poke holes in, make fun of, ridicule, deride, mock, expose, and generally make fools of people who think they have found a cure for AIDS. These swindlers, scam artists, and predatorial and delusional assholes are actively making the AIDS and HIV epidemics worse; not better.
In some cases, the "healers" don't charge a penny. In others, they charge such exhorbitant fees that only the wealthy can afford it. In any case, they say they have something they don't.
I have an ever-increasing battery of "cures" to ridicule so sit down, come back once a day, and read about the latest "AIDS Cure of the Day™"!
First and foremost: There is no known cure for AIDS.
For some time now, I've been amazed and shocked at all the absurd claims that people make regarding their cure for AIDS. And, what I have been unable to understand is why there are so many different and, in some cases, mutually exclusive so-called "cures." Meanwhile, the only singular voice says that there is no known cure for AIDS.
This blog aims to poke holes in, make fun of, ridicule, deride, mock, expose, and generally make fools of people who think they have found a cure for AIDS. These swindlers, scam artists, and predatorial and delusional assholes are actively making the AIDS and HIV epidemics worse; not better.
In some cases, the "healers" don't charge a penny. In others, they charge such exhorbitant fees that only the wealthy can afford it. In any case, they say they have something they don't.
I have an ever-increasing battery of "cures" to ridicule so sit down, come back once a day, and read about the latest "AIDS Cure of the Day™"!
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